Sunday, February 28, 2010
Miles for February

February: 116.7
January: 132.5
Total miles for 2010: 249.2
Miles needed to reach goal of 1,400 miles: 1250.8
Multi-Taskin' Mama

Yesterday, I decided to go to the YMCA for my Saturday six miler. I felt absolutely great three miles in and decided to up it to seven, so that I would get at least 30 miles in for the week. Those treadmills are just awesome. I don't understand how I can run 7.5-8.5 MPH for the last three miles and it feels like nothing??? I feel like I'm dragging at my 6.6 MPH average on our treadmill at home (we purchased it circa 2000, and have 1,000's of miles on it, so I'm sure that has something to do with it!!). I was thinking about the week ahead and remembered that Little Diva had piano lessons at Grandma's on Sunday afternoon and the other local YMCA is located just down the street (though I've never visited it). So on a whim, I decided to up my Saturday run to eight miles (I was feeling good!) and swap my six miler to Sunday. I got eight miles in at the YMCA at about 69 minutes!! I am looking forward to heading to the other YMCA for an hour to get six miles in today while Little Diva is practicing piano with my mother-in-law. And, the best thing is that I don't have to feel guilty because, no one will miss me for that hour. I still feel the mama guilt, at times. Multi-Tasking is great!!!

The kids and I had a great time on Friday when Little Diva was off of school and visited Legacy Academy, and splurged at QDoba and Cold Stone Creamery for lunch -- It's always nice when the kids cooperate and have smiles on their faces the entire time! Little Diva is off of school again tomorrow, yipee! I am planning on getting in six miles in the morning while the three of us watch Disney Channel cartoons after breakfast. Then, hubby and I are off to parent/teacher conferences in the afternoon and then on to a date to Milwaukee to see John Mayer in concert (for the third time). Then two days of work and we're off on our plane to Orlando -- yipee!!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Does your spouse join you on your journey??
If you missed my Decade in Review post earlier this year, check it out.
I was looking through old pictures on our computer and realized how much different our lives are now from before we had kids (obviously, right?!). But, we didn't do an ounce of exercise .... at all. I was a big scrapbooker and he was a "computer geek" and we had separate offices in our condo and each had our own computer and desks and would spend our evenings sitting there (in separate rooms0 doing computer work, surfing the internet and craft projects ... separately. My mom use to tell me, "It's such a nice day, why don't you get outside". And I use to think she was so lame about it.
But now, I look back and think about all the time I wasted just sitting there doing nothing essentially. Now we have two beautiful kids (that are a complete handful, but fun!) and we are so active now and are able to somehow fit it all in. It still continues to amaze me.
I wish I could have some of that time back now.
I wish I could have some of that time back now.
As I've mentioned before, running has given us a common interest and some common goals ... and something to talk about. Maybe that's why this is the first 'workout routine' that I've ever stuck to, because we are in this together. Not to say, we don't have tiffs about who is working out when sometimes!! We MAKE TIME for our workouts and our races and incorporate the entire family in our new lifestyle ... THAT I LOVE!!!
Hubby may kill me for posting these, but it's amazing to see how our transformations have taken place. He even became an Ironman last year!!!



So, I ask you .... when did your running journey begin? Did you do it to lose weight? Baby weight? Did you set a goal to run a 5K ... or even a marathon? Does your spouse support you on your journey ... are they as crazy as you are about running?? I would love to hear from you.
Pretty Princess Project -- Weigh-In #9

I'm still in reach of my goal of reaching 143 lbs by the Walt Disney World Princess Half Marathon on March 7. We leave for WDW in six short days. If I behave this week, I may still get close to my goal and lose some of this bloating (that's what I get for eating so much dietary fiber!!). Today was weigh in #9 of my Pretty Princess Project. I gained 1 lb again this week. I'm doing well at maintaining under 150 lbs at least, which is where I've been for the past two years, approximately.
I feel good and I feel a bit lighter on the treadmill. Clothes are fitting so much better. I went to JC Penney last week with Little Dude (had a $10 coupon!) and purchased a pair of capris and trendy blue jeans from the juniors department (I refuse to shop in the frumpy clothing section, even though I'm approaching 30 this summer!!). I tried on a size 8 in five different styles and had to go get a size 6 in everything!!! I was ecstatic. I haven't felt comfortable in a size 6 since I lost close to 50 lbs after Little Diva was born 6 years ago (when I was 143 lbs). I felt great walking out of that dressing room! And, Little Dude fell asleep in the car and I was able to transport him to the stroller ... asleep ... and I was able to try clothes on while he napped for an hour. That NEVER happens and was pure bliss.
We're cleaning out the pantry and refrigerator this week, in anticipation for our WDW vacation. This leaves us with crap essentially. I'm running to the store today to get some fruits and veggies so that we can at least have some well-rounded meals for the next six days. I'm thinking BIG SALADS for tonight.
Here are the stats ...
January 1: 158.0 lbs
January 8: 153.0 lbs
January 15: 151.0 lbs
January 22: 150.5 lbs
January 29: 148.0 lbs
February 5: 147.5 lbs
February 12: 148.5 lbs
February 19: 147.0 lbs
January 1: 158.0 lbs
January 8: 153.0 lbs
January 15: 151.0 lbs
January 22: 150.5 lbs
January 29: 148.0 lbs
February 5: 147.5 lbs
February 12: 148.5 lbs
February 19: 147.0 lbs
February 26: 148.0 lbs
Total Lost: 10.0 lbs
Goal Weight on March 7: 143 lbs
Normal Weight: 148 lbs
Lowest WW Weight: 143 lbs (January 2005)
Proud accomplishments this week:
- Ran nine miles on the treadmill on Sunday
Total Lost: 10.0 lbs
Goal Weight on March 7: 143 lbs
Normal Weight: 148 lbs
Lowest WW Weight: 143 lbs (January 2005)
Proud accomplishments this week:
- Ran nine miles on the treadmill on Sunday
- Yep, that's about it! NOT proud of eating half of the tube of cookie dough with Little Dude the other day!! Then, consuming the cookies!! I guess I should be proud for only gaining one pound!!
What's on tap this week:
Friday - 6 miles
Saturday - 6 miles
Sunday - 8 miles
Monday - 6 miles
Tuesday - 3.1 miles
Wednesday - 3.1 miles
Thursday - rest day/leave town
Friday - 3 miles at resort/Expo at Wild World of Sports Complex
Saturday - rest day/Little Divas race at WDW
Sunday - Disney Princess Half Marathon -- yeah!!
We have a WINNER ... Is the Cookie Cutter Yours!?
WOW! You people amaze me with your enthusiasm for running ... and giveaways! I had 76 entries for this cute running shoe cookie cutter! Little Diva drew #31 this morning.
Stephanie at Girls Just Wanna Go Run has won the running shoe cookie cutter! Email me with your mailing address and I'll get it out to you right away, Stephanie!!
Check back soon for my awesome giveaways mid-March! I have a lot of awesome multi-sport companies lined up to let you try out their stuff. Remember, you have to be a follower to be eligible.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Princess Meet Up & Other Ramblings
110 Followers?!?!? When the heck did that happen? Thank you ... every single one of you for following my ramblings on running and being a mommy. And, you are all going crazy over that cookie cutter giveaway!!! Winner will be announced on Friday!!
Walt Disney World emailed out the program information for the Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend, and boy, is there a lot of information to take in! Buses will leave select resorts only from 3:00-4:00 AM (that's 2:00-3:00 AM Wisconsin time, people!!!!). Runners need to be in their corrals by 5:30 AM and it is a 20 minute walk to the start line. Are we nuts?!?! Yes ... We are runners.
For those of you meeting up with me that morning ... we had discussed meeting up at 5:00 AM, but I'm thinking that will be cutting it close (with photos and those last minute potty breaks!!). I'm planning to meet you all at the meeting point at 4:45 AM. I will send out an email this weekend with the meet up information, everyone's names, blogs and running attire!!
I look forward to receiving some major BLING at this event, that looks something similiar to this:
One of my most anticipated moments is running through Cinderella's Castle and running down Main Street at Magic Kingdom. I found this photo online and am already envisioning my experience. Little Diva (6 yrs) has already warned me, "You know mommy, you're going to cry tears!". She knows me all too well!
Walt Disney World emailed out the program information for the Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend, and boy, is there a lot of information to take in! Buses will leave select resorts only from 3:00-4:00 AM (that's 2:00-3:00 AM Wisconsin time, people!!!!). Runners need to be in their corrals by 5:30 AM and it is a 20 minute walk to the start line. Are we nuts?!?! Yes ... We are runners.
For those of you meeting up with me that morning ... we had discussed meeting up at 5:00 AM, but I'm thinking that will be cutting it close (with photos and those last minute potty breaks!!). I'm planning to meet you all at the meeting point at 4:45 AM. I will send out an email this weekend with the meet up information, everyone's names, blogs and running attire!!
I look forward to receiving some major BLING at this event, that looks something similiar to this:

I'm told that our sweaty faces even get sprinkled with pixie dust after we cross the finish line!! Check other cool photos and documentation here.
The weather hasn't been great in Florida lately. The current conditions may be ideal for running at the race, but I want to get a tan, people!!! Please warm up ... pretty please!!
I've been so proud of my hubby lately. He's really tried to eat less processed foods lately and consume more fruits, vegetables and natural foods. I have bit a bit of an enabler lately, by baking those adorable cookies and bringing in some treats for the kids. He's been strong though and has been doing great. I know he will get down to his ideal weight before triathlon season begins. You can check out his journey as (former) clydesdale triathlete.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Disney Running Princess Cookies & **GIVEAWAY**
Today, Little Dude and I made some fantabulously-magical cookies. I made the mistake of scrubbing my floors this morning, before we decided to bake. BIG mistake!! Oh well!
I purchased a cute running shoe cookie cutter off of eBay earlier this winter and had a cute Mickey Mouse cookie cutter in the pantry from Walt Disney World from a couple of years back. I decided to have some fun with it this morning.
We got to baking and I sadly indulged in too much sugar cookie dough (ugh!) but it was so yummy and I got some miles in this morning with the little guy. So, I'm trying not to feel too bad. I had intended on having these wrapped up in our carry on bag for the plane, but I don't think they're going to last through the next week. They probably wouldn't have physically lasted (as my husband reminds me!) in transport anyhow!!
I had fun with girly colored frosting and sprinkles. I didn't have any gel or tubes of frosting on hand (I am NOT a baker!) so I played around with some flower sprinkles and elongated ones as well to make shoe laces and spell out "13.1" for my half marathon. My favorite is in the first photo, where I placed a barbie tiara (not edible!!) on one of the Mickey heads. Paige has about 50+ (literally!) Barbies and will not miss this, until I place it back in her bin!!!
When I purchased the running shoe cookie cutter, I ended up purchasing two (one for me and one for YOU!), since they were such a steal on eBay. ENTER TO WIN this cute running shoe cookie cutter. It can be used for cookies, pancakes, Jello ... you name it!
1- You MUST be a FOLLOWER. Leave me a comment.
2 - Who is your favorite Disney Princess?? Leave me a comment.
3- What will you make with this fabulous cookie cutter and who will you share it with?? Leave me a comment.
4 - Post a comment about the giveaway on your blog. Leave me a comment.
Enter now through Thursday, February 25. My Little Diva will draw a random number out of a bowl on Friday morning.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Nine Miles at 9AM

I literally Caught up with the Kardashians today on my treadmill run. I was almost about to watch three full episodes of reality show chaos and drama. I don't usually watch the show, but it really was quite entertaining during my run this morning.
Since my race is two weeks away, I wasn't sure how short or how far I should run? I was thinking eight miles, but hubby encouraged me to do nine this Sunday and 8 next Sunday. So, that's what I did. 1:20:00 went by rather quickly while the tv. I was only interrupted once by the children, since hubby was watching them upstairs.
Since my race is two weeks away, I wasn't sure how short or how far I should run? I was thinking eight miles, but hubby encouraged me to do nine this Sunday and 8 next Sunday. So, that's what I did. 1:20:00 went by rather quickly while the tv. I was only interrupted once by the children, since hubby was watching them upstairs.
I was able to try the melon flavored HEED. It was lightly flavored and yummy. I did find out later that there are 100 calories in a serving. I really need to get over that. It still seems to bother me that I consume drinkable calories during my runs. (I've finally ok with consuming Sports Beans and Gu for energy, but drinking calories is still a problem with me) I do prefer to drink G2 (low calorie Gaterade), but am realizing that there is much better stuff out there for some runners that people rave about. Nothing has really made me go "WOW" yet. But, nothing has turned me off of it either. The HEED definitely worked well this morning and I look forward to trying the other flavors I got from the giveaway.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Disney and Running Finds @ Thrift Store
I forgot to share the cute ... and appropriate ... Valentine's Day card the I got from my hubby this year! Our trip ... and my race ... are right around the corner!!
I took Little Dude to the thrift store the yesterday. When I have cooperating children with me, it sure is fun to dig and look for (affordable!) treasures! I ended up coming out with two huge bags of things (a lot still new with tags!!) for only $23.00!! My favorite items that I wanted to share were this cute mug that says "I went the extra mile" (only 49 cents!) ...

... and two awesome women's hats from Walt Disney World that I will be sporting on our trip (only $2.99 each). I had seen these blingy caps (lots or sequins and rhinestones) at Disney World the last three times we've been there and never splurged on them for the $20+ they were charging. Afterall, it's not like I'm probably going to wear it back at home! So, I was thrilled to find these.
... and two awesome women's hats from Walt Disney World that I will be sporting on our trip (only $2.99 each). I had seen these blingy caps (lots or sequins and rhinestones) at Disney World the last three times we've been there and never splurged on them for the $20+ they were charging. Afterall, it's not like I'm probably going to wear it back at home! So, I was thrilled to find these.
I won Suzy's giveaway recently and was so excited to get my HEED in the mail yesterday! I can't wait to try all of the yummy flavors. Thanks, Suzy!!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Running Laundry

I giggled this morning when he didn't just say "mommy's shorts", but "mommys running shorts" (of course mine are the pink and girly ones vs daddy's!!). My favorite is that my two year old is smart enough to say "mommy's Bondi Band"!!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Pretty Princess Project -- Weigh-In #8

I'm still in reach of my goal of reaching 143 lbs by the Walt Disney World Princess Half Marathon on March 7. Today was weigh in #8 of my Pretty Princess Project. I lost 1.5 lbs this week and feel awesome! I woke up this morning and actually felt lighter. Only 13 days until we depart on our plane to Orlando!! I have four lbs to go. I really hope I can get to my goal by the time we leave. I'm not counting WW points right now, but for the past ten+ years I have looked at every regular/daily food I eat and take a mental note of it's POINTS value. I know that I've been consuming around 25-30 POINTS/day and earning 5-15+ activity POINTS daily.
As I mentioned earlier in the week, I was able to get a half marathon on the YMCA treadmill on Sunday. We splurged on a Chinese dinner and appetizers on our date Saturday night for Valentine's day. So, I'm hoping that I burned off those extra calories. I didn't even have a drink on Saturday or Sunday to celebrate Love Day. We went to the movie theater on Saturday and I brought a Kashi Bar that was loaded with protein and dietary fiber. They are super filling and really satisfy my sweet tooth. So, that was healthier (and cheaper!) than splurging on something at the snack counter.
I have really doing well not snacking at night and trying to read my body and really trying to eat when I'm actually hungry. I've tried slipping myself a lot of sugar-free gum during the day -- especially at work -- when I think I need to grab a snack. But, I think all I really want to do is chew on something.
January 1: 158.0 lbs
January 8: 153.0 lbs
January 15: 151.0 lbs
January 22: 150.5 lbs
January 29: 148.0 lbs
January 29: 148.0 lbs
February 5: 147.5 lbs
February 12: 148.5 lbs
February 19: 147.0 lbs
February 19: 147.0 lbs
Total Lost: 11.0 lbs
Goal Weight on March 7: 143 lbs
Normal Weight: 148 lbs
Lowest WW Weight: 143 lbs (January 2005)
Proud accomplishments this week:
- I ran outside for the first time on Thursday ... since mid-November!!! I decided to fit in a run while my daughter was at her 45 min hip-hop class. I was able to get in about 4 mi before I had to pick her up -- yeah!
- Stayed away from night-time snacking for the most part.
- I have been loading up on my favorite new small meal/snack twice a day. 1 c blueberries, 1 c fat-free yogurt, 1/3 c bare naked granola ... mmmmmm. The kids have been eating so many blueberries and we've been finding them for $2.50 a pint at Super Walmart. I bought six pints on Sunday and they are already gone by Friday morning!!!
- I ran outside for the first time on Thursday ... since mid-November!!! I decided to fit in a run while my daughter was at her 45 min hip-hop class. I was able to get in about 4 mi before I had to pick her up -- yeah!
- Stayed away from night-time snacking for the most part.
- I have been loading up on my favorite new small meal/snack twice a day. 1 c blueberries, 1 c fat-free yogurt, 1/3 c bare naked granola ... mmmmmm. The kids have been eating so many blueberries and we've been finding them for $2.50 a pint at Super Walmart. I bought six pints on Sunday and they are already gone by Friday morning!!!
Pass Along Some Sunshine ....

Now, I need to tag some friends that bring a little sunshine to my bloggy-world and let them know with a comment on their blog. These bloggers brighten my day. Check them out!!
Nicole, who I can't wait to meet in a two short weeks at WDW!!
*Bitch Cakes*, who's a WW'er gal that reminds me to count POINTS and always has great style
Catra at Dirt Diva, who is always on a (looong) adventure and I'm always impressed by her style and motivational posts
Sara at Running into the Sun, who's blog I've been following the longest (over two years!)
Chelsea, another Madison-area runner that can relate to looong winters
Rio, a blogger that I can relate to, mommy, middle-of-the-packer, that just wants to make some time for herself
Sunday, February 14, 2010
I *heart* 13.1 ... My Valentine's Day Half Marathon

Well, I wanted to run 10-12 miles today as my last long run for my half marathon in three weeks. I wanted to really push myself, since the kids usually think it's a big party in the basement while I'm running and I tend to have a lot of company and take a lot of snack breaks for the kids. I told hubby that I wanted to use our YMCA membership (for something other than the kids' swimming lessons!) and get my long run in at the Y on Sunday (Valentine's Day) morning.
So, the kiddos woke us up before 7AM, came in our bed looking for their gifts. We exchanged gifts and cards and had pink heart-shaped pancakes. At 9:00, I headed out the door. The YMCA opened at 9:00 and there weren't too many people there 15 mins after they opened. I got one of the "prime" treadmills that overlooks the gym and there was an older couple practicing ballroom dancing. Five miles passed quickly while watching them ... quite entertaining. I don't run with headphones, because I get so darn sweaty and they fall out of my ears. At home, I crank up the tv, but you need headphones at the Y to hear what's on the flat screen tvs. So, I just people watch and write to-do lists in my head, to let the miles pass. At mile five, I stopped the treadmill, because the gym was getting busy and people were waiting for my machine (I was obviously over my 30 min max). The machines also automatically shut off after an hour, so I thought I should while I knew exactly how many miles I had in.
So I stopped and moved across the gym to a different machine. Less people-watching and even though it said it was at zero-incline, it felt like I was constantly running up hill. The treadmills around me kept freeing up and people hopped on, so I didn't feel too pressured to jump off. I ended up getting in 6.6 miles in the hour on treadmill #2, before it automatically stopped. I felt great and realized I had 11.6 miles in and was at 6.6 (my usual comfortable pace) MPH the entire time. I realized that if I only put in 1.5 more miles that I would have a full half marathon (13.1 miles) in. Go! I cranked it up to 7.0 MPH for a mile and the 8.0 MPH for the last .5 mile. I felt phenomenal when I hit the stop button. I just ran a whole half marathon on the treadmill and I could've gone quite a bit further. I love workouts like that, that don't seem so difficult. It was a nice break from the dreadmill in our basement and felt more "social" even though I didn't say a word to anyone.
I downed a bottle of water, a bottled of G2 Gaterade and a pack of Clif Shot Blocks during my entire time at the YMCA and felt great on my 1/4 mile cool-down walk.
The half marathon is my absolute favorite distance. And, I really didn't mind doing it on the treadmill this morning. Crazy.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Pretty Princess Project -- Weigh-In #7

I'm still in reach of my goal of reaching 143 lbs by the Walt Disney World Princess Half Marathon on March 7. Today was weigh in #7 of my Pretty Princess Project.
I did gain a pound this week, but thought the damage may be worse. I did splurge a bit this week, including downing an entire bag (I believe 22 servings?!) of Indulgent Trail Mix from Walmart in four days. Yes, that is really what it is called -- typical trail mix + peanut butter chips, white chocolate chips and milk chocolate chips. Oh well. I STILL AM GOING TO GET THERE! Not too far to go. I just need to FOCUS!!!
January 1: 158.0 lbs
January 8: 153.0 lbs
January 15: 151.0 lbs
January 22: 150.5 lbs
I did gain a pound this week, but thought the damage may be worse. I did splurge a bit this week, including downing an entire bag (I believe 22 servings?!) of Indulgent Trail Mix from Walmart in four days. Yes, that is really what it is called -- typical trail mix + peanut butter chips, white chocolate chips and milk chocolate chips. Oh well. I STILL AM GOING TO GET THERE! Not too far to go. I just need to FOCUS!!!
January 1: 158.0 lbs
January 8: 153.0 lbs
January 15: 151.0 lbs
January 22: 150.5 lbs
January 29: 148.0 lbs
February 5: 147.5 lbs
February 12: 148.5 lbs
February 5: 147.5 lbs
February 12: 148.5 lbs
Total Lost: 9.5 lbs
Goal Weight on March 7: 143 lbs
Normal Weight: 148 lbs
Lowest WW Weight: 143 lbs (January 2005)
Proud accomplishments this week:
Goal Weight on March 7: 143 lbs
Normal Weight: 148 lbs
Lowest WW Weight: 143 lbs (January 2005)
Proud accomplishments this week:
- Worked out at the hotel gym with my mom and skipped the hot continental breakfast and opted for oatmeal, fat free yogurt, fruit and eggs w/ salsa.
100th Post -- Enjoying the Journey -- THANK YOU!

So, my journey has brought me to this 100th post! I simply can't believe what the last year ... and 100 posts ... has brought with it. THANK YOU!!!!
This blog started with me logging my journey last summer, while trying to balance my training for five half marathons while Jason was training for Ironman Wisconsin and juggling our two small children and work. I was getting up at 4:30 for a morning run on the treadmill, before heading off to a 10 1/2 hour day at work three days a week. I was blogging for me, to log my journey. Was anyone out there actually listening to my rambles!?
Fast forward to today and there are people out there that are actually interested in my journey?! I'm following the journey of so many of YOU who are doing the same thing. Balancing life. I love relating to people and their stories. The blog community is so amazing and inspiring. I've found so many tips and ideas out there, from so many of you, as well as some really cool products.
Speaking of cool products ... I've enjoyed "meeting" the owners of so many fabulous running-related companies as well as the authors of so many great running-related books. It's been great to try out their products and share my passion for running with my family and all of you. I look forward to many more opportunities.
I cannot wait to meet a few of you inspiring ladies at the Disney Princess Half Marathon in a few short weeks!! I will be in touch with you via email very shortly, regarding our meet-up plan for race morning.
Oddly enough, my daughter is celebrating her 100th day of school and their celebration is tomorrow.
The big giveaway for this milestone will occur in mid-March. So much fun (and fun stuff!) is in store for you ... and your little ones (love it!!). Remember, you have to be a follower to be eligible. Only 10 more fabulous people ... until I reach my 100th follower!!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Hotel Gym and Shopping Finds
I went with my mom for a girls-only weekend of shopping at my favorite mall in Schaumburg, Illinois (bonus for being able to try clothes on without the kids along!), eating out (which I rarely get to do and if I do it usually involves constant multi-tasking!), and stayed over at my favorite hotel suite. Just me and mom. We've been trying to do this every six months for the past couple of years. I am really glad that we do. 

One of our favorite "traditions" is working out together in the morning before going to breakfast. We had a terrible night's sleep, due to distiburbing occupants above us that partied all night long and eventually were kicked out of the hotel. But, we still got up at 8:00 AM (Yeah, I got to sleep past 7:00, but only got about 4 hrs of sleep!!) and headed to the hotel gym. The equipment was old and the treadmill said I was running at a whopping 10.0, but I believe I was at a comfortable 6.5 MPH and got about 3 miles in while we were there.
I got quite a few new tops (thanks to mom!) and a fun new pair of dress boots. I also picked up a few fun new dishes. A set of four pink flower bowls (purchased with a 1.5 year old gift card at Pier One and the location was going out of business so I got a great deal). The flower bowls are perfect for PORTION-CONTROL! I used it for my morning yogurt and Bare Naked granola mix. It will also be great for keeping track of my ice cream portion! I got the great zebra print plate for $3 at Marshall's as well as the Diva coffee mug for $4. Right now I'm going to catch up on bloggy-land while I sip on my Dunkin Donuts coffee with sugar-free vanilla caramel creamer ... mmmmmmm .....
Friday, February 5, 2010
Pretty Princess Project -- Weigh-In #6

I'm getting even closer to my goal of reaching 143 lbs by the Walt Disney World Princess Half Marathon on March 7. Today was weigh in #6 of my Pretty Princess Project.
I lost another .5 lbs, which is still keeping me headed on my journey. I am actually happy with such a small loss this week. I did get a lot of miles in this past week, but I also consumed more calories!! It's so close ... I can taste it (no pun intended!).
January 1: 158.0 lbs
January 8: 153.0 lbs
January 15: 151.0 lbs
January 22: 150.5 lbs
January 29: 148.0 lbs
February 5: 147.5 lbs
Total Lost: 10.5 lbs
Goal Weight on March 7: 143 lbs
Normal Weight: 148 lbs
Lowest WW Weight: 143 lbs (January 2005)
Total Lost: 10.5 lbs
Goal Weight on March 7: 143 lbs
Normal Weight: 148 lbs
Lowest WW Weight: 143 lbs (January 2005)
Proud accomplishments this week:
- Took the kids to McDonalds for dinner and split a happy meal with Jackson and added a side salad for myself with fat-free dressing.
- Pounded out 12 miles on the TM on Saturday.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
One month to go ... packing my running shoes and my glass slipper!!!

I also cannot wait to run outside!! I've been running on the TM for awhile now and can't wait to go on that journey around WDW and also get a few short runs in around the resort, before we start our day.
If anyone is intersted in meeting up at the Expo on Friday or before/after the race, please let me know. As I recall from Jason's marathon experience at WDW, there is a lot of early-morning waiting around until you walk to your corrals. I'll have the family with me, so everything is so unpredictable. But, let me know if you'll be there.
Also ...... things are coming along VERY well with my two big giveaways related to my 100th post ... and hopefully my 100th follower?!?!?! It's going to take awhile to get everything together and it will most likely be expanded into THREE giveaways!! The giveaways will begin after my journey through the Magic Kingdom ... remember, you need to be a follower of Running Diva Mom to be eligible.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Approaching 100th Post ... HUGE Giveaway!!
Monday, February 1, 2010
2010 Great Lakes Multisport Expo
Yesterday, Jason and I venture to Milwaukee for the 2010 Great Lakes Multisport Expo. We had the Expo on our calendar for the past month or so. I'm a very (like to be) scheduled person and try to schedule at least one date with my hubby each month. So, we arranged for daycare and drove to Milwaukee late morning. We went to the expo, had lunch at our favorite "Milwaukee-area" salad bar, did a little shopping (and purchased little to nothing) and indulged in Cold Stone Creamery ice cream, before picking up the kids at dinner-time.
The event was promoted as a way to cure our January boredom in Wisconsin and to forget about the crummy weather. It was a way to get fired up about the upcoming racing season of 2010. The event featured multisport, running and cycling gear, information and events all weekend long.
There was an individual 20K bike time trial, a 6-hour time trial bike competition and the winter Series 5K championships taking place. You could also swim and give the endless pool a try. We just spectated and walked around all the booths.
We received the free goody bage with our $10/person admission, which mostly included a lot of flyers and advertisements for races. We did pick up some nutrition (below) and a sweat band at some of the few booths the offered free goodies.
A lot of the booths were free opportunities to try out equipment, massage or training programs/coaches. We didn't really find there to be much for those interested in buying gear, clothes, nutrition and the expo lacked giveaways and goodies. We did sign up for a lot of drawings for giftbaskets and gift certificates, but we'll probably just end up on 25 more distribution lists!! :-)
Jason purchased nothing and i purchased this long-sleeve technical shirt from I Run Like a Girl for only $10 (tax included!).
The expo was larger than those at most races we go to, however we think it could have the potential to be much larger ... especially if were placed in Madison at the Alliant Energy Center.
Even though the event didn't quite meet our expectations (even though I'm not exactly sure what our expectations were!!), we were glad we went and paid the $20 to get in. It give us some time together without the kids and let us get away for half of the day and be "us". It also got us geared up for racing season and we had a lot to talk about at lunch afterwards ... racing, my upcoming half at Disney and all that we had planned for our fourth family trip there, and goals for ourselves this year. I find it so funny, because whenever we usually do go out on a date, it's like, "What do we talk about???!!!", and we end up just talking about the kids.
January Mileage
I exceeded my expectations and goals for this month, in regards to my mileage ... all on the treadmill again ... sigh. My longest runs during the first month of the year were 9 miles and 12 miles. Just enough to make me feel "fit' and enough training for my half marathon training, which is just over a month away. I skipped a couple of workouts, due to "life", but ended up doing doubles on some days and added miles to other workouts. I'm very excited with how 2010 has started out. I averaged just over 33 miles/week.

Year to date mileage: 132.5 miles
January mileage: 132.5 miles
Year to date mileage: 132.5 miles
January mileage: 132.5 miles
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