Well, well, well .... I feel like I'm in confession!! I decided about a week ago that I am DONE RUNNING for the duration of this pregnancy. I am now at 36 weeks pregnant and haven't ran for a little over two weeks. The pressure, the need for potty breaks and how my body (mostly hips) felt after my last five mile run just made me throw in the towel. It feels kind of strange. Pretty outside of my element actually. Like I'm missing something off of my daily to do list. I miss it. Running is a part of me.
Despite that, I'm currently enjoying short walks with my husband and the dog. I'm enjoying family holiday movie time on the couch. I'm also enjoying working on projects around the house, organizing, writing and planning in my journals, and flipping pages of a book. And yes, I'm planning my race schedule for 2016 after my post-partum body is ready to log miles again.
2015 was a pretty amazing year. I typically log 1,000-1,200 per year and this year I came awfully close. I am always pretty happy if I log around 100 miles per month. Fortunately, this year I frontloaded a lot on the year!! Finding out we were finally pregnant in April, while I was training for a marathon, didn't slow me down too much immediately. But by fall, my mileage was starting to dwindle.
January - 109.9 miles
(Icebreaker Indoor Marathon)
February - 72.5 miles
March - 119.05 miles
April - 163.35 miles
(Parkinson's Half Marathon - didn't know we were pregnant yet!)
May - 120.5
(Door County Half Marathon)
June - 102.25
(Grandma's Marathon)
July - 81.9 miles
August - 60.1 miles
September - 53.05 miles
October - 29.25 miles
November - 24 miles
December - 0 miles
Total for 2015 - 935.85 miles
Door County Half Marathon around 6 weeks |
Shortly after I got the positive pregnancy test, we were set to run the Door County Half Marathon. Something that was on my bucket list. We had friends running the events and/or in the area and it was difficult not to tell them our news. I played a lot of mind games with myself that day, not knowing how much to push myself through the expected hills and the unexpected sun and heat. But, I finished.
After 20 miles around 7 weeks |
I also completed a couple 18-20 milers in the spring. I wasn't feeling any different than normal and the doctor encouraged me to keep moving, to avoid a third pregnancy with gestational diabetes.
I started my second trimester with Grandma's Marathon |
In June, Hubby and I crossed another race off our bucket list. Despite criticism from some and encouragement from my doctor, we ran a full marathon together, Grandma's Marathon. It was my slowest marathon ever, but definitely my proudest. I ended up with several potty breaks (something that I never do during a race), but I never stopped to walk. And we still finished well under five hours - together.
Around 26 weeks |
I continued running and coaching throughout the summer. A few miles here, a lot of miles there. But most of my runs were 3-5 miles. I didn't put many long runs under my belt for the remainder of the year. Still, I remained pretty consistent with lacing up my running shoes and staying fit. My belly wasn't a problem. However, I often struggled with tight, painful calves while I ran in the heat. Maybe a side effect from those charlie horses I encountered in my sleep.
Running for Two |
In October, I found out that I unfortunately was diagnosed with gestational diabetes again. I was further encouraged to keep moving and keep running. But, I was slowing down. At the end of October, I coached my last race of the year. And my momentum started to get lost. The pressure from my bladder and my four-five pound baby were starting take a toll.
Halloween Running |
I ran a few times in November, but after an awesome, outdoor five miler that left me feeling rejuvenated and high in spirit, I could barely walk for two days. I also walked/hiked 10 miles with hubby and the dog that day. We really took advantage of the beautiful 60 degree weather we were having. But, I just overdid it. That was a sign to me that I needed to slow things down and that I had to listen to my body. Which I did.
Done running at 34 weeks |
Today was my 36 week appointment. My evening blood sugars have been high because I am no longer moving like I use to. I'm also finding it difficult to get the dog out for walks in the evening because of the lack of daylight and cold temperatures. But, Hubby and I have been trying to take advantage of bundling-up on the weekends while the sun is out and taking the pup for long walks. My doctor encouraged me today to keep walking a lot - and keep my blood sugars under control for the next few weeks. I really want to avoid medicine.
I lost another pound+ this week, which has me back to a 22 pound weight gain. I am absolutely ecstatic about this, because I more than doubled my weight gain with the other two pregnancies. For this, I am proud.
Our due date is December 29. But, it sounds like I will be induced sometime later this month (before the holidays) and am looking forward to having a date on the calendar to meet our little girl.