Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Miles (or lack of)
I'm mad at myself, because last year, I would get up at 5AM on the weekends, to get my long runs (which were SIGNIFICANTLY LONGER) out of the way, before my family started their day. I didn't let any schedule obstacle stand in my way .... never! Now, I don't have that same motivation and choose to run while Jackson is taking his nap and hope that he sleeps for an hour or two. I would like to state, however, that I have been getting up between 4:00 - 4:30 AM during my work week on Tues/Wed/Thurs (the days I work), to get my 3.1 miles pounded out on the treadmill, before I get myself ready for work. This has freed up our evenings for playtime outside, walks with Jackson and gives Jason flexibility to workout in the evening whenever he wants. We also get time together in the evening, too, which is nice. The draw-back is that I am down for the count by 10pm. And, then I tend to want to sleep in on my "days off".
Anyhow, I came close, but didn't reach my 100 mile goal for June. I WILL do better in July, as I train for a 10 mile race in July and two more half marathons in the following two months.
I'd like to run at least 1,200 miles this year. Last year was my first 1,000 mile year (which I barely completed).
June: 94.3 Mi
May: 116.1 Mi
April: 131.1 Mi
March: 119.2 Mi
February: 100.0 Mi
January: 66.5 Mi
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Missing the Marathon
I ran my first (and only to date) full marathon last fall in Chicago. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life! I am not training for a full marathon this season, since Jason is training for Ironman Wisconsin (held in September in Madison) and it is just too hard for both of us to be training so much at once and balance family life with the kids. Although I do enjoy the half marathons I'm doing this year and I do love that distance the best (I'm doing four this summer), I still miss the excitement of training for a 26.2 mile journey.
Chip Time: 4:37:23
Browsing through old race photos, I came across this random video that Jason shot in Chicago. I'm not captured in it, but the stream of miles and miles of runners (hours long in distance), brought me back to the awesome experience of the HUGE crowd support across the entire 26.2 mile course. It was like this almost the entire route ... family members, volunteers and community members cheering on the estimated 45,000 registered runners that day (31,344 finishers).
The official 2008 Chicago Marathon highlight video gives me chills. It is available at:
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Hubby's Blog

He initial began all of this as a clydesdale triathlete. Well, over the years, he has gotten much more fit and dropped a lot of weight in the process. Not quite sure what he considers himself these days?! :-)
Norski Duathlon

This was my third duathlon ever. Though the distance covered isn't much and the field isn't usually too competitive, I still get more nervous about these, than the standard road race. The transitions scare me, the fact that I'm still not too comfortable on the bike (or competitive on it) and I only had 50 miles in this year (2 date rides with Jason while the kids were at daycare).
Upon check-in, we were greeted by a nice young lady that Paige knew. She works at their daycare. You can't go anywhere, without her knowing someone! Honestly.
The pre-race talk was pretty brief, but informative. We were told that there would be a brief incline on both runs, while several locals snickered. (I heard people talking about the massive hill in the port-o-potty line earlier.) So that worried me.
I ended up getting towards the back of the pack of 100+ athletes, because I said good-bye to the kiddos moments before the race. Jackson was crying as I walked away.
I made my way out on my first run feeling pretty good, about 3/4 mi into it, the HUGE hill was upon me. I fear and love hills. I run a few massive ones in our neighborhood (called Wyndham Hills for a reason!) and tend to pass a lot of people on the hills in races. Sure, enough I did. At this point, I was pretty warm and grateful I didn't decide to wear the long sleeve shirt I debating on earlier. It was humid. Saw Jason and the kids as I made the turn into transition.
Coming in off of the first 5K run (3.1 mi) (My fastest 5k time yet, by about 2 mins (previous was about 26:45). But I fear that the course was short?! Jason agrees.) 24:43
Grabbed the bike and I was off. Started out with two gentleman beside me and passed the guy on the mountain bike. Headed to the out-and-back route in the country. Felt like I was going faster than usual, but still comfortable. Had to basically stop to do the turnaround, since I'm still not too comfortable with my handling skills. At the turnaround, I realized that I was probably in the last 25%, although I started at the back of the pack. I really pushed it and passed about 20 people on my way back into town. I felt great and was cruising!

Coming in off the 15.5 mi bike ride in the country. I was passing the kids, with a smile and a wave. 56:34
My legs were complete jello as I walked through transition. Returned my Trek to the rack and grabbed some G2. Ate some sports beans on my run out and then back up the darn hill. There was an older lady ahead of me and she was having a lot of difficulty getting up the hill. As I approached her, she started walking. I told her not to give up and she laughed. I told her we'd do it together, so she started running again. I ended up having more momentum some I continued on and she stopped again. I told her that in 10 more seconds, it would be over with and she'd feel better. So she started running again. Made me happy. I saw her at the run turnaround and she said "we're almost there!". Felt AWESOME the rest of the run, since most of it was down hill.

I ended up crossing the finish line in 1:40:18. This was about 15 minutes faster than I expected and had hoped to age-group. However, I came in 4/6 in my age group of 20-29F. I placed 68/125 Overall.
76/125 on Run 1
74/125 on Bike
59/125 on Run 2 (which makes me very happy!)
While we were waiting for the results to be posted and cheer the final runners coming in, the lady I had cheered on earlier, came over to thank me for motivating her up that incline. We hugged eachother for a great joint accomplishment!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Duathlon Goals
Norski Duathlon: http://runningintheusa.com/deforestduathlon/
Forecast for rain is 40%, which scares me tremendously!!!
I'm hopeful that I can do both runs in a total of 45 minutes, a total of 3 minutes for transitions and 1 hour and 10 minutes on the bike. I'd love to be across that finish line by 1:55 - 1:58!!! We'll see ....
I've only been on my bike twice this year (afternoon dates with Jason while the kids are at daycare) and have only logged about fifty S-L-O-W (poor Jason!) miles on my bike. Hopefully that's enough?!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Year-to-date Running Mileage
YTD - 565.2 Mi
June (to date): 32.3 Mi
May: 116.1 Mi
April: 131.1 Mi
March: 119.2 Mi
February: 100.0 Mi
January: 66.5 Mi
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Running Princess
This will mark my 10th (yes 1oth!) trip to WDW in my lifetime (my family's fourth). I am so excited!! I have wanted to run a Disney race since I started running 5Ks a few years ago. Jason ran the WDW Marathon this past January and it was a blast. I can't wait to run a Disney race of my own now. (and I will be able to walk around well the next day, unlike Jason after his full!!)
I even signed Paige up for their 200m kids race the day before my race. She is going to love it!
Let the planning begin!!