Sunday, August 30, 2009
Review: Running Princess Technical Shirt

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Madison Mini Marathon
The crowd support was great and I was able to see my family quite a few times; boosting my energy each time I ran into them! I saw Jason and the kids just past the start line and then about mile 3. I also so my parents and my sister about ten (yes 10!) times. They kept popping up everywhere during the second half of the course; on foot and even in the car!! It was very comical and made me do a lot of laughing throughout the race as they waved their hands and screamed out the mini van doors!!
The course was great, starting at the UW Memorial Union, winding past the State Capitol Square (where the weekly farmer's market was going on), winding through the UW Campus, the zoo, Arboretum and back through the Campus Lake Shore Path. The finish line was back at the Union.
The crowd support and volunteers were great. Each mile marker was marked and they also had the clock available at each station. I believe there were also ten water/Gatorade stations in all. It was phenomenally organized and the post-race refreshments were great, too (water, muffins, cheese crackers, potato chips and trail mix). I will definitely be doing this race again next year.
I did NOT break my PR (personal record) of 1:55:59 . But, I am extremely satisfied with my time, considering the shin problems and my lack of training.
Chip Time: 1:57:52
Overall Place: 1211 / 2430
Gender Place: 445 / 1278
Division Place (age group): 90 / 282
6Mile mark: 52:48
Pace: 9:00/mile
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Goals Met and Goals Set
Well, I exceeded my (minimal) goal of running 100 miles last month, but would have like to have run a lot more in July; since I had off 11 consecutive days. I logged 104.6 miles in July; bringing my 2009 total to 738.8 miles to date.
While I was off with the kids last week, I didn't set my alarm to get up early because: a) I was lazy and slept in every minute that I could; and b) Jason has been getting up before work to go to the pool or out for a run so that he can get two workouts in a day some days, for his Ironman Training. No excuses ... I was just NOT ambitious!!
I did manage to do two semi-long runs last week of 9 miles and a 10 mile race.
I was shocked when the alarm went off at 4:15 AM this morning to get up for work. I dragged myself out of bed, put on my running shoes and headed out the door for a 5K, before heading to the office. It's amazing what a difference two weeks will make. Before my vacation, the sun was always coming up over the horizon during the last half of my morning workout. This morning, it was still completely dark when I arrived back home. Dark, or not, I felt great having gotten my workout in before 5AM!!
My last pair of running shoes were purchased back in March I believe and I guess I didn't realize how many miles I logged in on them again. Shin splint started bothering me again (mainly the left) after the Waunafest 10 mile race. Throw in another long run in old running shoes that week and now my shins are in pain. Finally, my new pair of Brooks came in the mail and I'm breaking them in (no time for rest of course!). I'm trying to remember to ice them at night, before bed, too. I'm hoping the pain subsides and that I can focus on increasing my distance again, for the half marathon at the end of August.
With my vacation last week, I ate way too many goodies with the kids (and WITHOUT the kids!). I packed on 4 pounds over 11 days; which I'm sure will come right off, now that I'm back to eating my "daily staples". STILL, I started counting my Weight Watchers POINTS again, as of YESTERDAY. I would love to lose 5-10 lbs by my next half marathon. I think it would make me feel better ... lighter ... faster on my feet. I also need to look great with my very own IRONMAN on September 13th!!! Hopefully counting my points again will get me back on track.
I joined Weight Watchers back in 1998 with a co-worker and have pretty much been on the program ever since. I've always counted POINTS on and off; attended meetings on and off. I reached my goal in 2004 and Lifetime Membership in early-2005. I lost about 30 lbs on my own the first time (1998-1999); gained 36 lbs with Paige (2003); lost 50 lbs after having her (2004-2005); gained 46 lbs with Jackson (2007) and lost about 50 lbs after having him (2008). I've gained about 7 lbs since my weight loss with baby #2 and would like to get that back off by the Madison Mini Marathon on August 29. Wish me luck! GOAL SET!