Then on Sunday I woke up sneezing and could NOT stop. Then the body aches started. I basically didn't get off of the couch on Sunday. Both kids were still hacking up a storm and running warm. I had 9 mi planned for Sunday, but decided to take the day off.
Monday, Paige had off of school for Parent/Teacher conferences and we had a doctor's appointment for her. I still felt crummy and decided not to push myself and took another day off of the treadmill. I ended up taking Jackson to the doctor in the evening, too. And, he has a double ear infection and pink eye in both eyes. So, he had to stay home on Tuesday, too.
So, I stayed home with him today and we just cuddled and played on the computer and watched tv and I still didn't run. I still feel crummy and decided that this one time that I'm just going to listen to my body and not push it. I'm still on target for reaching my 1,200 mile year-end goal. But, I'm still feeling guilty.
I'm feeling icky and bloated. Why do you not crave celery and carrots when you're sick? I've purposely not kept junk food in the house lately, so I'm turning to any "comfort food" I can find in the pantry: sugary cereal, leftover Halloween candy (that is stuff I don't even like!), etc.
I'm ready to go back to work tomorrow and get back into routine with life, diet and exercise.
These last few days has made me realize just how much exercise has become apart of our routine and how much I crave the running and the sweating.
Back to the treadmill on Wednesday.
It's so hard to rest, yet, so important. This bug seems to respond well to sleep and downtime...take it easy!! Hope you're all better tomorrow.