

Thursday, December 7, 2017

January Women Working on Wellness Accountability Group

Women Working on Wellness | Fitness & Weightloss Accountability Group with Running Diva Mom
Run, Walk and Run/Walk training options available!
January 1-22
Investment in yourself:  

Participants will receive:
- Three week calendar with an introductory running or walking program and wellness challenges to be completed on your own
- Personalized daily step goals
- Weekly private individual weigh-ins virtually with your coach
- Gain additional accountability by sharing your daily step count and food log with the group (optional)
- Daily group fitness check-ins, weightloss & nutrition tips and motivation from your coach
- Private Facebook group for motivation from other participants and your coach

Participant with the highest percentage of weightloss will receive a FREE ENTRY into the February online accountability group.

If you would like to avoid the Eventbrite fee, please email me at runningdivamom@yahoo.com to pay by cash or check.


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  5. hey guys! check this out i recommend you to use this what i use for 7 days past and the result is amazing


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  9. The article is great.Check this out:bit.ly/36sgafb

  10. “Running Diva Mom is literally the BEST weight loss community anywhere, I read it everyday, and I’m also so grateful I found https://bit.ly/3nGqZ46, it help me not only lose weight but keep it off, hope it helps some others!”

  11. Thank you for this, you are an inspiration. I found a great way to lose weight, I hope this will help others https://bit.ly/3ALts52
