Friday, April 30, 2010

Words to Sweat by Towel WINNERS ........

I recently had the opportunity to review the NO EXCUSES TOWEL from Words to Sweat By. You can read my review HERE. Which mantra motivates you???? Start shopping HERE.

There were 92 entries in my recent giveaway. has generated the winners.

One lucky winner won a towel of there choice. The winner is #4 ... Aimee at I Tri to Be Me.

One lucky winner won a this exhert. hydrate. repeat keychain. The winner is #84 ..... MJ at Girl Running.

Congrats ladies! Please email me with your info at jamie dot edge at charter dot net.
Thanks for following my journey!

Miles for April

Marathon training is really underway and I have gotten some long runs under my belt. I did a 20 mile run outside and a 17 mile run inside on the treadmill. I completed a 10 mile race with my husband and a popular local 8K and met up with some fabulous bloggy buddies. I ran over 145 miles this month and have surpassed 500 miles for the year. I have exactly one month until my next Marathon. Excited and nervous.

April 145.2
March: 115.9
February: 116.7
January: 132.5
Total miles for 2010: 510.3

Total rest days in April: 6 days
Long runs in April: 20 miles, 17 miles, 13.1 miles, 10 miles

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Giveaways Galore

Well, I debuted S Club Mama's YELLOW Bondi Band tonight, that I won on her blog and talked about HERE. It was fun adding some "non pink" Bondi Band goodness to my collection and inspired the cute $7 wicking tank that I purchased from Walmart! ;-)


Jen over at Setting You Free is giving away some cute knee-high socks from Little Mismatched HERE.

Adam at I am Boring is giving away a $50 gift card to Road Runner Sports HERE


Also, don't forget to enter my current giveaways:

And don't forget to enter my Virtual Race that benefits Girls on the Run HERE
- You could be one of two winners to receive a GoLite Hydroclutch Bottle and Gu
- One Pair Ryders Eyewear Sunglasses
- One awesome family prize TBA


Monday, April 26, 2010

Whooha Gear Winners

There were 159 entries in my recent Whooha Gear giveaway HERE. Check out Whooha Gear online HERE. Thank you to everyone that entered. generated two numbers for my giveaway:
The winner of the $20 Whooha gift certificate is #106 who is Jen from Adventures of Badgergirl!!!
The winner of the Play Hard, Take Chances, Keep Smilin' cycling sticker is #43 who is Shelly from It's Just One Foot in Front of the Other!!

If you didn't win the giveaway, but are interested in placing an order, please contact me for a 10% discount code on your first order!

Pleae email me at jamie dot edge at charter dot net with your address and email address and I will get you your goodies! Congratulations!

Whooha Gear
Play Hard
Take Chances
Keep Smilin'

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Running Scrapbook Review & Giveaway from Laura Elaine Designs

If you want a fabulous way to document your running, then Laura Elaine Designs has some awesome ideas for you to treasure your memories forever!

Laura Elaine Designs Etsy Shop:

Laura Elaine's Blog:

Laura Elaine specializes in custom-made scrapbooks, and has a passion for documenting race accomplishments She and her hubby are both runners. He has completed four marathons (two in Boston) and she is currently training for her fourth half marathon. She started her business, after she wanted a way to document all of their memories. NOW SHE CAN HELP YOU DOCUMENT YOURS!

I was sooooo overjoyed when she wanted to work with me on a chipboard album for my marathon next month! Whether you are a seasoned runner or a newbie, Laura Elaine will work with you to create the perfect scrapbook! Or shop her Etsy shop for a number of pre-made scrapbook pages and albums. She has items for the Disney Princess Half Marathon, Boston Marathon, New York City Marathon and so much more. If you don't find a race that you've completed or are training for ... contact her regarding your own CUSTOM ALBUM!!!

Photos will easily slide under all stickers, tags, and embellishments that may be on the pages. All products used to make this album are acid- and lignin-free and the scrapbook was made in a pet- and smoke-free home.

Check out some of these great items in her Etsy Shop:

Boston Marathon Premade Scrapbook - $14.99

Disney Princess Half Marathon Two-Page Spreads - $9.99

Create your own Running Scrapbook (12x12 album included) - $49.99

This is a 12" x 12" scrapbook containing 10 premade pages to document your running and/or biking race accomplishments! It is a great way to display race bibs, newspaper clippings, pictures, and to keep track of your times. There is room for 4 races (2 pages per race) plus a bonus last page with room for more pictures. The album itself IS INCLUDED (not shown in the photos on her site), is a top-loading hardcover album, and is able to accomodate additional pages, should you choose to add more

Laura Elaine offers VERY REASONABLE PRICES & SHIPPING RATES!! I think you will agree.

As I mentioned, Laura Elaine is also preparing for her next half marathon.

This is my very own

2010 Madison Marathon Chipboard Album

Complete with customized colors, running theme,

personalization, date of event and so much more!

Laura Elaine checked out the website for my upcoming marathon

and customized the entire album with the marathon

color theme! How great is this going to look

with my photos?

Great spots everywhere for photos and journaling.

She'll totally personalize it for you and your journey!
I loooooove personalization!

Super fun embellishments and stickers

throughout the entire album.

I giggled at all the fun running-themed 3-dimensional

stickers: energy bar, water bottle, time display ...

You'll totally dig this!

Now all I have to do is finish this thing ... and do it well!
She even included a spot on the last page
for my finishers photo and finishing details!

The album is a beauty ... and very well assembled.
The chipboard pages are sturdy and will hold up
well, even with my kiddos flipping through the album!

I'll be sure to post again, once I've finished my 26.2 mile journey
and can fill the album with photos from the race!!!


Here's how you can win a $15 gift certificate to Laura Elaine Designs Etsy shop:
Please leave a separate comment for each entry. Thank you!!
1 - Become a follower of my blog or already are?! LEAVE ME A COMMENT

2 - Visit Laura Elaine Designs Etsy shop HERE and tell me which item you're interested (I would have trouble picking just one!). LEAVE ME A COMMENT

3 - Become a follower of Laura Elaine's blog HERE. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

4 - Post about this giveaway on your blog, facebook or twitter account. LEAVE ME A COMMENT FOR EACH

Enter now through Sunday, May 2nd.

Winner will be announced on Monday.

17 miles on the Treadmill: D-O-N-E (Yes, you read that correctly!)

OK, so I had 20 miles planned for today and 3 miles planned for yesterday. As you will recall from my post yesterday, I crushed my goal at Crazylegs Classic and pulled out a strong (for me!) 5 miles + ran 2 miles back to my car. That's 4 miles over my planned miles for yesterday.

The forecast for today is a high of 52 degrees with 60% rain. It's been drizzling and raining on and off all day. Icky icky day. Wind is also 20 MPH. So, I decided that I was going to pull of this long training run on the treadmill. I know, I'm crazy. Since I put in so many miles yesterday more than planned and ran hard, I was going to shoot for 15-18 miles and see how I felt, how my legs held up and how the mental mind games on the treadmill played it out.

The kids were battling with Daddy, because they LOVE to come downstairs with me. Usually then can last 6-9 miles on a very good day. Usually when I am home alone with them I will stop and get snacks, try to put toys together while running and do other crazy stuff. But, I really needed the confidence of this long training run under my belt. My marathon is a little over a month away and I only have a 15, 18, and one 20 miler under my belt for long distances. They ended up staying with me for the first 45 minutes until Daddy decided that I was too frustrated to continue with them downstairs. I felt really bad, but I just needed the next couple of hours to myself this morning. I am usually really good at balancing it all out, but this morning I really needed to take the time for ME.

I ran a 6.6 MPH pace the entire way and never messed with the speed. Hubby hooked up our cable box to the tv downstairs and I was able to catch up on some Biggest Loser episodes (2 1/2 episodes without commercials On Demand! -- I am now only 4 episodes behind!!! HA HA!). It really helped time pass.

Our treadmill automatically shuts off at 100 minutes, so I always stop after 10 miles to refuel, take a potty break and walk .... and take some pics!

I hopped back on, started the treadmill over and pounded out another five miles.

Then, I hopped back on (again!) and put in a final two miles after filling up my water bottle (I ended up going through four water bottles down there today!
YIKES! If it's available to me, I will use it, I guess?!!?

17 miles on the treadmill
(if I calculated this correctly)

Me with my signature Diet Mountain Dew.
This was chugged in about 1/4 miles of walking this time! It tasted g-o-o-d!!
And I had to get this one myself, since Little Dude was sent up stairs earlier.
I returned back to the family upstairs and everyone survived without me.
I love the kids excitement to see me when I return from a long run.
Another big accomplishment today:
I hit over 500 miles
for the year!!!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

2010 Crazylegs Classic Race Report

Today was the 29th Annual Crazylegs Classic in Madison, Wisconsin. I posted my goals for this race earlier this week HERE. I was really hoping to go sub-43 minutes this year.

Here is my history with this race:
2009: 43:55
2008: 47:22
2007: bailed, due to shin splints after pregnancy #2
2006: 48:something?? (results currently unavailable)

The kids and I went to the Kohl Center on Friday to pick up my bib and race t-shirt. There was no chip this year, as it was attached to your bib. How cool is that?! The race is always well organized and the expected over 18,000 runners this year!!

The forecast was 60% chance of rain today with thunderstorms this afternoon. I ended up leaving my dedicated family at home this morning (since they waiting for me in the pouring rain last year). And, I headed to downtown Madison in the Marathon Mommy Minivan.

I parked at the Monona Terrace, just a block or so away from the start of the race. Most people park near the finish and shuttle or walk/run to the start line. So the ramp was pretty empty and there were plenty of warm, clean restrooms for me before I headed to the start line. I snapped a few pre-race photos in the minivan.

Trying to brighten up a gloomy race day. :-)

I headed over to the start. The start is around the Capitol Square and pretty much wraps all the way around. Due to the volume of registrants, they do several (I mean SEVERAL!) waves at the start line. I was in P and I saw people with QQ (double Q) and possibly beyond. The start moved pretty quickly, as I believe they were starting waves ever 30 seconds or so. Before the start line, you pass through University of Wisconsin athletes high fiving you and cheering you on. The UW marching band plays "On Wisconsin!" for each wave that starts. I downed a Vanilla Bean Gu Gel before I started.
I got to the first mile marker in under 7:30 --- whew, Jamie, slow down ... you're going to kill yourself! The race has quite a few large hills during the first two miles, including the dreaded Observatory Drive. I didn't think it was quite as hard this year, but still I was huffing and puffing once I got to the top. The downhill was quite welcome! I realized after 2 miles that I was on the pace to CRUSH my goal of going sub-43 minutes.
We passed fraternity and sorority houses, UW's Memorial Union, UW Campus, Lakeshore Path and then ran past the football stadium, Camp Randall, where the finishing line is inside on the field. One half of the stadium was packed with spectators and athletes that had already finished. Video of the runners crossing the finish line were on the big screen. I sped up the last half mile and really picked it up as we entered the stadium.

Finishing Chip time:
8K (4.97 miles) 40:25 2,951 / approximately 20,450

WOOO HOOO!! Crushed my previous PR for the 8K race!!

I headed over to section "R" where I was supposed to meet up with two local running bloggers. Luckily that half of the stadium was the empty half and they both met up with me within minutes of crossing the finish line!! Yeah for bloggy meet ups!

Linda from Mom Running from Cancer -
walked 2 mile route, due to her foot injury :-(


Chelsea from Early Runner -
38:59 (who was hoping that the chip time would be sub-39!!)

We chatted for quite a bit and took some photos. So incredibly awesome!
We went our separate ways and I ran back to my vehicle at the start line
(approximately 2 miles).

7 miles for the morning ..........
Smiling with pure joy that the rain held off and the weather
actually seemed to be perfect for running (though gloomy).

BTW -- I picked this Fuel Belt Shoe Pocket HERE at packet pickup yesterday. It was only $6 and had to small compartments with a velcro closure. There are loops on the backside to loop through your shoe laces. I wasn't sure how I was going to carry my key and wasn't sure about tying it to my shoe laces and if it rained, wasn't sure how that would work?! So, I decided to invest in this. I wasn't sure if I would like it flopping around on my shoe or if it even would. But, since I didn't get a chance to try it out pre-race, I slid my Road ID through the loops and wore it on my wrist. It worked awesome and I even held a gel packet inside too. It never annoyed me and stayed in place. It was a great, cheap investment for occassions like this.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Words to Sweat By Towel Review & Giveaway

Repeating something to yourself while you're working out is an effective way to take your mind off the pain and the distance and makes you believe in yourself (or at least pass the time!) and push yourself to the limits. I was so happy when the folks at Words to Sweat By sent me this No excuses towel to review.

The towel mantras range from serious to silly and motivational and themes for foodie lovers to remind themselves of their health goals!!!

I chose to review the No excuses towel because it really is what I'm all about. There really are 24 hours in the day and we can all take a little time for ourselves each and every day. To some, that may seem like ONLY 24 hours. But, the more I put on my plate, the more I realize what CAN be done and that no one will sacrifice from me also taking some time for myself.

This company has also launched a new line of inspirational key chains and zipper pulls. You can find all the mantras here. If you’re looking for a fun gift, pair a key chain together with the matching towel!

The towels are white and each have a different color fabric sewn on that varies with each mantra. They are a decent size and inspired me during my treadmill runs. The towel has held up through four workouts now and wash and wear .... and tons and tons of sweat!! It still looks like new! At only $8 they are a steal and would be a great, affordable addition to your Mother's Day wish list or a gift basket for that special runner!!

About the designer:
Before designing and producing Words to Sweat By, Whimsical Walney had a children’s product company focused on clothing and accessories that were meant to foster a child’s imagination.

Which mantra motivates you?!?!?

One lucky winner will get to win a towel of their choice.
A second lucky winner will receive the Exert keychain/zipper pull (shown above).
Here's how:

1 - Become a follower of my blog or already are?! LEAVE A COMMENT

2 - What mantra motivates you? Visit the Words to Sweat by website here and tell me which towel you'd like. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

3 - Become a fan of Whimsical Walney (the designer) on Facebook here. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

4 - Post about this giveaway on your blog, twitter or facebook account. LEAVE ME A COMMENT FOR EACH

Enter now through Thursday, April 29.
Winners will be chosen by and will be announced on Friday.

GoLite HydroClutch WINNER ........ and giving away two more!!

I recently had the privilege to review a GoLite HydroClutch. You can read all about my awesome experience HERE.

There were 183 entries in my recent giveaway!!!! You people are crazy about this thing! generated #28 who is EricaH at I Run Because... I Can!!! Congratulations, Erica! You will be well-hydrated now on your runs!!! Email me your mailing address so I can get the HydroClutch sent out to you!

If you didn't win the giveaway .....

You still have a chance to win
one of two GoLite HydroClutch Water Bottles
in my current virtual race that benefits the Girls on the Run. Entry is only $1!!!
Check out THIS POST for more information. I hope that you will participate!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

PLEASE VOTE for GOTR ..... pass it on .....

OMG -- I just found out about this exciting news via the Girls on the Run Facebook page HERE. My local Dane County Chapter (Madison, Wisconsin) that I am running as a Sole Mate for is in the running (pun intended!!) for $500 to help support the program!!! Please vote if you have a moment to spare!!! You can vote 3 times!!

April is Community Banking Month, and the State Bank of Cross Plains is going to give $500 to two Dane County 501(c)(3) non-profit charities based on your votes. This April, nominate your favorite Dane County charities and at the end of the month, the two leading charities will each be awarded $500. You vote, we listen and we all celebrate Dane County non-profits. We can't wait to hear from you!

Please vote for Girls on the Run Dane County HERE. THANK YOU!!! You are allowed a maximum of 3 times!!

GOTR is currently in second place with 3,090 votes!!!!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Running Diva Mom’s $1 Virtual Race for Girls on the Run

After running my first virtual race (you can view my race report HERE), I decided that I would like to try hosting my own virtual race. I added some extra miles onto my treadmill run that day and found it soooo motivating to keep going and increase my speed. It sounds silly. But, blogging has really held me accountable and has motivated me to push myself.

Some of you are speed demons and motivated marathon maniacs. There are also several of you following my journey that are new to running or just getting back at it. New or seasoned ....... YOU ARE ALL RUNNERS!!!!!!!

I have decided to hold a .......................
This will encourage all runners (seasoned and new) to be involved. It will encourage those seasoned runners to pick up the pace and see how fast they can run a mile and the new runners will be encouraged to push themselves to that one mile mark.
That’s not all …. There will lots of lovely PRIZES!!! And, since this virtual race will benefit Girls on the Run, there is a special prize category for getting your family involved in the event!! One family will be chosen at random. SO GET YOUR KIDDOS INVOLVED!

You can learn more about Girls on the Run here.

Here are the details:

Running Diva Mom’s $1 Virtual Race

May 16, 17, 18, 19 or 20

Run inside, outside, or with the jogging stroller
(get the whole family involved!) or your four-legged friend.


1 mile (walk or run)

$1.00 minimum donation per participant/family
(Benefiting my Madison Marathon journey, as a “sole mate” for Girls on the Run)
You may visit my donation page HERE.

1 – Make a $1 minimum donation to GOTR HERE.
2 – Leave me a comment on this post, to let me know you are committed.
Please include your name and blog address.
3 – Run 1 mile on May 16, 17, 18, 19 or 20.
4 – If you have a blog, complete your race report on your blog,
including your finishing time (and photos if you wish!) and
email me/comment to let me know it has been posted.
If you don’t have a blog, simply email me your finishing time.
Your race report and finishing time will be posted on my event summary.

will be awarded in the following categories:

1st place female:
GoLite Hydroclutch Water Bottle and 2 Gu Gel Packets

1st place male:
GoLite Hydroclutch Water Bottle and 2 Gu Gel Packets

Best Running Diva Mom (or Dad!) Outfit:
One Pair of Ryders Eyewear Sunglass and Protective Case

1st place prize for getting your family involved:
(chosen at random)
Family Prize TBA

Sooooo ..... what are you waiting for?!?!?! If you love the GOTR program as much as I do ..... Please spread the word by posting a link to this virtual race on your blog.
The girls will THANK YOU!!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Goals for Crazylegs Classic 8K

On Saturday, I am running the Crazylegs Classic in Madison. It is an 8K race (4.97 miles) that starts at Wisconsin's State Capitol Square, winds through the University of Wisconsin and ends at Camp Randall on the UW Badgers football field. This is a HUGE race for our college town and almost everyone (runner or non runner!) seems to do it. This is my fourth year running this awesome event.
I would love to go sub-43 minutes this year!! Seems doable, right?! I'm trying not to set my goals too high. This is also a pretty crowded race and I recall constantly dodging people. Please let me see 42:something, people!!!

Here is my history with this race:
2009: 43:55
2008: 47:22
2007: bailed, due to shin splints after pregnancy #2
2006: 48:something?? (results currently unavailable)

Last year it absolutely down-poured, which I think may have encouraged me to run faster. We were soaked. The forecast for this Saturday is 40% chance of rain, high of 67,F low of 46F.

There are so many waves for this race, that it literally takes an hour+ to get everyone started. So, standing and waiting in the rain absolutely wasn't thrilling last year. I hope that it isn't the same deal this year.

I hope to meet up with Chelsea from Early Runner and Linda from Mom Running from Cancer either before or after the race.

On Sunday, I have a 20 miler planned and I have some fun, new products to test out for all of you! ;-)

Whooha Gear Product Review & Giveaway

I was so excited that the folks at Whooha Gear offered to send me one of their shirts to review. Can I just say that it is totally me and totally comfy and totally advertises who I am. I LOVE IT!

This is the I Run Dri Balance T-Shirt here. I have a medium, which is pretty much my standard size. Sometimes I have trouble with fitted t's feeling too fit in my shoulders and upper arms, but this fits perfectly!!! The website warns that they may run small and fitted, but the medium worked great for me. The length is also just long enough to cover up my "mommy" handles and fits comfortably. It comes in size Small to 2XL. The shirt costs $26 on their website and would be well worth your money. It washed really well, too. I love the chocolate brown/blue combination, too. Little Dude's bedroom is decked out in these colors. So calming.

You can also buy this awesome quote in a matted photo for only $12.00 here. I may just have to get one for our gym!!

Julie and Amy started Whooha Gear and met through mountain biking. Through their friendship, they pursued running, cycling and triathlons and eventually started WHOOHA. Whooha strives to inspire women to inspire themselves.

W - Women

H - Having

O - Optimistic

O - Objectives and

H - Healthy

A - Attitudes


You can visit the WHOOHA GEAR website and START SHOPPING here.

Play Hard - Take Chances - Keep Smilin'

WHOOHA GEAR sells shirts, bags, car decals, cards and so much more for running, cycling, yoga and endurance sports.

Whooha Gear also offers a 100% hassle free return policy. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, return it for a full refund or exchange.

Want to win a $20.00 gift card for placing your next WHOOHA Order?!
- One winner will be chosen by random to receive the $20 gift card.
- One runner up will receive the cycling decal -- Play Hard, Take Chances, Keep Smilin' (above)

Here's how you can enter:
1 - Become a follower of my blog or already are?! LEAVE ME A COMMENT
2 - Become a fan of Whooha Gear on Facebook. LEAVE ME A COMMENT
3 - Shop around on the Whooha Gear website and tell me what other product you like. LEAVE ME A COMMENT
4 - Post about this giveaway on your blog, twitter or Facebook account. LEAVE ME A COMMENT FOR EACH
* Enter now through midnight on Sunday, April 26.
Winner will be drawn on Monday. *

Adding a Bondi Band to My Collection!

Yeah -- I found out via email that I am the winner of one of S Club Mama's Bondi Bands in her recent giveaway! I can't wait to add another one to my lovely assortment! Thanks, Randi!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Inperspire Towel Winner

There were 99 entries in my Inperspire Towel giveaway here. chose #14.

The winner of the Inperspire "I Run Because I Can" Towel is ...... Victoria at Journey to a New Me. Victoria has been on a fabulous journey and has taken up running. She just completed her first half marathon. Please stop by and leave her a comment of encouragement!! Please email me your mailing address to jamie dot edge at charter dot net. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

If you didn't win, check out the Inperspire website here and browse through their 28 unique, motivational towels. Start your journey today.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

GoLite HydroClutch Water Bottle Product Review and Giveaway

I have never carried hydration with me on a run. Usually, I keep a bottle or two outside of my garage, waiting for me as I make loops or upon my return home at the end of my running. The drinking fountains at the parks in my neighborhood aren't open yet for the season, so I did my first semi-long runs this year as loops, which kind of (OK, more than kind of!) got annoying. Some of the paths around here were finished last year and I wanted to try out some new, longer routes. So, I was so excited when the folks at GoLite sent me this HydroClutch. Yeah for carrying water with me and discovering some new routes! That is exactly what I did on my first 20 mile run this year.
Key features:
- Adjustable Velcro clsoure that fits different sized hands and gloves
- 21 oz biodegradable BPA-free bottle (included)
- Zippered stretch mesh pocket that holds you rgoodies

Nylon-spandes woven + high-void polyester mesh.

I used my bottle for the very first time on a 20 mile run last weekend. You can read about the training run here.

It weighs 4 oz/105 g. You can keep gu, nutrition, cell phone, keys, money, ID, etc. in the zipper bocket and I was actually able to stuff some extra Gu packets next to my water. They stayed in place until I needed them at approximately one and two hour marks. I carried extra nutrition in my shorts pockets (GU Chomps).
I was really worried that my arm would get tired or that it would hurt after running 3+ hours for the first time with a bottle. It was so nice sipping on that bottle whenever I wanted to. It was pretty much mess-free, as long as I closed the cap with my teeth after I took a sip. My drink stayed relatively cool over the 3 hrs 15 mins I was running. When the strap would get a little annoying or rub, I would simply adjust the velcro strap on the handle. And, then I was fine. I didn't find it annoying carrying the bottle or that my arm felt heavy or anything. I was really surprised, because I get easily annoyed with anything extra or bulky or flapping around. And, I welcomed having something to drink on my run. It was awesome!!! A totally different experience than I thought it would be ... a great experience.

I will definitely carry this baby with me on any training runs for 2 hours or more. I don't find that I need anything shorter than that.

When I was done, I put the bottle in the dishwasher and the cover in the laundry. Both fit like a glove after they were washed and were as good as new. The only reason I washed the cover was because my sweat was all over the cover and it was sticky from my sticky-Gu-covered hands! It was not from the bottle spilling.

Enter now to win your very own GoLite HydroClutch Water Bottle


1 - Become a follower of my blog or already are? ... LEAVE A COMMENT
2- Become a fan of GoLite on Facebook here ... LEAVE A COMMENT

3- Visit the GoLite website here and tell me what other product you are interested in ... LEAVE A COMMENT

4 - Tell me why you NEED this bottle ... LEAVE A COMMENT

5 - Post about this giveaway on your blog, twitter or facebook account ... LEAVE A COMMENT FOR EACH

6 - Tell me what your favorite sports drink/water/way to hydrate is ... LEAVE A COMMENT

Enter now through Thursday, April 22nd.
Winner will be announced on Friday.

Oshkosh Half Marathon -- Met Another Bloggy Friend

Hubby was signed up to run the Oshkosh Half Marathon today. We reserved a hotel that was the host hotel and it was so close and convenient. All we had to do was take the elevator downstairs and head out the door. Didn't need to pack the kids and our bags up before the race and could check-out afterwards. We never had the opportunity to do that before.

Unfortunately, hubby's ankle was bothering him all week. He ran on it Thursday, but not on Friday or Saturday. We drove up to Oshkosh on Saturday and had some fun (or chaos!) with the kids, swam at the hotel and went to bed by 9:30. Unfortunately, his ankle got really swollen to the point that he could hardly walk. Unfortunately, he shut off the alarm sometime before the sun came up and we didn't get up for the race. BUMMER.

I had planned on meeting up with a bloggy friend. She left me a message that she was going to start the 5K and would look for me afterward, but wouldn't have her phone with her. The kids and I headed down to the finish with Daddy, hoping to see the 5K folks come in and the speedy winners of the half marathon come in about 30-45 mins later. It was chilly, but sunny and a great morning for a race. Suddenly, someone came over and asked if I was Jamie. She wasn't sure if it was me without my Bondi Band!!! :-)

I was lucky enough to be able to connect with Jen (aka Badgergirl). It was so nice to finally meet her. She ran the 5K at the event and was really happy with her time. I hope to be able to connect with her again at a triathlon she is doing in June, that hubby is also signed up for. Little Dude and Little Diva had to particpate in the fun and be included in our photo (never can miss a beat, you know .... !).