Saturday, February 12, 2011

19.6 miles ... oops ...

I am still eagerly trying to get over 100 miles in every month this year. Well, it's the 12th of the month and I have a whopping total of 19.6 miles in for the month of February. Yeah, not good. Not to mention that February is already a short month anyhow. So, what caused this unfortunate situation?!?

With everything else going on in my life, we have had a week full of illness. I can deal with my runs being sidetracked by other things in life, but illness standing in my way drives me crazy. There's no way to avoid it. You can't get up early to fit in a run. You can't schedule a double to assure you will fit in the miles. If you don't have the energy or stamina, you simply just can't do it. Boo.

Little Diva had a high temp of 102.2 for Super Bowl Sunday, which allowed me and the munkins to have a lovely three hour nap in the afternoon (and missing the first half of the Packers in the Super Bowl -- oops!). The munchkins had running noses and terrible coughs all week and still do. I came down with it on Tuesday and missed work much of the week .... as well as my workouts this week. Little Diva, Little Dude and I even slept for twelve straight hours the other night. I napped several times during the week when I wasn't with the kids and I even took a nice bath for the first time in over seven years! I guess there are good things that come with being sick. I guess.

Enough complaining. I have 16 more days to get in 80.4 miles. That's about 5 miles/day. Can I do it? Yes, I can. Not the scheduled miles I had planned .... when I planned them .... but I will run them!

Tomorrow is my February half marathon, if you care to join me virtually! Email me your half marathon recap to running diva mom at charter dot net. See you on the flip-side of 13.1!

"Map out your future,
but do it in pencil."
~Jon Bon Jovi


  1. We have passed it around our house too. I have had to shift my runs around sick kids, which I don't mind one bit. Fortunately, I don't have it. Keep your fingers crossed. You'll get your miles in. But get better first!

  2. Life happens! Don't jeopardize the year for a streak. Be careful.....

  3. Hope you all start feeling better soon. You will get your miles in. Hang in there.

  4. glad I checked your blog. I needed this! I am set to run 11 solo tomorrow but now will shoot for 13.1 since I know you will be joining me!!

  5. We too had a week plagued with illness. Ours was the stomach bug. Not Fun! I hope you are all feeling better soon.

    And I LOVE that quote. May have to add it to my words of wisdom page.

    Happy Running.

  6. Hey, I just did a half this morning! :) I completely forgot that you were doing yours today, so I hope yours was wonderful!

  7. Hope you are over it! There has been a lot of yuck going around!

    See you tomorrow! I have been working on getting Kerri to come - More the merrier! Forecast is for 40 - with partial sun! Yahoo!

  8. You are so determined and I love it! What an inspiration Jamie--you totally and completely have your +100 this month.

  9. My students have all been sick this past week. I lucked out with just a low grade cold. Fingers crossed that's all it will ever be.

    I just found your blog today, and just ran my own 13.1 today. sheesh, too bad I didn't know before!

  10. It's tough to stay on schedule when sickies hit the house! Hang in there!
    I'm running 10 tomorrow, but maybe if it feels good, I'll go the 13. Happy Run to you!

  11. I have been sick too and have logged 0 miles for February thus far. It feels terrible to be so behind. Good luck on your 13.1 today.

  12. Sorry your house has gone through some woes. We've been the same here - and I've been offline for a week. Still running though.
    I ran the half-distance today. Sorry. Mine was pretty frosty! Have fun tomorrow.

  13. being sick is no fun! Glad you are better!

  14. Just make sure you run smart.

  15. I hope your Feb half goes well. I am planning on 12 today, but I am debating adding 1.1 for good measure.

  16. Hope you're feeling better and that you had a great 13.1!

    I am shooting for 80-100 miles per month and I know it's going to be tough some months, but stick with it. You can do it!
