Sunday, February 13, 2011

Half Marathon #2 of 2011 Report - February

After being sick all week, I was honestly kind of dreading the self-inflicted half marathon that I had scheduled for myself this weekend. I had scheduled my second half marathon of the year for this morning and the weather couldn't have been more beautiful. And the company couldn't have been much better either .....

My blogging buddies, Linda from Mom Running From Cancer (HERE) and Kerri from Tutu Runner (HERE) met up with me at 10:00 on this sunny, Sunday morning to join me for half of my half marathon journey. We met up at Machinery Row on Lake Monona. We made a pit stop at Linda's office before heading out on a 10K-ish out-and-back loop past Lake Monona.

Temperatures were in the upper-40's today and it felt awesome to get off of the treadmill! A lot of snow fell over the past couple of weeks and it wasn't melting anytime soon. Luckily though, much of the path was melted. We didn't have to worry about slipping, but there were plenty of puddles to dodge.

There were a lot of runners and even cyclists out on the path today. The cold I've been battling was bothering me for the first couple of miles. I was coughing a lot and struggling with wheezing. But, after I found my groove and a rhythm to my breathing I felt comfortable and was enjoying myself.

Kerri is a run/walker and we listened to her Garmin when it beeped after eight minutes of running. We would then walk for two minutes. This was routine new to me, and I liked it. My lungs liked it too. And, I think that this is why I was able to finish the run, after enduring this cold all week.

A couple of miles into our run, Kerri said "Hey Jamie, there is your dream house!". Since I'm in the market for a new place right now, I was wondering what she found .... until I looked over and saw this beauty ......

Seriously, how could I not stop and take a picture (or two) with this cotton candy-colored beauty of a home!?!

We turned around after we hit the 5K (3.1 mile) mark and headed back towards the lake. There was a beautiful, sunny view of the Monona Terrace, the Capitol and downtown Madison. A lot of people were out on the frozen lake, enjoying the beautiful day.

This run was not about being fast ... it was about having fun! I really enjoyed bring my camera along and documenting our journey and the beautiful day. Kerri and I were a little camera happy, too!! Can you tell?!

Fancy Footwork

We completed 6.5 miles in about 1:09. We exchanged some smiles and some hugs. But, not before Linda gave Kerri and I some very special Valentine's Day gifts. She gave us each a unique bracelet. Kerri's said PEACE and mine said LIVE INSPIRED. Bloggy friends are the BEST! Thank you, Miss Linda!

After the girls left, and I removed some layers and I headed back out to repeat the 10K loop on my own. I ran about 25 minutes before my lungs started bothering me and I started hacking again. I stopped to walk and then continued and stopped briefly again two more times. My legs started getting heavy after the ten mile mark and I pushed my way back to the Monona Terrace. Since I don't own a Garmin, I added on an extra five minutes of running around the Machinery Row area for good measure.

I ended my 13.1(ish) mile journey in 2:19:08. Again, not fast ... but seriously fun!

Today's after-workout glow

My favorite post-run indulgence (aka addiction)

After my run, I drove to the nearest Starbuck's to indulge in a Grande Skinny Caramel Latte, update my Facebook status and enjoy some good reads from my local library.


  1. Julie Weidner - iamstmpin@aol.comSunday, February 13, 2011

    Sounds like it was a fun day!!!! PS - what kind of what is that - love that it's pink and I need something cute for speedwork!

  2. Julie Weidner - iamstmpin@aol.comSunday, February 13, 2011

    Sorry I meant "watch"!

  3. I ran my 13.1 with you!!! Woo hoo!! It was an awesome day!

  4. Wow! You're an inspiration! I keep *thinking* about being a runner, but I never seem to do it. I'm going to read more of your blog...I might be inspired to make the switch from thinking to doing.

  5. Looks like it was fun for all! I love Keri's reflective gear even in the morning!

  6. Sounds like a lot of fun... good weather and good company! :)

  7. Looks like fun. My goal this year is to run 13.1. (not total miles but all at once.)

  8. Way to go! Looks like you had fun!

  9. I ran a half with you this weekend!! Not in a race, of course... but my long run extended when I ran into friends (who can't add some miles to enjoy the company of other runners?). I am glad I did it. My first half marathon race is 3/6, and my training plan didn't include any 13 mile runs. I don't like relying on "race day magic" to jump to the longer distance on race day.
    You NEED that pink house.

  10. Sounds like a very fun run...sometimes it's the company you keep that is more rewarding than the time!!

  11. I love fun runs like that with great running pals! Looks like you had the perfect day. :)

  12. Congrats on finishing another 13.1! It sounds like you had a great time. Running without fun won't make you go back for more so it is important to have fun runs. Thanks to your post earlier I did 13.1 yesterday (instead of 12). Thanks for the push.

  13. Oh, and I'm jealous of your running routes. I will run in Mad-Town someday.

  14. Sounds like a fantastic run. I was actually in Madison yesterday at my niece's birthday party and I loved that weather!

    Thanks for taking all the photos, it was fun to kind of "run" with you. :)

    I also liked hearing that you stopped at Starbucks for a little treat for yourself.

    You are awesome!

  15. Sounds like an amazing day with friends!

  16. Looks like a fun run - glad you are feeling better!

  17. Sounds like a great run! You know, sometimes running with a cold is a good thing - I PR'd my half this weekend with a cold - wonders never cease! :) Hope you're feeling better soon!

  18. Looks like an awesomely fun run! And, a run is always better with friends.

  19. I love that your outfit matches that CRAZY house. And that you wear a skirt in the winter. You're my kind of runner!

  20. What a fun time! I hope I can go with you guys sometime.

  21. I haven't had a chance to read your blog in awhile. Good to see you're doing well. The weather sure is taking a turn for the better ... nice to finally get out of the house. The pictures were great additions ... though I'm upset to learn that Kraft Mac & Cheese is a "not to eat" item. I love that stuff! Keep up the good work!

  22. Great job on number two. Glad you had some company to help you get through part of it!

  23. Running buddies rock. I just love your running outfits. :-)

  24. Oh, I heart all yor pictures Jamie! Running buddies make a run or half mary so much more meaningful!!! That house is ALL YOU!!! Love it!

  25. It's really good that you do this. I think it will inspire a lot of other moms to do the same thing as you.

  26. Enjoy reading your blog! Thanks for sharing...the pics did make it feel like we ran with you!
