Monday, February 7, 2011

How Did I Get Here?!?!?

Over the past 476 posts, I have "met up" with the 745-or-so of you public followers along the way. Last March, I recall heading out for the Disney Princess Half Marathon (HERE). I was so excited to be attending the female-friendly event and meeting up with some fellow bloggers. I had about 60 followers at the time and I had started dabbling in some product reviews and reviewing children's running books. I had absolutely no clue what was in store for me with Running Diva Mom. This blog has truly been such a blessing. I will continue to say that over and over and over again. I have had so many awesome opportunities because of it and have connected with so many great people all over the country. I still am astounded when people are encouraged by my words and take the time to read them. I am even more amazed when other runners recognize me at local events and know me by name. So many local runners have reached out to me recently and I look forward to running with many of you this summer at events and on the trails!

So many have joined me recently, as my journey has changed. My running is still a constant in my life and I've gotten back to blogging regularly. However, I haven't gotten a chance to stop by and say "hi" to many of you and see what you are up to. Now is your chance to tell everyone what you are training for, how long you have been running, what you are grateful for and how your blog is helping you throughout your journey.

OK, I'll go first ....

I have been running for five and a half years. I'm a single mother of two. I'm addicted to running, love the half marathon and am addicted to the color pink and animal print. I am currently training for my second of twelve half marathons this year. I am also training for a marathon in the fall and hope to surpass one hundred miles every month this year. I am grateful for my children, my parents and my support system (old and new) and the blogging community.

Next ....

If you want to make your dreams
come true, the first thing you
have to do is wake up. ~J.M. Power

You've got a lot of choices.
If getting out of bed in the
morning is a chore and you're
not smiling on a regular basis,
try another choice.
~Steven D. Woodhull

The Future is something which
everyone reaches at the rate
of sixty minutes an hour,
whatever he does, whoever he is.
~C.S. Lewis


  1. Hi there! I'm a momma to a 2.5 year old little boy. I'm currently training for the Martian Half (in Michigan in April) and the Cleveland Marathon. My blog helps me stay accountable and I stay inspired by everyone here in the runner blogger community.

  2. I've been running since I was 5, but only consistently for the last 3 years. I've run 4 half marathons and one marathon so far. I'm married with 3 girls (10, 8 and 5). I love what consistent running has given me - from helping me lose my over-the-top sugar tooth, to a level of confidence I never knew existed. I love how running makes me feel even if some days I have zero desire to get out there and do it.

    Blogging has brought me so many friends and they have been a part of my running journey.

  3. Wife, mom (of 2) and a runner (me??)...yep. It happened 2 yrs ago and a real crappy 5k race. Now 2 years later I find myself 60 lbs lighter and training to run my first half marathon in April! My blog helps me to just get my feelings about weight loss and running out there, even if no one comments I know that I feel better just putting my thoughts into writing. Of course reading other blogs has inspired me and offered a lot of motivation to get out there especially on days when I felt like just tossing my running shoes to the back of the closet!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm a mom to 8, ages 12 to 6 months. (yes they're all mine, yes I gave birth to all of them. I get asked about that a lot lately)
    I happened into running after I got dared into a triathlon 2yrs ago....after doing a couple of tris I realized that I kind of enjoyed the running part of it and seemed to be a relatively strong runner. I got in one good race season before baby #8 was on the way, so last year was as full as it could be while pregnant, with only a couple of races scattered in there. Running was my sanity saver during that pregnancy-we found out that baby had some neurological issues when I was about 4 1/2mo pregnant, and they were just compounded as the pregnancy continued. Some days it was the running away from life feeling that saved me, some days it was knowing that I was doing everything I could to stay healthy and provide my baby the very best I could, despite the problems he had. Sometimes it was just to feel like me and prove that I could still hack it. :) Running was also a fabulous way to get back in shape once he got here!
    Currently I'm training for a relay, a triathlon, and hopefully a half in there sometime soon. I'm hoping to also run my first marathon this year, if my body will cooperate for me.
    Blogging is all sort of fun, not only for the great people I've connected with and the things I've learned, but also for the opportunity to look back over the past 4 years and see how life has changed. I love going back to relive some of the crazier moments! And it sure helps me laugh at the craziness of life now to share those things with so many good friends and know that they are laughing with me.

  6. I'm a mom of 3, currently training for marathon #2. Ready to redeem myself! Half marathon is definitely my favorite distance. Had my first in 2009, then did 6 in 2010, and I've already done 2 this year with my 3rd in 2 1/2 weeks. Love the support of the blog world and absolutely love blogging. I've gathered so much fantastic information and support!

  7. Hi, my name is Bill and I live in WI. I have been running competitively since the 6th grade and ran the half mile in High School and College. I have moved up to the marathon and have now completed 30 to date including 8 in 2010. Running in my release and my joy. I try to encourage others to try running and am involved in getting kids to run by coaching and organizing a kids marathon. I also encourage my 3 little girls to run.

    I started my blog a little over 2 years ago to just share my journey with others and give a little advise, encouragement, and input to others. I hope I have accomplished that. While I don't reveiw products like Jamie, I do review the marathons I have run and give my opinions and experiences. Stop by if you get a chance.

  8. I have been running for almost two years, and I am training for my third marathon. The marathon is my favorite distance... I love it! My PR so far is 4:15 and I hope to better that at the Salt Lake City Marathon on April 16.

    I am a mom of 12, nine of which we adopted and one of which has significant special needs.

    I love running... I love it! It has given me something to do just for me and it makes me feel awesome (and it helped me lost over 60lbs).
    You can see my blog at

    Erin :)

  9. I'm a wife, mother of 2, teacher and RUNNER! I'm on my 4th marathon and hoping for a BQ. My dad has always been an avid runner and it is something that we share.
    I just started blogging about my running...up to that point, I had focused on only my kids. But I decided to shake it up a bit this year and add in the running because it is who we are.
    I love reading the blogging community because I always learn something. I might now always comment, but I'm here!

  10. Hi everyone!!

    My own blog is helping me to motivate other people everyday. As a part of the Brooks Inspire Daily Program, it's what I live for - inspiring others to run and be active. I even moved up in my level of sponsorship from Brooks this year.

    My own running pursuits are at an all time high!! I did five half marathons last year and a record 19 total races for me. I too am shooting for 12 half marathons this year. Preferably one each month, the first being the Houston Half Marathon last weekend and the next being RNR Mardi Gras this weekend in NOLA (my hometown).

    I've been very fortunate to be in good health, and my body has allowed me to run everyday for the past 710 days as part of the United States Running Streak Association. February 28th will be my two year mark of running at least one mile everyday.

    I hope everyone is off to a great start in 2011 of meeting all their running/racing/fitness/health goals. :)

  11. I am a wife and a mom of 2 silly kids.I m currently training for a Half Marathon in April ( Glass City-Toledo). I have been running forever- I ran track up until high school and ran sporadically during college on my own- I was a sprinter. I started training for a 25k, 7 months after my daughter was born( 6 years ago) and that same year I ran my first marathon. I have been addicted to running ever since! I started a blog a few yeras ago mainly as a journal and for a place for my friend and family to read about what was going on in our lives. I now dabble in reviews and giveaways and I love it!

  12. I'm training for my third half-marathon right now... with plans to do my first 26.2 this October. I've been running on & off over the past 10 years, usually in a weight loss effort. I really fell in love with running as a way of life shortly after I had my 2nd child. It has kept me sane, and provided a small slice of "me time" in the chaos of toddlerhood! I'm so grateful for a hard-working husband that allows me to stay home with my children, venture into my own business whims, and so very flexible in the crazy things I want to do (he's not really a runner, but puts up with my crazy indulgences and requests!). I just started up a blog to keep me accountable in my training, and journal my run to the 26.2 run. I've met some great women through it so far - didn't realize how many FUN RUNNERS were out there in cyberspace! Come visit me at

  13. I've been a runner since I was 11, so it's pretty much always been a part of my life. I'm a mom to a 2 year old daughter who light sup my life. I do a lot of training with her in the jogging stroller as my husband is a pilot and is away form hme at least half the week. I use running as a way to relax and meet new people...pretty much the same reason I blog :)

    My next big race is the Georgia Half Marathon on March 21st.

  14. I started running the fall of 2008 after I had my second son. Running was the one thing that helped me through post partum depression. I am currently training for a 10 mile run the end of March and my second marathon in May. Running keeps me sane and blogging is a way for me to record this journey I have found myself on.

  15. I am a wife and mom of 2 fabulous daughters. I've been running since junior high, and for me and running, it was love at first sight! I ran the half mile, mile, and 2-mile races in high school, plus did cross-country, and held various school records in my day. (Way back a long time ago!)

    Two kids later and I'm not as fast, but I still love getting out and hitting the road. I've done one half, several 5K and 10K races, and am running my first 15K at the end of this month. I am so grateful that my husband and family support me in these crazy endeavors. I write about all this on my blog, which is mostly about daily life with some running thrown in. :)

  16. I live in Johannesburg, South Africa. I've been running for 29.5 years. I'm currently training for the Comrades Marathon (54 miles), but I have some goals to reach on my way to Comrades. My next race is a marathon this Sunday and I will run it as my long run for the week. It will be my 124th marathon.

  17. I am a wife and mom of an amazing 2 year old girl. I began running when I was in high school to train for soccer season and swore I would never run cross country since there was no purpose. Well I ran my first race when I was 21 when I graduated from college and was forced to exercise on my own. 10 years later I am hooked...rather obsessed with running! I am currently training for my 8th half marathon in March. I am hoping to reach 1500 miles this year and run 12 races! Running has always been my therapy but especially this past year when I went through some very difficult struggles with my marriage. Running gave me an out but it also reminded me of the strength I possessed. It kept me focused on my strength to overcome and the fact that I am worth the effort!! Each day is getting easier and I know we are not through the woods yet but running is a major way! I love to run with my daughter and be that example for her!

  18. Hello! My name is Lindsey, and I live in northeastern Minnesota! I'm a former high school runner, and I picked it up again in early 2010 after I noticed I wasn't as healthy as I would like to be. I ran my first half marathon in September 2010, and I am just beginning training for #2, with a goal of taking 10 minutes off my last time. :) I blog about my adventures running in crazy Northland weather and all the fun I have with training.

  19. I'm Randi (S Club Mama). I am a wife and mama of two young boys, one of whom happens to have autism. This is my second year running. I started last year in February and ran my first half marathon in September. I'm currently training for my second half in May. :D

  20. Hello, my name is Rebecca and I'm a Run-a-holic. Ohm good, I feel so much better getting that off my chest. I've been running less than 8 months, two months of that I was off for a broken foot. My first half is the 26th of this month! But my real goal is my marathon in early May (which will be my 5th anniversary) I started running just after having my second baby, because I HAD TO. Now it's part of me. I know if I'm feeling sluggish, my day will be better after a run. And I LOVE the example it's setting for my kids, and even my husband who wants to do Warrior Dash and work up from there!!!
    I use my blog to get my feelings about running out. And I use other people's blogs to keep me going when I don't think I can do it anymore. It's an excellent community!

  21. I have been running for only a couple years. I ran my first 5K in March 2008. I'm a 25-year-old bride-to-be who is engaged to a fabulous man, who has been at my side for many races. I am training for my first half marathon (Oshkosh Half Marathon) and training is going well. I've missed only three or four runs but never a long run, which is a miracle, considering I don't have a gym membership and it snows every 10 minutes here in Michigan. I am grateful for my fiance, my family and friends and my blog, which has allowed me to scratch my writing itch, my cooking itch and meet new people.

  22. I am a mother of twin three year olds. I have been running for 16 years. With time I have grown more in love with running. I absolutely love how it makes me feel. I cherish the quiet time on the run and the rush of adrenaline when I am finished. I have completed one full marathon one half marathon and countless 5k’s. Recently I completed a 10K and truly enjoyed it. It may be my new favorite distance. Running is truly a part of who I am.

  23. I am a mother of 2 (2yrs and 4 yrs), and have been running for a long time. It has been the one constant thing for me after quitting my engineering job to be a SAHM. My husband is a cyclist- competitive mountain biker and ride leader for the Wolverine Sports Club for road rides. My jogging strollers have been pretty much what allows us to both continue doing our activities, as he can ride while I run with the kids. I have started doing triathlons 2 years ago, and have 2 half ironman distance races on the tentitve schedule for 2011. I am also planning on marathon #3 this year, and hoping to qualify for Boston. The half marathon is a fun distance, perhaps my favorite. I also love mountain biking, and my tri training has helped me become a lot better at it. I actually won money at a mountain bike race last year, my first cash payout in any race ever! I have been blogging about my family for years now, but blogged last year for, and just started my own, this year after my contract completed with active.

  24. I'm a mother of two daughters. I have been running basically my whole life. I used to get dragged along to runs when I was 5 and if they had a short race, I was entered. I ran cross country in high school, did it occasionally in college, but jumped back on the bandwagon a few years into my marriage. I ran through both pregnancies and haven't stopped. I love half-marathons, and will probably do a few more this year. I want to blog more this year, more for myself, but as a tool to reflect. Running has been a spiritual awakening for me. A chance to reconnect with my surroundings, blow off steam, and clear my head. I feel much better when I run than when I don't. I want to try and get a little more active in the running community here in the Milwaukee area, and am going to as RDM said, step out of my comfort zone this year. Run on!

  25. I am training for the Philly 100 miler in early April and then MAYBE try for another 50 miler two weeks later (Okay, there is a 100 mile option, but I don't think I can pull that off). Yes, Running Diva Mom is conviced I am insane.

    I got into running probably 5 years ago..the first race I ever did was a half-marathon and I had NO idea what I was doing. I signed up two months before the race with the "I can do that" Ever since then, its just been a journey to continuously get better in one way or another (Longer, faster, nutrition, hydration, etc).

    I am most grateful for all of the help and advice that I have been given over the years and for the support of my family as I do these ridiculous things. I have learned SO much from so many people (and still am learning!) that I try to give back to the sport thru volunteering and pacing at marathons and ultras. In fact, some of my proudest moments have been helping others cross a finish line and knowing I had a huge part in helping them achieve their goals and dreams.

    I have had the opportunity to meet so many great people and have life long friends because of this sport.

    I am fond of saying, "Live for today and worry about tomorrow if it comes!"

  26. Hello! I am a newbie runner who over the last year has wanted to start running.... sort of starts and then quits... I have walked a half, walk/jogged a half, 10k and 2 5ks... I am on a mission to be able to run an entire 5k.. then 10k and on...
    I am a mother to a 7 year old feisty daughter who has started running with me (and takes great pride in being better than I am), a wife to J who I married, he divorced me, we got remarried (after 4.5 year being separated)... I lost my eldest when he was 7 in a car accident- which was when I realised I needed to take care of myself physically - I have lost 25 pounds in the last two years, have 35-50 more to go. It has been a long winding journey for me- but I am beginning to really enjoy myself!
    Next race- Shamrock 8k in Va Beach!! :)

  27. I'm so glad I began blogging in Oct '10 and found your blog! You are amazing and no one can rock pink and animal print like you do!!

    I ran my first race, the Portland marathon and from there have enjoyed training and getting better. I did my first half in January and will be training for my 2nd this May!

    Have a fabulous day!!

  28. Hi my name is Casey and I am a wife and mommy to 4 amazing girls! I just started running last month and have already completed in my first 5k. I have lots of races coming up the next few months and I am so excited. I love how running makes me feel and wish I would have started sooner!

    RDM, I wanted to let you know to check out my blog tomorrow as I will have an award for your amazing blog!

  29. I am a mother of two boys. I have been running off and on for 15 years. In October 2010 I did my first Marathon in 4.38. I hope to do another one this year and improve my PR. It was great. I just started blogging recently. I get so much motivation from reading all the different blog. Thanks to all the bloggers out there.

  30. First I want to comment on how amazing Catey sounds...8 children...full!..hats off.

    I'm Claire..also in WI. A three year young runner training for my first marathon this coming May. I train completely outside inspite of this garbage winter and started following RDM when I found her also under WI on the complete runner/blogger network thingy over a year ago.

    I started blogging because everyone on my facebook was sick to death of hearing about my running.

    I am a mother to three children..two teenage boys and one very special little 6 year old girl. I'm married to a VERY suppportive man who tolerates my craziness...running and otherwise..with a wonderful sense of humor and plety of love.

  31. Hello :)
    I am currently competing in a biggest loser competition. I've been a long time runner, but I strength train and do other workouts at my local Y. Back in the fall I started running longer distances and my goals for this year are to lose weight, run faster and run farther. I have a goal to do a 1/2 marathon at some point this year!

  32. Hello - I'm Amanda There are a lot of great stories in the comments here :)!

    I have been running for almost 4 years. I started during my weight loss journey and after my first 5K I was hooked on the races!

    I am training for a lot of things! This month I'll be walking an 8K trail race with a friend and March 5th I'll be doing a half marathon (one that killed me last year). Then there are a ton of other things on the horizon as well :)!

    My goal this year is to stay active and really improve my time and fitness!

  33. I'm Becky --- wife, mom, runner, and soon-to-be PhD. I live in Washington DC and enjoy running around the Mall and through Rock Creek Park. I completed my fourth marathon this past fall in Philadelphia and am crossing my fingers to get into NYC this year.

    Do to some unexpected life changes this winter, I am revising my goals for the year. In doing so, I have started spinning and will soon be an addict (probably will be an instructor b/f too long). I also am learning yoga and challenging myself in new and exciting ways. I'm excited to reveal my new goals in the coming weeks and share the story behind why I revised.

    Truly appreciate your honesty and the spunk(!!) of your blog. Thanks for the encouragement!

  34. I've ran my entire life, but only seriously the past 4 years.
    10K, Marathons, Ultras - Love them all.
    Training for OH Mohican 100 this June.

  35. My name is Richelle and I live just south of Minneapolis, MN. I'm in my late 20s and am getting married in September. I've been running since 2004, though for several months I only ran 1-2 miles each time I ran. I completed my first race in 2005, but didn't seriously get into racing until 2007 when I trained for my first half-marathon. I'm very injury-prone, unfortunately, so I've been doing a lot of cross-training as I recover from a knee issue.

    I enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for being so inspirational.

  36. My name is Abi and I live in Orlando Fl. I've been running for almost two years and I LOVE IT!. I'm an author, wife and SAHM to an amazing 13 year old boy. Love anything PINK and can't live without stilettos :) I'm currently training for the Disney Princess Half Marathon in two weeks. I'm sooooooooo nervous!
    My blog is I love writing about life as a newbie runner, wife and mom :)

    Thanks for doing this and you have been an amazing inspiration to me.

  37. I'm Terri, and I live in East Tennessee. I have three adult sons and a fabulous husband - all of whom support my running. I've been running for more than ten years, but I took a long hiatus while I worked on my Master's degree - bad idea (the hiatus, not the degree!) and now I'm back into it. I have a half marathon this weekend (another long training run) and plan to do several more over the course of the spring and summer. My blog keeps me accountable, even if nobody else ever looks at it! But I love my followers! :)

  38. I'm Connie. I live in rural Arkansas. I have six adult children (mine, his, and ours)and four adorable grandboys. I started running January 1, 2008. I love every minute I am moving my feet. I jsut don't get to run enough - I am part of a hospital system administrative team, I am the volunteer director of a charitable health clinic, I teach nursing online, and have adopted 10 four-legged babies. Life is full - my blog, like my running is one of those things that has not been a constant in my life. 2011 is Differnt - it is the year I am running (Little Rock Half Marathon in March) and blogging.

  39. I'm Lorraine, a former smoker and self-proclaimed laziest person ever. Last October I ran my 1st Marathon and have completed 3 half marathons. I'll be a Princess in two weeks and I'm looking forward to my second marathon in the fall.

    What a great idea ... and thanks for the inspiration!

    Winks & Smiles,
