Friday, December 18, 2015

And ... my water didn't break on the bus ...

After a busy couple of weeks at the office, yesterday was my final day wrapping things up for a three month leave.  Very happy to report that my big fear of my water breaking on the city bus did NOT happen.  It was such a relief getting to the marathon mommy minivan after yesterday's bus ride.  After all of this counting down and waiting, the time has finally arrived.  I can't believe it.  I still don't think it has sunk in that I'm going to be off for twelve weeks with this sweet, little girl in my arms.  I am really going to cherish every single moment with this one.  I don't want one moment to pass by unappreciated.  I'm going to continue to try to slow down life a little bit and just enjoy all of the little blessings that come with having a newborn.  I'm also looking forward to having more time with the older two children and picking them up from school and having a lot of quality time at home this winter.
Yesterday was my final day of work.  Today was my final doctor's appointment.  We are all set to meet her next Wednesday.  Wow.  My doctor said that she will be making rounds on Christmas Day and will come visit our baby girl and I on Christmas morning before we depart. 
The other kids' birthdays are this week as well.  In a few days, I will have a twelve year old, an eight year old and a newborn.  Wow.  (again)  Throw in coming home from the hospital on Christmas Day (hopefully) and it's going to be a pretty exciting way to wrap up 2015. 


  1. That is so exciting! My oldest daughter's birthday is also December 23rd! It is a magical time to have a baby. Santa came to visit us Christmas evening in the hospital. They put all of the babies in huge stockings in the nursery Christmas morning. And we go to go home later Christmas afternoon.
