Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Cool Relief Ice Wraps Review & Giveaway

Cool Relief (HERE) knows the importance of fast recovery for athletes and runners.  As runners, we are trying to do something good for ourselves, that we enjoy - only to be sidelined by an annoying injury.  We want to get back out there - FAST!  In an effort to help athletes recover quickly - and at a decent price - they set out to provide many versatile ice wraps and ice packs at an affordable price.  They have also expanded their selection to ice pack accessories and coolers, which are great for summertime running.
I received two different wraps to test out and I also had the opportunity to share them with some of  my clients - new couch to 5k runners and runners training for 10K and half marathon distances. 
I received the Cool Relief Soft Shell Universal Wrap (HERE) to test out.  This wrap is available in three colors.  The University Wrap is great for the elbow, forearm, neck, back, thigh, knee, shin, calf and more.  My clients tried it on their knee and ankles.  The cold compression lasts for up to two hours.  There is a nice adjustable strap that is stretchy elastic and allows for a custom fit every time.  You can put the gel insert in your freezer or refrigerator.  Its made from non-toxic materials and is safe for kids, too!  Great for inuries from sports.
I liked that I could walk around with this wrap on and wasn't restricted to the bed or couch.  I could apply ice while folding laundry and emptying the dishwasher.  It also works great for driving if you want to ice on your way to work, after your morning run.  It was comfortable too.  A little heavy, but fine for wearing for an hour or so.
This wrap is also great for carpal tunnel, arthritis and tendinitis.  If you are sitting at a desk all day and having trouble with your hands, you may just want to check this out.
I was also sent the Flex Ice Ankle Wrap (HERE).  This wrap is great for sprains or ankle problems.  I tried this wrap out after having some trouble after trying out my new shoes too quickly.  I was having some ankle problems and this was an easy way to ease the pain and ice it.  My ankle is all better by the way.  There is a fitted boot and there are two sets of removable ice inserts.  It felt cold on my ankle by the wrap also eased some of the cold temps on my skin.  Nicer than wrapping a towel or paper towel around the typical ice pack. 
This wrap is also great for planter fasciitis, bursitis, Achilles Tendinitis and heel spurs.
As I mentioned, some of my clients had the opportunity to test these out, too.  Here's the feedback I received from one runner:
The Cool Relief Soft Gel Ice knee wrap is definitely a necessary item if you are having knee troubles with any activity. The inside part of the wrap is a very soft and smooth and is comfortable directly on your skin or over a thin piece of clothing. There are two velcro bands to help strap on the wrap that allow you to put the wrap on as loosely or tightly as you want. This is a nice feature for those who have larger or smaller calves and thighs. The cooling gel is very easy to use with the instructions printed right onto the actual gel pad. The gel pad is a bit larger than you would think but is does get all areas of the knee if that is what you are looking for in a knee wrap. The specific directions call for the gel to be in the freezer a few hours before use. I have used knee wraps before and only placed mine in the freezer an hour before my run and when I was ready to use it, it was cool for over an hour on my knee.
Since the knee pad is so large the gel pack is actually comprised of two long rectangular gel pads in one, each placed horizontally on top of each other. My only complaint about this is that when I initially put this on my knee it cooled all the areas around my knee except the direct sides in which I was having pain. But if you turn the gel pad around before placing it in the cloth cover you can both of the outer sides of the knee and not the front and back. I would also recommend this product if you are planning to remain inactive while wearing this knee wrap as it is rather large and slightly heavy. You can remain active if you tighten up the velcro around your knee. This product was easy to use and did its job. My knee felt significantly better after each run after using this wrap. I have used smaller wraps before but this is nice to get all areas of your knee at once. I believe the directions say you can also warm the gel as well but this aspect of the wrap I did not try. If you have knee problems then this could be a great starting point to getting you back on the right foot! (Pun intended)
Use Coupon Code:  COOL10 for 10% your order
One lucky winner will win a
Cool Relief Wrap
(Universal or Ankle pictured above)
1 – Become a follower of my blog or already are?!  LEAVE ME A COMMENT
2 – Follow Running Diva Mom on Facebook HERE.  LEAVE ME A COMMENT
3 – Visit the Cool Relief website HERE and tell me what you think is fabulous.  LEAVE ME A COMMENT
4 – Become a fan of Cool Relief on Facebook HERE (and let them know Running Diva Mom sent you!).  LEAVE ME A COMMENT
5 – Post about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter (@RunningDivaMom @CoolRelief #RunningDivaMom) account. LEAVE ME A COMMENT FOR EACH.
Enter now though April 15.
[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom, please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]


  1. I am a RDM blog follower and would love to win.

    Amy Lauren

  2. I also follow RDM on Facebook.

    Amy Lauren

  3. Liked and said you sent me on their facebook

  4. I so need this Foot and Plantar Fasciitis Ice Wrap from their website!

  5. I visited their website and I like that they make wraps specific to the joint.

  6. I would love to win this!! Just found out I have bone spurs and that is why mu feet hurt so bad. Makes me turn funny and ankles kill after a run. :)

  7. I follow your blog with bloglovin app!

  8. the foot one would be awesome

  9. Seeing that I'm having knee pain while running and walking and waiting approval on an MRI, I could really use the knee wrap!

  10. I visited the Cool Relief website - I love all of the knee wrap options and colors! I need one of these!

  11. I follow Cool Relief LLC on FB

  12. I follow your blog via Bloglovin'

  13. I checked out cool relief LLC and I love that you can order replacement ice just in case you need a second one or yours gets lost.

  14. I left a message on cool relief LLC facebook page
