Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Note to self: Walk away …. Run away … then love away ….

So, I must admit it … in the first fifty two days of the year I’ve slacked off a bit … quite a bit … by only logging 120 miles. I have consistently come up short on my weekly mileage goals. I have become comfortable with running on days when I’m not with the kids and giving up my runs on the days I’m with them. Trying not to squeeze in one more daily task to my already busy day as a single mom. I’ve become comfortable in my new routine; become comfortable in my new surroundings; become comfortable in relationships. I have said it over and and over again on RDM … life comes first. With that being said … there are still days when I miss the run … and I NEED IT.

Take last Sunday, for example. I was blessed with four consecutive days with Little Dude and Little Diva and we had many fun activities planned for ourselves. As many parents know … with the fun, planned outings … frustration, chaos and multi-tasking can also become an unplanned factor . We had a fantastic weekend together, including lots of good times. But, there were also many times when I had to either punish one of them or stand my ground and not give in to what they were asking. Sometimes it’s easier to just cave to the begging and the whining; but I’m truly realizing (especially since I’m all by myself now), that I need to stick to my original decision and that they will learn more that way. We all will. And, it’s working. Surprise, surprise; right?!?

By Sunday afternoon, I think we had all spent SO much quality time together, that we all needed a break and sometime to ourselves. After a couple of meltdowns, mentions of “I hate you” by the kids and tossing of inanimate objects, we all went to “our corners” … Little Diva to watch a teeny bopper movie, Little Dude to a favorite computer game, and Running Diva Mom to her treadmill. I wasn’t planning on fitting a run into our “family day”, because I wanted to focus on them. But, I realized that the brief twenty minute departure from family time was much needed by all of us; especially me. Those twenty minutes of alone time with my sweat, thoughts and emotions made me come back to them calmer, more level-headed and more engaged in our family evening together.

I could have taken my frustration out on a package of Oreos … or even worse, the kids … but I didn’t.

Note to self: Walk away …. Run away … then love away ….


  1. You definitely did the right thing! That alone time can be just what you need to make the important decisions that parents have to make all the time. I've had to be the Bad Guy a number of times in the past couple of months, and I'm just now beginning to see how right those decisions were. Yay tough moms!

  2. I just did a sort of similar post on my blog today.. :) I always say, my kids are my top priority, but, gotta rely on my running to keep my sanity!!

  3. my running/alone time (even for 10 minutes) is what makes me a great mom! Keep up the great work!

  4. Heck, I'm not a Mom, but I have a niece and nephews and I know that too much time can be too much of a good thing. Sometimes a break is exactly what's called for - good for you for taking the time!

  5. This post is EXACTLY why I'm a runner. As a working mother (and at one time, I too was a single mother) it was MY time. We need that time to be better mothers, wives, sisters and daughters. It helps up cope with every day life. I have come to terms with this, and no longer feel guilty about taking an hour a day to work on my myself either at the gym or running through my neighborhood. It is so needed for my sanity! www.dashingdiva.net

  6. It's great to hear from another single mom! Since we share time with my lil guy when I have him it's usually ALL about him. And I almost feel guilty if I do anything that isn't. Now I see that I'm not the only one and that I'm not crazy! Thank you!
