Friday, February 24, 2012

IRun Athletic Wear Winter Running Outfit Winner ...

I was recently given the opportunity to review the 2012 Winter Bundle Running Outfit (HERE) from IRun Athletic Wear (HERE). You can read all about my fabulous experience HERE.

Please visit IRun Athletic Wear online HERE and start shopping.

There were 220 entries in my recent giveaway on the RDM blog and Facebook page. One winner was chose at random to receive the 2012 Winter Bundle Running Outfit. chose ……..

Suz @
Cows and Lasers and
Everything In Between


Congratulations!!! Please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) with your name, email and mailing address. And, I will get you your prize!

Thank you for following my journey!!

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom, please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]

Hot (Sweaty) Mamas Book Review & Giveaway

Over the past several months, when I've had a RARE free moment, I've been taking a peek at the sweet book, Hot (Sweaty) Mamas: Five Secrets to Life as a Fit Mom (HERE), by Kara Douglass Thom and Laurie Lethert Kocanda. I'm not much of a reader -- though I've been trying to be -- and this book fits-the-bill. It was easy for me to take on the go and read in the line of minivans at school pick-up or at the doctor's office, or sneak away in bed for a few moments of reading before I suddenly crash before a long day of craziness and chaos. Just like my running, I have been able to sneak in some reading here-and-there ... and this book is perfect for those little bouts of free time ... you can pick it up and get some motivation right where you left off.

As a single mommy, I find it extremly important to find balance in every single day. As much as I'd like to fit in a long workout session with sweat-drenched running gear every single day, that just really isn't possible for me at this point. This book has reminded me that it's important to stay active, to teach your kids and active and healthy lifestyle, but that each day is about balance ... for you and your family. It's important to carve out me time, quiet time, active time, hobby time, rest time, down time, family time, time with each child individually, time for work, time for errands, time for friends and extended family. BALANCE, people!!

The advice that is given by Kara and Laurie is practical for all of us that try to work, home and family. I like the section that touches on communicating with your spouse about your training, your schedule, and his/her priorities. Communication is always important in a strong relationship. And exercise routines are apart of that. I've seen a lot of competitive endurance athletes struggle to fit everything into their schedule; when both of you are training balance becomes that much more difficult.

Whether you are a mother or not, you can learn a lot from their words, motivation, encouragement and advice. When you put the book down, you will immediately want to get you and your family active.

The book also includes lots of helpful tips, resources and website for additional motivation and support.

Conception of the book:

Laurie and Kara met shortly after Kara moved to the Twin Cities from Texas in the summer of 2003. They were both triathletes and writers who had read each other’s bylines on several occasions. At the time, Laurie’s daughter was a little over one, and Kara’s twins were newborns. They were triathletes, writers and, now, moms. A couple of summers later, after the birth of Kara’s third daughter and Laurie’s second daughter, they got together for lunch to hammer out a presentation for the Twin Cities Marathon Expo about managing fitness through pregnancy (They made a good team since Kara’s fitness program slowed to leg lifts in the pool while Laurie was the sort to go for a run after her water broke—true story).

As they chewed on their sandwiches and the outline for their talk, Laurie looked up and said, somewhat sarcastically, “Who cares whether or not you exercise during your pregnancy? The real challenge is finding a way to work out after the kids are born.”

Talk about an “Aha!” moment. She nailed it, and yet, at the time, there was nothing out there that spoke to women about balancing fitness and motherhood. Plenty was said about fitness during pregnancy and ad nauseam about getting your body back after baby. When they parted ways after having lunch that day they had the beginning of an outline for a presentation as well as for a book.

Because they were living the life of Hot (Sweaty) Mamas, they had their own experiences, victories and challenges to draw from for the book. With six kids between them, they are experts at balancing motherhood and fitness.


One lucky winner will win a copy of
Hot (Sweaty) Mamas:
Five Secrets to Life as a Fit Mom


1 – Become a follower of my blog or already are?! LEAVE ME A COMMENT

2 – Follow Running Diva Mom on Facebook HERE. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

3 – Visit the Hot (Sweaty) Mamas website HERE and tell me what you think is fabulous. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

4 – Become a fan of Hot (Sweaty) Mamas on Facebook HERE (and let them know Running Diva Mom sent you!). LEAVE ME A COMMENT

5 – Post about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter account. LEAVE ME A COMMENT FOR EACH.

Enter now though Sunday, March 4.
Winner will be announced on Monday, March 5.

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom,
please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Note to self: Walk away …. Run away … then love away ….

So, I must admit it … in the first fifty two days of the year I’ve slacked off a bit … quite a bit … by only logging 120 miles. I have consistently come up short on my weekly mileage goals. I have become comfortable with running on days when I’m not with the kids and giving up my runs on the days I’m with them. Trying not to squeeze in one more daily task to my already busy day as a single mom. I’ve become comfortable in my new routine; become comfortable in my new surroundings; become comfortable in relationships. I have said it over and and over again on RDM … life comes first. With that being said … there are still days when I miss the run … and I NEED IT.

Take last Sunday, for example. I was blessed with four consecutive days with Little Dude and Little Diva and we had many fun activities planned for ourselves. As many parents know … with the fun, planned outings … frustration, chaos and multi-tasking can also become an unplanned factor . We had a fantastic weekend together, including lots of good times. But, there were also many times when I had to either punish one of them or stand my ground and not give in to what they were asking. Sometimes it’s easier to just cave to the begging and the whining; but I’m truly realizing (especially since I’m all by myself now), that I need to stick to my original decision and that they will learn more that way. We all will. And, it’s working. Surprise, surprise; right?!?

By Sunday afternoon, I think we had all spent SO much quality time together, that we all needed a break and sometime to ourselves. After a couple of meltdowns, mentions of “I hate you” by the kids and tossing of inanimate objects, we all went to “our corners” … Little Diva to watch a teeny bopper movie, Little Dude to a favorite computer game, and Running Diva Mom to her treadmill. I wasn’t planning on fitting a run into our “family day”, because I wanted to focus on them. But, I realized that the brief twenty minute departure from family time was much needed by all of us; especially me. Those twenty minutes of alone time with my sweat, thoughts and emotions made me come back to them calmer, more level-headed and more engaged in our family evening together.

I could have taken my frustration out on a package of Oreos … or even worse, the kids … but I didn’t.

Note to self: Walk away …. Run away … then love away ….

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Laura Elaine Designs Running Scrapbook Product Review & Giveaway

When Running Diva Mom first started, I worked with the sweet Laura at Laura Elaine Designs (HERE) on a custom album. You can see the awesome custom Madison Marathon scrapbook she designed for me (HERE). She customized everything for my 26.2 mile journey, including the event's race colors. I have the album proudly displayed in my home gym.

Laura recently alerted me about her new Runner's Race Bib Books (HERE) are available on Etsy. They are a steal for only $24. The album includes 10 chipboard pages inside; and holds up to 10 race bibs or you can use the decorated chipboard pages to display dozens of photos.

Laura created a CUSTOM Running Diva Mom Race Bib book for me. The colors and vibrant patterned papers were selected just for me and the RDM theme. I ended up putting photos from the past year in it, documenting my 5Ks, 10Ks, Half Marathons and Marathons. There were separate two-page spreads for each distance. You can easily store one race bib or 2-4 photos on each two-page spread.

You won't be disappointed with Laura's albums. Everything is well assembled and affixed to the chpboard pages. She puts her heart-and-soul into these albums, just like she made them for her self. Can't fit scrapbooking, or anything else extra, into your crazy, busy day???!! These album are a great idea for busy running mamas that just don't have the time to add something else to their agenda. Document your journey -- you deserve it! Get your race bibs, race photos and memorabilia out of that shoe box or drawer and display them in one of Laura's custom albums.

About the Runner's Race Bib Book:

The Runner's Race Bib book, designed to hold race bib numbers. It measures 8" by 11" in landscape orientation, will hold up to 10 of your race bibs, and is decorated with scrapbook paper, cardstock, stickers, and homemade die-cuts - all with a running theme. The album itself is made of six heavy-duty chipboard pages and is bound together. Each set of facing pages (5 sets = 10 total pages) are decorated with coordinating paper and are designed to hold race bibs, but you can easily add photos and/or journaling as well. Race bibs will attach to the pages with tape. The front cover has a silouette of a female runner and reads "RUN LIKE A GIRL!" and it totally customizable . This scrapbook makes a great gift for your favorite runner! All items used to make these pages are acid-free and they come from a pet free and smoke free home.


One lucky winner will win a
Runner's Race Bib Album
(pictured above)


1 – Become a follower of my blog or already are?! LEAVE ME A COMMENT

2 – Follow Running Diva Mom on Facebook HERE. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

3 – Visit the Laura Elaine Designs website HERE and tell me what you think is fabulous. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

4 – Post about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter account. LEAVE ME A COMMENT FOR EACH.

Enter now though Thursday, March 1.
Winner will be announced on Friday, March 2.

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom,
please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]

Kidz Bop 21 CD Winner ...

Little Diva and I were recently given the opportunity to review Kidz Bop 21 on CD. You can read all about our fabulous experience HERE.

Please visit Kidz Bop online HERE and start shopping.

There were 24 entries in my recent giveaway on the RDM blog and Facebook page. One winner was chose at random to receive Kidz Bop 21 on CD. chose ……..

Jeff @
Barefoot Inclined

Congratulations!!! Please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) with your name, email and mailing address. And, I will get you your prize!

Thank you for following my journey!!

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom, please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]

Sarah Jane Design Disney Princess Half Marathon Pendant Winner ...

I was recently given the opportunity to review a Disney Princess Half Marathon Pendant from Sarah Jane Design. You can read all about my fabulous experience HERE.

Please visit Sarah Jane Design online HERE and start shopping.

There were 33 entries in my recent giveaway on the RDM blog and Facebook page. One winner was chose at random to receive a Disney Princess Half Marathon Pendant from Sarah Jane Design. chose ……..

The Imperfectly Perfect Family of Five

Congratulations!!! Please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) with your name, email and mailing address. And, I will get you your prize!

Thank you for following my journey!!

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom, please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]

Friday, February 17, 2012

Fitting it all in

The other day, I had an evening full of commitments and errands to run. Of course, I wanted to fit a few miles in, too. I took off of work early to register the Little Dude for 4K, had coaching commitments, taxes to get done, things to buy, items to return, and projects to work on.

When I left work, the sun was shining and the temperature on the Marathon Mommy Minivan read 45 degrees. I had to take off my winter coat and roll down my windows. SWEET!

I had about 45 mins before I had to be at Little Dude's school, changed into my running gear and started my busy afternoon and evening. I parked the Marathon Mommy Minivan at a local park and ran one of my favorite 3 mile routes. I only had 25 mins to run. So, I picked up the pace (hence the heavy breathing!), sloshed around in the melting snow and headed back to the van in a sweaty mess. Completed 4K registration. Headed to the gym to tan and for another couple of miles on the treadmill. Headed into town to coach my 50 and over ladies 5k training group during their third session (3 min/2 min intervals!!!) for another 1.5 miles. Ran some errands. Got my taxes done. Rans some more errands.

By 9pm, I was still in my running gear, needed a shower, and exhausted. On the bright side, I had checked everything off of my to do list, including 3 runs and a total of six-and-a-half miles for the evening.

How's that for fitting it all in????

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day Date with My Running Shoes

I have been looking forward to my Valentine's Day date with my running shoes all day long!!!! ....

And then, indulging in a little of this .... after I've earned it!!

I hope that your day is just as



Monday, February 13, 2012

IRun Athletic Wear Winter Running Outfit Review & Giveaway

I connected with Irun Athletic Wear (HERE) on Facebook a few weeks back. It was nice to see another fun and girly running company, not only marketing cute products for women, but women of all sizes. It’s comforting to see that we are not all expected to be stick then runners and can embrace our curves in some stylish gear. The Irun Athletic Wear is available in sizes Small - 3X.

Nestled in the Rocky Mountain region, iRun Athletic Wear was started with a mission to create the perfect running skirt, tight and hoodie combination that compliments all female body shapes and sizes. Their fun and comfortable athletic gear combines affordable prices with great styles and provides their unique slimming fabric that works perfectly with your body! iRun Athletic Wear’s outfits can be used year round and are specifically designed to wick away moisture and sweat to keep you going on the trail or in the gym.

The pieces are sold separately, but right now Irun Athletic Wear is offering the 2012 Winter Bundle (HERE). The bundle includes the Hoodie, Skirt/Tights (also referred to as Skights) and a FREE Performance T-Shirt. You pay only $65 and save $15 off of the listed price of $80.

I tried this gear out while running both outside (30 degree temps) and inside. It held up great in the cooler temps, as well as on the treadmill at the gym.

Black Skight With White Racer Stripe (HERE)

Details Black skirt/white racer stripes with black fitted tights sewn in. The fabric is 92% polyester with 8% spandex blend

The Skight is AWESOME! I love that I didn’t have to layer a separate running skirt and running tights combination. I just put one article on and was set. I was sent a size medium, since I tend to wear a medium on the bottom. When I put the leggings on, I was a little concerned that the Skight wasn’t going to fit my curvy body. The legs of the tights were very snug (similar to my compression socks) at first. But once I got the bottom of the tights on and worked on them (similar to nylons), they fit like a glove. I was very impressed by how the fabric embraced my curves perfectly. And they were super comfortable; did not “cut-me-off” in my curvy places. The tights were comfortable outside and inside, however they wouldn’t have kept me too warm if the temperatures were any cooler (below 30 degrees). I would need a thicker pair of tights to keep me warm. The skirt is sold with racer stripes and without. The Skight could also use a pocket or two, to store all of your running essentials. I really hope that they start offering patterns someday. I can already think of a ton of bold patterns I’d love to run around in!

Long Sleeve Black Hoodie - White Zippers (HERE)

Long sleeve black technical hoodie with white contrast 1/4 zipper and white pocket zipper. The fabric is a 92% polyester, 8% spandex blend.

This hoodie is also sold with black zippers, but I like how the white zippers really “pop” and add to the outfit. The angled pocket also is quite different. The jacket was great when paired with the performance tee and kept me comfortable during my runs outside and inside. I definitely look forward to layering with this hoodie in my springtime training runs. A size medium was fine, even with layering underneath. I hope they offer it in more colros soon!

FREE Performance T-shirt (HERE)

Black Performance t-shirt short sleeve. This great t-shirt features the iRun Athletic Wear Logo screened on the front. The fabric is 92% polyester with 8% spandex blend.

I loved the fit of this shirt. I liked how it was fitted for the female body, but wasn’t too tight. It fit my curves in all of the right places. I typically wear a medium top and it fit me fine, even after washing and drying. The length is awesome and perfect, as many of my running tops tend to ride up, especially after putting quite a few miles in. The logo on the front is a lot of fun, too.


One lucky winner will win an
IRun Athletic Apparel
2012 Winter Bundle


1 – Become a follower of my blog or already are?! LEAVE ME A COMMENT

2 – Follow Running Diva Mom on Facebook HERE. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

3 – Visit the IRun Athletic Apparel website HERE and tell me what you think is fabulous. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

4 – Become a fan of IRun Athletic Apparel on Facebook HERE (and let them know Running Diva Mom sent you!). LEAVE ME A COMMENT

5 – Post about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter account. LEAVE ME A COMMENT FOR EACH.

Enter now though Thursday, February 23.
Winner will be announced on Friday, February 24.

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom,
please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]

Friday, February 10, 2012

Soles 4 Souls

With my recent, fabulous running shoe purchases, I've decided to finally let go of some of my oldies-but-goodies. It's amaing how many hundreds ... and yes, thousands ... of miles are invested in these shoes. I think about all of the memories that these shoes shared with me ....

Time on the treadmill ... all of the miles on the road ... all of the time coaching ... the PRs ... the tough races in the heat ... the people I've met out on the course ... double-knotting my laces daily ... the sticky energy drink under my feet at the aid stations ... the blisters, bunions and missing toenails ...

When I was coaching at the local running store this week, I dropped off all of my old kicks in their Soles 4 Souls (HERE) bin.

Soles4Souls is a Nashville-based charity that collects shoes from the warehouses of footwear companies and the closets of people like you. The charity distributes these shoes to people in need, regardless of race, religion, class, or any other criteria. Since 2005, Soles4Souls has delivered over 16 million pairs of new and gently worn shoes. The shoes have been distributed to people in over 127 countries, including Kenya, Thailand, Nepal and the United States.

What do YOU do
with your old
running shoes??

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Think Happy Stuff Mug & Gift Book Winner ...

I was recently given the opportunity to review a mug and gift book from Think Happy Stuff. You can read all about my fabulous experience HERE.

Please visit Think Happy Stuff online HERE and start shopping.

There were 73 entries in my recent giveaway. One winner was chose at random to receive a Think Happy Stuff Mug and Gift Book. chose ……..

Jamie @
A Frugal Mama


Congratulations, Jamie!!! Please email me at ( runningdivamom at charter dot net ) with your name, email and mailing address. And, I will get you your prize!

Thank you for following my journey!!

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom, please email me at ( runningdivamom at charter dot net ) ]

Announcement - Ladies 5K to 10K Training Session

5K to 10K in 12 Weeks

Session starts Tuesday, April 3
Group meets every Tuesday at 7:00 PM
Two additional weekly runs on your own
Training for Practice 10K Race on May 19
and the Strawberry Fest 10K on June 23

$75 Enrollment Fee
(training program and technical tee included; race entry fee separate)

· Must be able to run 30 minutes at first session
· Limited to 20 ladies
· Non-competitive all female group
· Enjoy a variety of routes and trails in Sun Prairie in Madison, Wisconsin
· Positive coach and encouraging atmosphere

To enroll:
Contact Running Diva Mom @

runningdivamom at yahoo dot com

Session is already over half-way full ....

Enroll now!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Kidz Bop 21 CD Review & Giveaway

Last month, Kidz Bop (HERE), released their 21st CD in their line of hits for 5-12 year olds in the U.S. The new album is a great representation of the current hits, including 16 of the current chart-toppers. Little Diva and Little Dude love these albums and love current hits. Some music is not always appropriate for kids these ages, but Kidz Bop chooses some of the best hits, that are also age-appropriate. The kid kids and I have weekly Friday night dance parties with our disco ball, and these tunes are a great way to show our moves and grooves and for Little Diva to sing out all of her favorite songs. She especially loves The Edge of Glory, Someone and We Found Love. Little Diva has been a recently follower of the Kidz Bop website and online community and enjoys watching other young singers share their talent through music videos. It's a great, safe, kid-friendly community that helps boost the kids' self-confidence by expressing themselves online with other peers.

Kidz Bop 21 (HERE):

1. Party Rock Anthem
2. Moves Like Jagger
3. The Edge of Glory
4. You Make Me Feel
5. Good Life
6. Stereo Hearts
7. Without You
8. Fly
9. Hello
10. We Found Love
11. It Will Rain
12. The One That Got Away
13. Good Feeling
14. Mr. Saxobeat
15. It Girl
16. Someone


One lucky winner will win a copy of
Kidz Bop 21
on CD


1 – Become a follower of my blog or already are?! LEAVE ME A COMMENT

2 – Follow Running Diva Mom on Facebook HERE. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

3 – Visit the Kidz Bop website HERE and tell me what you think is fabulous. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

4 – Become a fan of Kidz Bop on Facebook HERE (and let them know Running Diva Mom sent you!). LEAVE ME A COMMENT

5 – Post about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter account. LEAVE ME A COMMENT FOR EACH.

Enter now though Thursday, February 16.
Winner will be announced on Friday, February 17.

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom,
please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]

Sarah Jane Design Disney Princess Half Marathon Pendant Review & Giveaway

Last year, I had the opportunity to work with the lovely Sarah from Sarah Jane Design (HERE). Sarah has developed a line of diverse and hand-crafted jewelry. Everything is handcrafted by Sarah herself and each piece is unique. Her love of art, nature and fitness influences her designs. You'll find unusual art pieces, elegant one-of-a-kind heirloom quality, everyday and trend, sports jewelry and pretty things for all women.

Sarah Jane Design's Running Jewelry (HERE) is fun, unique and girly. Sarah carries all sorts of fun sayings and slogans related to the fitness industry. Pick something out to help you stand-out in the crowd, show off your accomplishments, or buy a gift for that special running buddy in your life. These are so different from anything you will find in the stores or in the booths multisport expos.

I completed the 2010 Disney Princess Half Marathon and had the best experience of my life. It was truly magical running from Epcot to the Magic Kingdom and back ... and running through Cinderella's castle. I can't wait to go back and run the race again. The race expo was equally as wonderful, filled with all things girly, magical and running-related. But, the expo merchandise was more-than-expensive and the check-out lines were some of the longest I've seen.

I was able to review this beautiful piece that Sarah just recently created for the 2012 Disney Princess Half marathon. This would be a unique and affordable way to remember your accomplishments and display your 13.1 journey around your neck. I loved the colors and the size of the pendant. The fact that it's reversible is fun and the dangling crystals are a beautiful accent to add just a little something to the over sized pendant. The necklace is not heavy and the adjustable chain was sweet, when I could cut it to fit to my neckline. I would recommend any of Sarah's pieces to anyone that wants something a little different. I'm not into expensive, over-priced jewelry. These pieces are bright, fun and sassy.

DISNEY PRINCESS RUN Soldered Pendant - Only $20

Glitter-embellished and hand soldered, this exclusive SARAH JANE DESIGN makes the perfect commemorative keepsake for yourself or special gift for a friend completing this fabulous Disney race. In this year’s colors, wear either side depending on your mood or outfit. Simply flip over the Swarovski crystals and pearl to the side you are wearing. Pendant measures 1” x 1”. Comes with 24” silver ball chain that can be cut to size with scissors.

Sarah also offers jewelry for cyclists, swimmers, cross country skiers, golf, basketball, triathlon, yoga and much, much more.


One lucky winner will win a

Disney Princess
Half Marathon Pendant
by Sarah Jane Design


1 – Become a follower of my blog or already are?! LEAVE ME A COMMENT

2 – Follow Running Diva Mom on Facebook HERE. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

3 – Visit the Sarah Jane Design website HERE and tell me what you think is fabulous. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

4 – Become a fan of Sarah Jane Design on Facebook HERE (and let them know Running Diva Mom sent you!). LEAVE ME A COMMENT

5 – Post about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter account. LEAVE ME A COMMENT FOR EACH.

Enter now though Thursday, February 16.
Winner will be announced on Friday, February 17.

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom, please email me at ( runningdivamom at charter dot net ) ]

Friday, February 3, 2012

I'll take it.

The strange winter in Wisconsin continued this week. A majority of the snow had melted, the beautiful sun was shining high in the sky all day and there wasn't a chill in the air. I was lucky enough to get out of work just a little early one afternoon and was able to enjoy the gorgeous afternoon. The sun was still out and the weather rocked for a quick 5K around my neighborhood.

I could not believe it, but I was able to head out of the door ... like this ...

No running tights. No jacket. Not hat or mittens.

Just a cute, every day running ensemble. I'll take it.

And, I was able to try out my new Saucony's ... LOVE THEM! Probably not the best idea with all the puddles on the local running paths. But again, I'll take it.