Tuesday, November 29, 2011


This year was a different kind of Thanksgiving. I was not scheduled to have Little Dude and Little Diva for the day. And, I opted not to toe the start line at a local Turkey Trot, due to an already-busy fall racing schedule. I opted to use the morning to sleep in and save on another race entry fee. Instead, I spent some time at the gym and then met a new friend at the local Nature Conservancy. He and I enjoyed running our own 5K (give-or-take) while we were surrounded by other like-minded people out on the trail. After I showered up, I headed to a relative's home for some awesome company and a some delicious food. Even though I wasn't hanging out with the kids, I was surrounded by people really close to me. The day was filled with lots of good food, relaxing and laughing ... oh, and texting ... and, you can't forget the wine in the hot tub ...

Even though I wasn't able to spend the holiday with the kids, I have been blessed with several days with them following. I'm reminding myself that it does not matter WHEN we celebrate holidays with each other ... each and every day together should be celebrated. We spent a lot of time at home together this weekend ... SLOWING LIFE DOWN, just enjoying eachother, we surrounded ourselves with friends and enjoyed preparing for the holiday season.

This week marks the one-year point when life changed (HERE) for me. This year, I am more thankful than ever for every single blessing in my life. With all of life's changes and curve-balls over the past twelve months, I have so much to be thankful for. So many constant, lifelong blessings that have existed and so many new ones that I have discovered. It took experiencing some tough times for me to realize who some of these blessings are, and for me to remind them that I am thankful for their support. I truly am thankful for the experiences ... the good and the bad. From them I have have learned, I have grown and I have conquered. One year later, I am still me ... I am just a better version of myself. And, I am blessed.

- My 2 happy & healthy children
- My wonderful parents, Little Diva Sister
& my awesome support system
- The relationships & friendships that have been
strengthened over the past twelve months
- The new friendships & relationships that have developed
- My flexible, stable & supportive work environment

- A comfortable HOUSE that now also feels like a HOME
- The sport of running & all of the physical, emotional,
mental, social and financial outlets it has given me

- And last but not least ...........
my coffee and Diet Mountain Dew

It's not what we say about our blessings,

but how we use them, is the

true measure of our thanksgiving.

~W.T. Purkiser


  1. I'm glad you had good friends to spend the holiday with. Good friends help us get through the rough times.

    Love that pic of you and your two little blessings.

  2. Awesome post! Glad you had a great one!!!

  3. you are a strong mama!! SHINE ON!!

  4. What a great post. You are doing awesome and your kiddos are adorable!

  5. So glad that you made it through the holidays and got to spend quality time with friends, family and the little ones. Congrats on making it through the year in style and doing great - keep it up!!!

  6. Three cheers for Diet Mt. Dew :).

  7. You have a great attitude! Love the picture of you and your cute kiddos!
