Friday, January 14, 2011

What this Blog is All About ...

What is this blog about?!

I chose the name Running Diva Mom for a reason. It's what I'm all about. It's about my training and racing and the friends I make along the way. It's about my journey as a young mother raising two incredible kids and the fun things we do together. It's about my sense of style and how I incorporate that into my running and my lifestyle and the cool products I enjoy sharing with you.

That's how it all started. It was about me. It is still about me. I have not changed. I am who I am and I am exactly what you see on my blog. At least that's what people tell me that have had the opportunity to meet me in person. I am a happy, outgoing and colorful person and no "anonymous" commenter is going to bring me down and convince me that I am otherwise. I am a happy person and am only going to be happier in the future.

If you don't like me and don't enjoy hearing what I have to say, then I guess you should refrain from reading my posts. I am a very positive person and am not going to say anything negative about anyone or anything on RDM. This blog will NOT be about negativity.

One thing that has changed about me ..... Since I started this blog about a year-and-a-half ago, I realize now that I have been building my support system here virtual friends online, bloggers I've met in person, reconnecting with old friends, strengthening bonds and forming new ones. That is obvious from my last post. I've been building my support system and preparing for this very difficult time in my life. I am surprisingly doing VERY well one-month-out because of my support system. Other than Little Diva and Little Dude, my support system means everything to me right now. And, I have made so many new connections because of this terrible situation. It is obvious that so many other people have similar stories. It is an unfortunate bond, but I think that I will have some ever-lasting bonds with some very special people because of it. Huge hugs to all of you!

So many of you have reached out to me over the past month to remind me about how STRONG I am. I have appreciated your encouragement and your comments. But, you know what?!?! I already knew that.

I was wearing my cuff bracelet from Jill at Lift Your Sole (HERE) today. It says A FIT WOMAN IS A POWERFUL WOMAN. When I received and reviewed this bracelet months ago ... I didn't know how much those words really meant. I am powerful and strong. And, I'm just getting stronger.

I mean, how many people can say that they've run three marathons and more than a dozen half marathons while raising two fantastic children?! How many women can say they've endured childbirth without pain medication?! How many people can say they've come out of an all time low point in their life ... escaped the negative to find the positive ... with a smile on their face?! ME.

Thanks, as always,
for following my journey ...
It's gonna be a fantastic journey, too!


  1. Just wanted to tell you that I can only guess at what has been going on, but I love your style and your posts. Your dedication to yourself and your kids has been obvious. I'm sorry that you had to deal with a naysayer. Stay true to who you are.

  2. I love this post and am happy to hear that you are smiling! You are a strong woman and a great inspiration to others (ME!!). I love what and who Running Diva Mom is. Thank you for sharing this with us. :)

  3. Keep your chin up girl!!! Don't let the haters and their co-horts beat you know who you are and what you are. Stay true to yourself...stay positive, happy and MATURE...for you and your kids.

    Best wishes,

  4. I can only imagine what you've been going through the last month. Just know that we here in blogland will be here if you need us. And I only got to meet up with you for a little bit last April, but you are an amazing, powerful woman who can handle whatever life throws at her.

    And by the way, I glanced at your 2011 schedule, I smell a meet up in April and September when you'll be up in my neck of the woods at races I'll be at!

  5. You are right in that the virtual community is a really supportive one. I've made many friends through the online world. Like you, I am finding all sorts of comfort through running and writing, without actually going into details.
    "It's the confidence that others have in you that is a great factor of success." I know you'll stay strong.

  6. Good for you!! Stay strong and keep writing and running :)

  7. You are a rockin' Running Diva Mom. :)

  8. It's funny how we start building a support system for one thing and realize they are a support system for other things. Life is a journey and there is much more to come. Stay positive!

  9. A wise person once told me if a person can't sign their name to something, their opinion is worth absolutely nothing!

  10. It was good to see you Thursday in person and back online as always. We believe in you!

  11. Hey Jamie - It's Sarah - the woman who stalked you in the bathroom line at the GOTR race! Just wanted to say that you rock and "anonymous" is moron. No one can steal your thunder! Getting through the next few months might be really hard but lean on your friends and support group and things will be better. Hope to see you at some races this year!

  12. Hi Jamie, kudos to everything everyone said above. You are all this and more. ANONYMOUS is a moron as said above. Sounds like a very jealous insecure person to me and all your fellow followers. We all look up to you and support you. Run Diva Run!

  13. I am glad you have returned to the blogging world!

    Stay strong - You Are
    Know yourself - You Do
    Move forward - You Are

    ENJOY Life!

  14. Awesome positive post! You inspire many!

  15. I am brand new ere and I think you are awesome! As a mom to four and battling a bit of a health scare, your blog is giving me much to smile about and lots to inspire me.Thank you!

  16. This *is* a wonderful support system, isn't it? :-)

  17. Love your attitude! Stay true to who you are!!

  18. I had to go back an read that comment. It was the most random comment ever. You know I love your blog and journey.

  19. I'm sorry that somebody felt the need to kick you while you're already struggling, but very glad that you're able to see above the pettiness!

  20. You are doing great! With your positive outlook no one can bring you down!! :)

  21. Such an awesome post Jamie...keep your chin up and keep doing what you are doing...

  22. I think you've done an amazing job of coming through your situation and sharing just enough to let us know you have challenges, without actually airing dirty laundry.

    You are a strong woman and you are going to do great!

  23. Jamie,
    I have never posted on your blog before, but have followed along for some time. I am so sorry that somebody listed as anonymous had the gall to attack you on your blog. I have also read J's blog for sometime. I always wondered what you saw in him. He seems like a pompous, ego-loving, jerk. You seem warm, caring, and dedicated to your kids. Hang in there -- you will get the peace and love that you deserve. Run on sister!

  24. Saw that comment by anonymous - there are always a few bad apples in the bunch.

    I am proud of you for standing up for yourself!

  25. You are strong and awesome and your positive outlook will get you through anything. Keep it up!

  26. stay strong! it's a shame some people have to be so nasty and disrespectful. just keep remembering who you are and that your are setting a great example for your kids!

  27. Great post! You are a strong woman and mother, nobody can take that away from you.

  28. What an awful post, people really don't have anything better to do. Kind of sick.
    I think that you are awesome, fun and inspiring. I am looking forward to following your running/mommy journey. I think that while it may be hard it will be fun at the same time.
    Good vibes being sent your way!

  29. I'm sorry you had to deal with a comment so pathetic and immature as that one. Hang in there, girl! You know you have a lot of people in your corner right now. Running mamas gotta stick together. :)

  30. Welcome back lady. Sorry I missed the earlier posts, but I think your goals look fantastic!

  31. hang in there! don't let some troll get you down...keep runnin' and smilin'!

  32. The support from a hundred virtual friends is amazing, isn't it? I have built my best suppport group right here online, with people thousands of miles away and that I will probably never meet. But you all least a small portion of my life that nobody here does. Everyone is rooting for you!!!!

  33. You are great! I love your blog, and kick some booty at the Pettit!

  34. I LOVE that bracelet and I just love all you represent! So glad I found you! I relate so much to your words!

  35. i adore this post! its so funny because as I was falling asleep last night I was writing a post about the same thing in my head. about how i keep my life as negativity free as possible and just don't understand people who spend their energy being NEGATIVE! you rock girl!

  36. Sorry that someone felt the need to say such hateful words. But look at all these people who support & adore you! Rock on with your bad self. :)

  37. I truly admire you Jamie and am so glad I have had the opportunity to meet you! Keep your chin up because you are sincere and you rock!

  38. You are definitely a powerful woman!! Go get'em!
