Thursday, July 22, 2010

Three Things Thurday

  1. If anyone will be running the Chicago Rock & Roll Half Marathon on August 1, please let me know. I would love to try to meet up. I will be in Corral 7. I hope to PR with 1:55:58. My first full marathon was the Chicago Marathon (2008) and I am eager to run along that awesome crowd support again. It is complete chaos getting downtown for packet pick-up and on race day (6:30 AM start - yawn!). But, it will be well worth it.
  2. This Saturday, I will be running the Waunafest 10 miler. I would love to PR with a 1:25:30. This is my third time running this local race and I am really looking forward to it. The course will be different this year, but should be just as fun. I love the distance.
  3. So far, I ran every mile I had planned for July. I would REALLY suggest putting your training program on your refrigerator. Seriously. Every time I want to skip a run or cut it short, I think about how mad I'll be at myself the next time I go to grab something out to eat. It is really holding me accountable. This week I will have in 50 miles alone! I WILL log 166+ miles this month!! I will, I will!


  1. I am running RNR Chicago - Katye and I are in corral 8 shooting for a 1:58. When are you planning on going to the expo. Courtney from Run Courtney, Run is picking us up at the airport at 9 am on Saturday and then we are heading over. Let me know if you want to meet up at some point!

    I also have my plan on the fridge and it definitely keeps me accountable. We must be using similar plans, I will be at 168 for July

  2. I too am running the RNR Chicago. I am in corral 8. I had put down my estimated finish time as a 1:55. My current 1/2 PR is 1:54:14 (Columbus back in October). Three other friends and I are running actually (all of them are in higher corrals- 18, 26, and 28. We are getting into town on Friday and are doing the Kracker concert as by the time we purchased our entry it came with a concert ticket. Feel free to contact me at jodihiggins at hotmail dot com. It would be awesome to meet you!!

  3. wow, you are ROCKING the miles! Good luck going for the PR this weekend!

  4. Yea on your miles! Great job! I am doing the Chicago Marathon in October, but not the half. Good luck!

  5. Thats a really good idea about posting the training plan on the fridge. ive missed a few run already and its onlu week 4.

    happy thursday!

  6. WOW! nice job! that's a lot of miles! :-)

  7. so fun! my training plan is on my fridge because of your suggestion and it is definitely keeping me going. good luck on the 1st.

  8. Great idea about the fridge!
    My coach just gave me a printout of my training schedule and in this digital world, I didn't know what to do with it.

  9. Thanks for the comment on my blog! :) I am wanting to start a strictly running blog... the one you commented on is mostly my craftsy/knitting and crocheting blog! :) Dont know if I should keep them in the same one or make two seperate blogs...

  10. I was going to tell you about TMB but looks like she commented, would be GREAT if the 3 of you can PR together.

    50 miles in one week!! How do you find the time and energy. Leading up to Eugene I capped at 42 and was super sore.

  11. Great job on your mileage this month :)!!

  12. Good work with the training plan on the refrigerator! Sticking to the plan will en dup with you having a great race in Chicago.

  13. You've got some fun races coming up. Great job with your miles!

  14. Good luck this weekend! And way to go with all those miles this week! Rockstar!

  15. Way to go on the mileage.

    I was thinking about Wannafest - I just looked up on the local calendars to see what was coming up - but there is a bike ride in Pardeeville this weekend and it would act as a good training ride, especially since I am biking to Dodgeville on Sunday - and I need a good back to back ride.

    I am planning on moving my 10 miler to tomorrow from this weekend - assuming that it isn't still POURING out (like now).

    Hoping you are fine and staying dry. We have rivers running between our house and our neighbors house. ;-)

  16. I thought about you when I grabbed a Diet Mt. Dew out of the fridge when I finished my run today. You are quite awesome - doing so many miles. Have fun running!

  17. That's a fantastic goal - good luck this weekend!

  18. I'm running the Chicago 1/2too! I'm suppose to be in corral 8 but will be dropping back further to run with my friends.

    Have a great race this weekend!

  19. Awesome...Glad to hear that you're doing so well on the mileage front!
