Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Madison Marathon Reflection

Just over a week out from having marathon #2 under my belt, I'm feeling great and am happily back at running. I hope to get a longish run this weekend.

Since the course "closed" due to extreme weather conditions, the results are posted as "unofficial". I thought my watch said 4:27, and I love it when the chip time is in my favor!!! ....

Chip Time 4:26:56 (PR by 11 mins)

Overall: 683 / 1,369 finishers (approx 1,900 registered?!)

Female Finishers: 192 / 477

Age Group (25-29 F): 54 / 122

From my race results ... I'm definitely a middle-of-the-packer!!!!!!

I have been anxiously awaiting my race photos to be posted and was happy when they arrived in my inbox last night!! I really did enjoy myself for the first 15 miles and tried to show my excitement by smiling for the photographers. As the journey goes on ... you can see my struggle with the hills and the heat.

Madison Marathon Reflections:

- My Go-Lite Hydroclutch (handheld water bottle) was an absolute blessing. I used that thing to grab my Gu packets and stuff new ones in it along the way. I kept refilling it with Gatorade and Ice (which melted immediately). It honestly didn't bother me carrying it for the entire 26.2 miles. It was awesome, awesome, awesome!

- Walking through water stations. I never walk during races and the only other time I did this was during marathon #1, towards the end. I realized that it's ok to walk. Even though I felt like a "failure" at first, the little break at the last 5-6 water stations really helped me keep on and gave my legs the rest they needed. I knew that the water stations were spaced approximately every 1.5 miles and new if I could just get to the next water station, that I could walk.

- Playing games with myself. Just like trying to make it to the next water station, when I was really struggling, I would try to make it to the next tree, port-o-pottie or fire hydrant. By the time I got there, I realized I could push a little farther and would set a new destination. I also would count backwards from 50 to 1 in sets of four ... 50-50-50-50; 49-49-49-49. Before I knew it -- close to a mile had passed.

- Can't Stomach it .... don't eat it. I love Sports Beans and Gu, but at some point the Sports Beans in my pocket were tasting way to sweet and I couldn't stomach them. Instead I would suck on a Gu Packet or sip a little Gatorade, instead of my plan of chomping on Sports Beans every 30 mins. This helped prevent me from vomiting and feeling nauseous the entire race. I also took one bite of a banana and realized that I just couldn't do it and tossed it along side the road. I grabbed an orange later which sounded yummy and it ended up giving me a boost. My body obviously knew what it was craving.

- Thumbs up, Dude! I've realized this before, but my race photos confirm it. I seem to always run with my thumbs up. Not sure why.

- Toenails are over-rated. I was much less sore post-race this time and it only took me 3 days to be able to walk down stairs comfortably. But, just lake marathon #1, my toes and my toenails are driving me crazy! I get blood blisters under my two longest toes' toenails and all of the tips of my are sore for months! Last time I only ended up losing one toenail. Luckily, it is flip-flop weather and I can deal with the pain that way. The rest of me is ready to get back into running, but my toes are driving me crazy after 3 miles on the road. I'd love to get a pedicure for the Summer, but the tips of my toes seriously hurt to-the-touch.

How do you deal with
sore piggies and
keep your toenails?!?


  1. You look amazing--doesn't look like the heat was bothering you at all! How'd you do that?

    I'm lucky in that I've never had a black/lost toenail. No idea why!

  2. awesome.

    way to go. and

    love all the photos!!

    Piggies??? I keep them short - really, really short!! :)

  3. Awesome awesome awesome!!! Gosh, you look amazing!!
    I am totally a thumbs upper too! haha
    I don't run nearly the distance you do but even at the distances I run I get sore piggies. I keep my toenails really short though.

  4. I always walk through water stations in anything longer than a half. That way, I'm sure that water is going into me and my legs get a bit of a break.

    Great pictures.

  5. wow! Great Job! You are awesome, I don't run marathons but after this last 10k I have nasty blisters and a black toe...yucko

  6. love the pics!

    And love the reflections, thanks for sharing!

  7. Grat race report. I run with my thumbs up too or like a gun. My CC coach used to say, I was shooting the person in front of me. LOL!

    Haven't experienced pain in my toes yet, but I think I would air them out in flops.

  8. Those photos are fabulous! Great job, especially in that heat....Congrats!!!

  9. You have no idea how happy I am that I found your blog (thanks to your comment.) I am a very short distance runner and I feel funny to say I am "training" for my first ever race on Labor Day. It's a 10k so I feel a little pathetic to say I have to train for three months to be able to run 6 miles, but I can't seem to break the 4 mile mark so far. Of course, it's a difficult time of year to train outside here, it's 85 by 10 AM and usually in the low 90s for the remainder of the day. By July and August, that will be nearing 100 degrees and 80percent humidity. Anyway, I'll be perusing your blog for more running tips and looking for one of those awesome headbands you wear! :)

    Over-Caffeinated Mom

  10. Fantastic post! You look incredibly strong in those photos. Congrats!

  11. Such great photos!! Love that outfit. :) It is funny to watch how much your facial expression changes as the race progresses. I have only done a half and never had toe nail problems, so no help there. :( I do wear shoes 1/2 size bigger than usual to allow more run in the toe area and so far, so good.

  12. Great photos and reflections! I like sport beans too, but they are just too sweet after awhile and I can't stomach them anymore.

    Hmmm...my second toe on my rt. foot is always black and blue and I have lost the nail many, many times. I try to keep them as short as possible, but it still happens. I've just come to accept it. Have you tried wearing a 1/2 size bigger to see if that helps?

  13. Awesome pictures! You look great. Walking is always OK.

  14. You seriously look AMAZING in those photos! Love that you run "thumbs up" too. :) Congrats on your marathon finish! Even though it's warm out over there, have you tried soaking your feet with epsom salt? I love the stuff.

  15. You look great! Congrats on an awesome race!

  16. The chronological photos are great. And the smile is kicking back in at the finish line for sure.

  17. Strong finish! I don't have problems with toenails, so not much help there. I've heard that losing toenails is a sign that your shoes aren't fitting properly though.

  18. CONGRATS love love love all the photos.. I have blister and toenail issues right now, I am thinking of getting bigger shoes for my long runs.. Seriously GROSS blood blister under my toe nail.. UGH!

    I think the thumbs up is WAY cute than my T-rex arms..

  19. Your finish line pics are great! You look so strong :-) As for toes, I keep them painted with a dark color, so I don't know if they are still bruised or not.

  20. Totally toe nails: black, blood blisters and pain. This after my half. One did fall off GROSS, and there was a thin layer under, did that happen to you?
    I paint them, and once the pain stops, totally get a pedi. I googled it and actually did drain the blood blisters, needless to say, my family was horrified.
    Great job, great pix!

  21. wow...you look so strong! awesome job! thanks for all the tips!

  22. You looked great and I love your smiles. It is kinda infectious - I find myself smiling lookin at your pics. I have one black toenail from December. I wore too many socks because it was cold when I was out running. Never again. And now, I am hiding the toenail in dark-colored nail polishes.

    I got the cool towel in the mail. Thanks! I'm looking forward to try that out.

  23. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Congrats on Marathon #2. I used to run with my thumbs up ALL the time...I had to make it a real effort to remind myself to spread my fingers. I found though I was clenching not just my hands but my feet too and when I forced my fingers apart my footing got better and I was more comfortable longer...might just be me though

  24. Congrats on your marathon! Your pictures are great!

  25. Great job! Love the pictures! I run with my thumbs up, too! LOL

  26. Great photo's. Love the week after recap. I still can't believe how hot it was for you...GREAT JOB.

    I am dealing with a gross stomach towards the end of my runs and just stop taking stuff...figured I would rather feel tired than sick...I hate that feeling.

    Thanks again for a great recap and GREAT pictures.

  27. Great pictures and great race report/ reflection. I always love reading what others thought about their races =)

    I stopped having problems with my piggies when I stopped wearing normal running shoes... I run in Vibram's or barefoot now =)

  28. Those are great photos! You look like you're having a wonderful time. I loved reading your thoughts on the race. The counting backwards idea is a great one.

  29. That is so funny about your thumbs. That is totally what I do and I did not realize it until I saw photos. Sometimes I try to fix it but mostly I say oh well! And walking through water stations doesn't count as walking.

  30. U rocked it! Sorry about the toes.. I have yet to run the full, but when I run the 1/2's I just wear Mr. Socks...

  31. This is so motivating for me! I'm doing pretraining this week and decision time is near (early July) to see if I have time to train for a 50 miler in November (yep, call me crazy). I run the same pace as you and I love reading about real women, running.

    Toes: I wear shoes one full size larger than my shoe size. I tried a half size for my first marathon and lost a toenail - I haven't had any toe issues since going up a full size. Have you tried this? One of my friends grips with her toes... until she learns to stop this she will always have issues, so it may not be helpful to you. :)

  32. Great pics! And THANK YOU for the GoLite Hydro Clutch - I received it today and the mail and cannot wait to get out and use it!

    As for the toes, I agree with the previous posts about your shoes - they should be a 1/2 size larger to allow for the swelling that occurs when you are running for that long of a time. Hope they are feeling better soon :)

  33. Wow! You look great in your pics! And wtg on the PR! I may have to try that golite clutch.

    Oh...and I'm a thumbs-up runner too :) I usually hit the treadmill display with my thumbs at the gym lol.

  34. Fabulous pics - you look incredibly relaxed! Congrats!!

  35. Great recap! I love the pics! But you are seriously scaring me with this toenail thing...I'm just as much a girly girl as I am a runner and if I lost a toenail I would probably find a new sport lol

  36. awesome pics and great recap!! u did so well!

    i wanna get myself one of those hand held big bottles. they seem very comfy!!!

  37. Great pictures and awesome job on your PR!!!

  38. Great photos! You ran an amazing race. Congrats again.

    Sorry your piggies are bothering you. I am still in the losing process from my March Ultra (shoes too big!). Both big toes and now after my 30 days of running I am probably losing another. It was if-y from my trail run...this toe happens to be oddly longer than all the others so it gives me trouble. What do I do? I drain the blood blisters when they are under the nail otherwise I leave them alone. After draining, sterilize and bandage during the day and leave uncovered at night. Pray. If you do lose the nail it is best to allow it to let go at it's on pace. Don't cut or take it off. Of course if you have serious problems always check with a doctor.

  39. Hey, it's way better to be a middle-of-the-packer than a non-finisher (or worse, someone who doesn't even try)! Besides, optimism says you were way closer to the front than you were the back!

    Love reading other runners' blogs, they're so freakin' inspiring, or guilt trippy...

    Ditto, subscribed :D

  40. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog. Congrats on the marathon!

  41. Congrats on the second marathon! The pictures are awesome. How smart of you to have a plan to hydrate and eat every so often. I'm experimenting with that this weekend on my long run. Would you recommend carrying your own handheld during a half marathon or rely on the aid stations?

  42. Great thoughts here. I love sports beans too, but I find as I get tired they are too much sugar and I can't wash them down as easily. You were smart to stop and listen to your body here as you said it stopped you from getting nauseous and/or vomiting.

    I'm not sure what to tell you about your toes. I've been lucky in that I haven't lost toe nails yet - that could change as I ramp up miles for marathon training. I do keep my toenails severely short though.

    You did the right thing practicing all the different techniques over your long training runs and it obviously helped you a lot.

    GOOD JOB!!!

  43. Fabulous race photos! And nice job on the PR!

    I had toenail problems when I first started running, but they went away. That is until I ran the half marathon last month. Now I've got one nasty looking toe (that also hurts after running 3 miles!). I think I'm going to lose it, but who knows. If you figure out a solution, let us know!

  44. Those are great race pictures! I just trim my toenails beforehand and hope for the best!!!
