Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bondi Band Obsessed!

I am now officially Bondi Band obsessed!!

Sporting my medal and polka dot Bondi Band on Sunday!

I purchased three of these adorable headbands at the Chicago Marathon expo last October and have always wished that I purchased more. They have so many bright colors and fun patterns available, including several fun sayings. I love matching my running gear, just like any other crazed runner and these are perfect for accessorizing my running outfit!! They also are an awesome break from a baseball cap.

I purchased three more for myself and a "babes" band for Paige (who is training for her first one mile race this summer!). Looking forward to using my coupon for buy 3, get 1 free online.

Rebecca has also agreed to sponsor our team of endurance athletes. I can't wait to work with them. I unfortunately didn't have the chance to meet Rebecca at the Madison Marathon expo this past weekend.

Check them out at:

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