Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 done - 2013 Here I come!

I ended 2012 with 1,162 miles ... Raced 12 races .... Coached 62 people in 7 races. Didn't reach my 1,500 personal mileage goal, but the year was epic none the less!!

One year ago, I reflected on 2011 and set my goals high for 2012 (HERE).  It really doesn't seem that long ago.  It's pretty crazy how fast the past twelve months have flown by.  My life was full of running this year.  But, it wasn't focused on running.  Does that make sense?  I ran often and ran a lot with The Boyfriend, friends and groups I coached.  But I didn't have a ton of miles out on the pavement by myself ... training.  Running has truly become apart of my life and my routine and has even become apart of my career.  I get paid part-time to run, to run with people, to hold them acountable and make running fun.  It's a dream come true.  I expanded my coaching business to Catalyst (a local running store) and the Monona Rec Program.

I hardly ever used my treadmill this year, because I ran outside with other people so often - even through the Wisconsin winter.  At the end of the year, we joined a local gym.  I've been enjoying trying new machines, swimming, activities and classes - even with the family.

I ran my first indoor race - a half marathon.  I trained for three marathons, but only ran one.  One was downgraded to a half, due to the heat and the other was placed one week after Chicago and I voluntarily downgraded to the half marathon.  I didn't run a single PR this year, or even come close.

I ran a 200 mile journey with a group of eleven other bloggers from the midwest, as we ran Ragnar Relay from Madison, WIsconsin to Chicago, Illinois.  Two days, one night, 200 miles, no sleep.

I ran with Little Diva at her first 5K through the Girls on the Run Program.  I ran 26 miles on the beach while on a family trip to Florida.  The Boyfriend and I traveled to California for his first half marathon.

I was interviewed by BRAVA Magazine earlier this year and was featured in their August 2012 issue (HERE).  I was also featured by Women's Running Magazine as a Blogger on the Run in November (HERE) and will appear in the March 2013 issue of the magazine.  Women's Running Magazine also recently featured me as one of the top twelve bloggers of 2012 (HERE).

The Boyfriend and I tried out ziplining.  We purchased a state park pass this year and tried to use it as much as possible.

I've continued to find my way through co-parenting.  The Boyfriend moved in with us earlier this year and has been my rock and support, as the four adults involved try to raise my two children.  Something I never imagined I would need to deal with on the one side - yet be blessed to have such a supportive partner on the other.  We recently moved into a house with extra space and a yard.  The kids just turned 5 and 9 yrs old last week.   And I'm looking forward to the many wonderful memories we will make here.

I reunited with and met sooooo many people through RDM this year.  I continue to be so amazed that we all can connect - just by because we run.  We get our commitment to the sport.  To ourselves

Goals for 2012:

Have a new experience with the kids (place, activity) every month - HAD GREAT EXPERIENCES EACH MONTH, BUT NOT EVERYTHING WAS NEW
Run in a new location every month - MORE THAN 12 LOCATIONS, BUT NOT ONE EVERY MONTH
Remain debt-free by the end of the year - NOPE
Lose 15 lbs before my trip to Florida in March - NOPE
Meet 20 new bloggers in person - YEP
Run 1,500 miles - NOPE, 1,162
Run 2 full marathons , 6 half marathons and Ragnar Relay (Madison to Chicago) - NOPE
PR in the full marathon (sub 4:02:02) - NOPE
PR in the half marathon (sub 1:51:56) - NOPE
PR in the 5K (sub 24:46) - NOPE
Read three non-childrens books - ONLY ONE
Limit Diet Mountain Dew intake to one can per day and drink more water - NOPE
Work on my upper body and arms - JUST STARTED
Volunteer my time at races or through organizations - NOPE
Hike through five state parks - YEP
Expand my coaching business, coach 25 people to a 5K and implement a 5K to 10K training program - YEP
Zip-lining - YEP
Downhill skiing - NOPE
Rock-climbing - NOPE
Cross-country skiing - NOPE
Ice Skating - NOPE
Take the kids camping - NOPE
Visit a Drive-In Movie - NOPE
Geocaching - YEP

Goals for 2013:

Have one date alone with each child and The Boyfriend every month
Run 1,200 miles
PR in the 5K (sub 24:46)
Read three non-childrens books
Volunteer at a race
Purchase our home
Work on my "5 year coaching plan"
Downhill skiing
Ice Skating
Take the kids camping
Visit a Drive-In Movie



  1. You had a great year Jamie! I love your 2013 goals! My daughter can certainly show you how to ice skate as she is a pro. I can't stand up on the darn things! Hoping to run into at a race sometime!!

  2. Sounds like an awesome year with more amazing experiences in store!! I love hearing about everyone's successes and goals!

  3. .."full of running but not focused on running.." I totally get it! I bet it felt great nonetheless and every bit as fulfilling! Congratulations on all you achieved in 2012! it was an impressive list!!! Since 2013's is a bit shorter , I KNOW you will check it off entirely!
    thanks for being such an inspirtation and most of all keeping it real and positive!!! Happy, healthy ,and fit 2013!!!

  4. Oh em gee I love the drive in! We go to the one in West Chicago and it's a great time. I believe there's still one in Kenosha and maybe McHenry?

    It sounds like you had a productive year. Best of luck to you, Joel and the kiddos in 2013.

  5. Happy New Year! Best of luck on your 2013 goals!

  6. I love your goals for the year! Sounds like you had a wonderful 2012. It has been such an inspiration to follow your journey!

  7. Even if you didn't meet all your goals, you still had a great 2012. Looking forward to hearing about 2013!

  8. I'm happy to see some of the goals that you did not make are on your list for the coming year - it is never too late to check something off the old bucket list! Life has a way of changing our plans, and that is okay! It is more important to roll with life's changes and make the best out of every situation...it is clear that you are doing just that :-) Wishing you a happy, healthy 2013, with enough success to keep you optimistic and enough shortfalls to keep you motivated...if we always achieve everything we set our minds to, then we are aiming too low! Here's to 2013!

  9. I love how fun your resolutions are. Can't wait to following you through 2013.

  10. Congrats on a great year and hope this year is just as amazing for you!
