Saturday, December 31, 2011

A fabulous 2011 and an even better 2012

Well, a year ago I sketched out my goals for 2011 (HERE). Life had just fallen apart and I was struggling with my identity as a single adult for the first time in my life, I didn’t know where I was going to be living, was staying with my parents part-time, and the kids were turning three and seven. Not to mention, I had a passion for running and blogging on my hands that I was hoping would continue, grow and help me through the tough times.

Fast forward twelve months and I have really kicked some serious a$$ this year. I came out of my struggles with a smile on my face and my sense of humor intact. I’m finding my way through co-parenting. I’ve found an awesome place that we now call home. And I now have a four year old and an eight year old that are happy and adjusted to their new routines. I’ve learned how to finally enjoy some alone time all by myself, but have also expanded my social circle tremendously and continue to surround myself with happy, positive, like-minded individuals.

In the process, I’ve accomplished many of my goals for the year. Yet admittedly failed on some others. And, that’s fine. It just gives me more to focus on in 2012, right?!? It’s all about balance. I didn’t want this year to be just about surviving during a time of tremendous changes. I was determined to excel forward, onward … upward. I envision big things in my future. I wanted to embrace the changes, adapt to them and learn from them. I also wanted to help others through their struggles. Whether it be training individuals to 5Ks or giving advice to others going through the divorce process … I’ve been given the opportunity to give back. And, it feels phenomenal. I continue to tell everyone that everything happens for a reason (the quote hangs over my kitchen sink) … and I truly believe it. I needed to go through everything I did to make me appreciate what I have, meet who I’ve met, make some mistakes and learn from them. I’ve learned how to accept, apologize, forgive.

I am still the same person I was twelve months ago. But, I really believe that I am an even better version of myself. The experience has made me a stronger person and I believe that the experience will make me a better partner-in-life someday. The running and the coaching have given me the leadership skills I need in life, to not only survive, but conquer, the world on my own. The people I have met this year, and the time alone, have made me realize that it is ok to not always wear the “mom hat” … That even though I’m not always chauffeuring around a bunch of kids in the Marathon Mommy Minivan … that I am still their mom … and it’s ok to get out and have some adult time. I am not only Mom. I am Jamie. I am me.

On the last day of 2011 ...

The kids were headed out of town this morning, and I was scheduled to meet a friend at the local athletic club's indoor track for six miles. Six miles was going to round me out to an even 1,200 miles for the year. 300 miles short of my initial mileage goal, but I was happy with it nonetheless. My friend ended up running three miles with me and I continued on with another three miles with my tunes after she left. About ten times around the track equaled a mile. I was handling the turns well and my pace was great, especially with my tunes. I had a bounce in my step and thought -- heck -- I'm just going to try for a half marathon. And, wouldn't that make a great blog post anyway?!?! Just then, I saw another friend outside the track. His great attitude and conversation carried me through another three miles or so, after he decided to join me. When he left I was alone with my tunes ... until I completed 130 laps around the track ... and another half marathon! I can't think of a better way to end such a fabulous year ....

Half Marathon #16

Check-in on Goals for 2011:

Do something special with each of my kids (separately) each month - YES
Expose my kids to one new food every month - NO
Finally get Little Dude fully potty trained – YES (just working on overnight)
Start some new traditions with my children – YES (fishing, hiking, The Nutcracker)
Hang out more with friends – YES (old and new!)
Run 1,500 miles – NO (finished 2011 with 1,207.9 miles)
Run over 100 miles every month – NO (though my mileage averaged out to 100 miles every month)
Run one full marathon and twelve half marathons – YES (completed one full marathon and sixteen half marathons)
Lose five more pounds (already lost 12 with the “divorce diet”!) – YES (but my weight has been fluctuating a ton this year)
Work on my upper body and arms - NO
Come out of this situation financially fresh and be more financially responsible - YES
Read four (non childrens!) books – YES (Water for Elephants, Mr. Maybe, Fit Moms for Life, Hot & Sweaty Mamas)
Start a food diary again – YES (on and off)
Limit my Diet Mountain Dew intake to two cans per day - NO
Meet ten new bloggers, in person - YES
Spectate more races - NO
Participate in a running group – YES (and started my own!)
Downhill skiing - NO
Rock climbing - NO
Boating – YES (also tried kayaking and fishing!)
Camping – YES (in a tent!)
Sign up for a new exercise class at the gym - YES
Visit a beer tent – YES (and had my first full beer and my first green beer on St Patrick’s Day!)Date (for the first time in my life) – YES (and have learned a lot!)

Other items not on my list, but accomplished in 2011:

New places visited: Michigan, Door County, plus Ohio & Indiana (if driving through counts!)Traveled on an airplane all by myself (and loved it!)
RDM was nominated by SHAPE Magazine as one of the Top 20 Fitness Blogs
I was given the opportunity to coach individuals to 5Ks through local rec program, I started my own coaching business, and now a running store has hired me to coach additional sessions.

Goals for 2012:

Have a new experience with the kids (place, activity) every month
Run in a new location every month
Remain debt-free by the end of the year
Lose 15 lbs before my trip to Florida in March
Meet 20 new bloggers in person
Run 1,500 miles
Run 2 full marathons , 6 half marathons and Ragnar Relay (Madison to Chicago)
PR in the full marathon (sub 4:02:02)
PR in the half marathon (sub 1:51:56)
PR in the 5K (sub 24:46)
Read three non-childrens books
Limit Diet Mountain Dew intake to one can per day and drink more water
Work on my upper body and arms
Volunteer my time at races or through organizations
Hike through five state parks
Expand my coaching business, coach 25 people to a 5K and implement a 5K to 10K training program
Downhill skiing
Cross-country skiing
Ice Skating
Take the kids camping
Visit a Drive-In Movie

What did you accomplish in 2011?

And, how are you going to make
2012 even better??

Friday, December 30, 2011

A month of celebrating (in pictures)

Two awesome kids ... two birthdays ... two parents ... two households ... two times the Christmas celebrations ...

With two kids born the week of Christmas, a lot of planning is required for the entire month of December. The kids are constantly celebrating ... gifts need to be purchased, wrapped and opened. This was only complicated this year, by them living in two households, but I think we made it work.

They had twice the birthday celebrations, twice the visits from Santa, twice the gifts and twice the fun. They are simply reminded how much they are loved. And, I was reminded how much I am loved too, when I wasn't able to be with them.

Family Birthday Party #1

Friend Sleepover in Mommy's Apartment

Family Christmas #1

Family Christmas #2

Santa's Second Stop

An entire day of opening up toy packaging
and twistie ties and filling up the recycling bins!!
And, there is some sense of accomplishment about
completeing one of these Lego sets on my own, with a 4-yr-old!

After a day of strep throat and vomitting,
we decided to pamper ourselves.

Traded out our boots for bowling shoes.
Also, there's a great sense of accomplishment when
surviving three games of bowling alone
with a 4 and an 8 year old!!

I hope that you and your family
are just as blessed this
holiday season.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Hydrapak Gel Bot Review & Giveaway

I was recently introduced to Hydrapak (HERE) by one of the PR companies that I have a working relationship with. I had not heard of Hydrapak before, or recognized the name brand from any of my personally-owned hydration systems.

Hydrapak focuses on creating the best personal hydration systems available for any activity. Hydrapak is committed to pushing the limits of design and materials to create the easiest-to-use, most functional hydration systems available. With input from their small but dedicated staff of avid cyclists, runners, skiers, and paddlers, Hydrapak has continuously refined it’s products to satisfy the needs of discerning users. This strategy has positioned Hydrapak as the leading providers of personal hydration systems for not only Hydrapak products, but a growing list of manufacturers that have integrated Hydrapak’s technology into their packs.

I was introduced to a really, really cool water bottle. It's called the Gel Bot (HERE). Onen of the coolest concepts I've seen in the world of endurance sports.

The Gel-Bot delivers two performance essentials, fuel and hydration, in one easy to use sport bottle. This patent-pending design lets you fuel or hydrate with just one hand. Perfect for racing or total gel addicts. All the Gel-Bot components can be taken apart and easily cleaned.

You load the inner chamber with energy gel. Then, fill the bottle with water or your favorite sports drink. When the nozzle is pulled open, you get water and water only. With the nozzle pushed down, squeeze to get the gel out of the center valve.

There are two sizes available. I received the smaller, 20 oz bottle and loved it. I tried this a couple of times on the treadmill, to see how it would handle. In the future, I can also slip into my other handheld water bottle carriers and carry it with me on outdoor runs and races.

Fluid Capacity:
20 fl oz /2.3 oz gel / retails for $13.99
24 fl oz /2.3 oz gel / retails for $14.99
Gel Capacity: 2 oz.

I almost always run with water or sports drink ... no matter the distance ... these days. I've become an addict. So, I'm used to constantly opening and closing the spout with my teeth. So, this was a no-brainer for me. When it was open, I sipped on water. When it was closed, I could sip on an energy gel. I was worried that it may be messy with the gel spouting out all over the top of the bottle, but it wasn't. I'm not sure how different things may be when it's bouncing around in a handheld during a race, but it held up fine on the treadmill. It was a nice alternative to opening up gel packets during the race, getting sticky-gooey hands and finding a spot to "litter" your packet along the course or training run. The 2 oz gel chamber has plant of space to load several gel packets. I can't wait to try this out on a half marathon course next spring!


One lucky winner will win a

Hydrapak Gel Bot


1 – Become a follower of my blog or already are?! LEAVE ME A COMMENT

2 – Follow Running Diva Mom on Facebook HERE. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

3 – Visit the Hydrapak website HERE and tell me what you think is fabulous. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

4 – Become a fan of Hydrapak on Facebook HERE (and let them know Running Diva Mom sent you!). LEAVE ME A COMMENT

5 – Post about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter account. LEAVE ME A COMMENT FOR EACH.

Enter now though Friday, January 6.
Winner will be announced on Saturday.

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom,
please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]

Oath Threadline "Live with Passion" Tee Review & Giveaway

As I'm ending one-heck-of-a-fabulous year, I continue to live with passion, dream with passion and try to inspire with passion every single day. I continue to live by my personal mantra, "Live with Passion" day in and day out. I recently discovered Oath Threadline (HERE) and their fabulous, hand-screen tees. Gen at Oath Threadline must be just as passionate as me, because the very first tee they printed was their "Live with Passion" tee. And, I was lucky enough to receive one recently. I am sporting this tee proudly!!!

Oath Threadlines' designs are hand-screened on high quality, sweatshop-free American Apparel clothing. Everything is made with love from a tiny studio apartment.

The Live with Passion Tee (HERE) is just one of many fun tees and hoodies they offer with fun and inspirational sayings. The craziest thing about these tees are their crazy-low price ... this one is only $14!!

I loved the length of the tee shirt. I loved how long it was, especially when paired with a pair of skinny jeans or leggings ... the PERFECT FIT! Mostly though, I loved the statement it makes.


One lucky winner will win an Oath Threadline Live with Passion Tee
(size of your choice)


1 – Become a follower of my blog or already are?! LEAVE ME A COMMENT

2 – Follow Running Diva Mom on Facebook HERE. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

3 – Visit the Oath Threadline website HERE and tell me what you think is fabulous. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

4 – Post about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter account. LEAVE ME A COMMENT FOR EACH.

Enter now though Friday, January 6.
Winner will be announced on Saturday.

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom,
please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]

Dustin Maher Fitness "Fit Moms for Life" Book Winner ...

I was recently given the opportunity to review "Fit Moms for Life" by Dustin Maher. You can read all about my fabulous experience HERE.

Please visit Dustin Maher Fitness online HERE and start shopping.

There were 34 entries in my recent giveaway. One winner was chose at random to receive a copy of Fit Moms for Life. chose ……..

Christie @
Changing from Fat to Fit

Congratulations!!! Please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) with your name, email and mailing address. And, I will get you your prize!

Thank you for following my journey!!

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom, please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Body Image.

I haven't always been a runner. I haven't always been "athletic". I haven't always been outgoing, social, or had an interest in standing out in a crowd. You can read about my struggles with weigh over the past decade in my January 2010 post (HERE). My weight has fluctuated up and down over and over again since the age of twelve (ranging from 115 to 190 lbs). Believe it. Right now I stand somewhere right in the middle. It wasn't until I took up running that I realized that eating well and exercise really do go hand-in-hand. And, without both, you really can't transform yourself and partake in a healthy lifestyle 100%. Sure, I cheat. I binge a little. I may skip a workout here and there ... but, healthy eating habits and a consistent exercise routine are truly apart of my life now.

As a child, I always had a round face. My cheeks were chubby (and still are), I always filled out a pair of jeans more than my size 2 friends. As I went through junior high and high school, I refused to wear shorts, even during the humid summer months. I hated my legs. I have been blessed with skin that's prone to stretch marks and I developed them at a very early age. Eventually I never wore tank tops either, because I hated my flabby arms.

I never really had a boyfriend growing up, because I may not have been as cute and tiny as my adolescent friends. And, because of that, I wasn't confident enough to approach boys. I never had an interest in extracurricular activities and sports. I danced and eventually participated in pom poms. But, I had no interest in breaking a sweat or participating in a team atmosphere. I preferred sitting as first chair clarinet in the school band.

In elementary school, I had interest in a boy and nerves and morning jitters eventually turned into nausea. I was vomitting and sick to my stomach, but had no fever. After being home a few days from school, my parents finally realized that I wasn't sick after all and sent me back to school the next day. I struggled with nausea the entire day, and couldn't eat. I quickly dropped some weight and realized the reaction that I was getting from people as my clothes fit a little differently. Throughout junior high, I was too nauseus in the morning to eat breakfast. I would would wait until my parents went to work to make myself vomit and feel better. And sadly, after awhile it wasn't voluntary ... my body needed me to do it to feel better. It would just happen. I would also conveniently "forget" to pack my lunch for school. If I did pack my lunch, I would only pack liquids (fat free yogurt and sugar free jello). My tummy would growl in class continuously.

I was down to 115 lbs on my 5' 6" frame. I was not eating. When I was, I was binging and purging. I was hungry. I was skinny. But, I was not healthy.

After high school, when X and I moved in together, we developed unhealthy eating habits, ate a fourth meal almost every night before bed, and were couch potatoes. In a year I gained a pound after pound. I went to the doctor for my annual physical and just broke down crying. She talked to me about my weight fluctuation and touched base with me on depression. She sent some anti-depressents home with me, but I tossed them in the garbage.

I was hovering around 190 lbs. I was binging. I was sitting on my @$$. I was not healthy.

Eventually, I was able to lose the weight after subsequent attempts on Weight Watchers and multiple pregnancies (and an early miscarriage). But, it wasn't until I discovered running that I truly became happy with myself ... and my body. And, my body ... and mind ... continue to transform.

2006 - 1st Half Marathon

2011 - Half Marathon PR

My running, my accomplishments, and the journey of motherhood .... have all given me great confidence in myself as a person and the body that has carried me through these parts of my journey. It's taken years for me to be comfortable with my body, my curves, my flaws. Stretchmarks, misplaced dimples, a stretched out tummy from two pregnancies .... they are all mine. And, I'm trying to embrace them. My weight still fluctuates, but within reason. My legs are strong, they are muscular and I happily flaunt them in running skirts as I run each 13.1 or 26.2 mile journey. I'll also wil noww flaunt my flabby arms in a running tank top from time-to-time. It's only taking me thirty years - or so - to get here.

Growing up, I wish I had an outlet like the Girls on the Run Program (HERE), which tries to educate and empower girls at an early age in order to prevent the display of at-risk activities in the future. At risk activities include substance/alcohol use, eating disorders, early onset of sexual activity, sedentary lifestyle, depression, suicide attempts and confrontations with the juvenile justice system. That is why it is my favorite organization. I ran as a Sole Mate for the organization last year, and hope to do so again in the future. It's so important for our young women to learn to love themselves for who they are, to love their bodies and to treat their bodies well.

September 2011 - Embracing Curves
(finally showing off those legs & arms!)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas to all ... and to all a good RUN!!

I started off a kidless Christmas Eve with three great people that have come into my life this past year, through the world of running and the changes in my life ... One is someone I knew before but we have connected through circumstances and running/training, one through my coaching experience, and the other through a friend who knew we have common interests and goals. Life is full of blessings, connections and positive influences. They, and the great run, naturally lifted my spirts today, when the holiday experience was a little different this year. I am reminded that different need to mean bad. Different just means change. And, change can be good.

And, I rocked those holiday socks on the track!!

Merry Christmas
to all ...

and to all
a good RUN!!!


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Alone in the gym.

After my recent edition of coaching for the Couch to 5K program, the ladies were interested in continuing some sort of training group together ... and gaining support from one another during the Wisconsin Winter months. A local 24 hr fitness facility was gracious enough to offer us all limited time, no contract, super affordable rates. They are also allowing me to coach indoors, which is very exciting to all of us! Many even signed up family members and friends. I love seeing them at the gym with their spouses and children; all being active together as a family.

I have a treadmill at home. But, when I'm kidless .... I love having the social outlet and being around like-minded people while I run my nightly 3-4 miles. I also am excited about the opportunity to try out some new equipment, work on strength training, focus on my upper body, and indulge in tanning.

But, sometimes I show up and it isn't a social outlet at all ... I'm all alone .....

  • I often think that I should try running one mile on each of the treadmills, just to be comical.

  • I sing loudly to my explicit hip-hop tunes on my iPod, while I run mile-after-mile

  • I enjoy making a fool out of myself (to the cameras) while I test out the eliptical machine, which I apparently am not coordinated enough for.

  • Text to my friends to pass time while I'm on the machines. (I've always been a good multi-tasker.)

  • Don't worry if I'm flashing anyone behind me in my running skirt.

  • Enjoy having complete control of what is on tv ... all four of them.

  • I ponder using free-weights and grunting loudly, cuz I'm a tough chick.

What would you do

if you had a

whole gym to


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Holiday Traditions Continued

Two years ago, I decided to try some new family traditions with Little Dude and Little Diva. We started with the typical advent calendar, bought a cookie plate for Santa and I selected Santa hats for each of us, to suit each of our personalities.

I also decided that I wanted the kids to give to others during the holiday season. At the time, they were just old enough to understand the concept of helping others in need (almost 2 and 6 yrs) and how the smallest things can make the biggest difference in the lives of a stranger.

I've had some friends participate in Toys for Tots or other charities with their children. But, I wanted it to be a family outing, and a social event for the kids as well. I chose to ring bells for the Salvation Army. I selected a two hour shift on a Friday evening at our local grocery store.

Little Dude turned out to be a handful that first year and enjoyed messing with the automatic doors to grocery store entrance and throwing the bells instead of ringing them. He lasted the first hour with us and spent the second hour watching a movie in the Marathon Mommy Minivan with his father! But, it's ended up being a tradition that Little Diva and I have kept and something that just the two of us share together every holiday season. She reads the facts on the Salvation Army kettle and asks questions about what will be done with the money raised.

We put out a Facebook call to family and friends; then wear our pink Santa hats, she sings Christmas carols and we ring bells for two hours on a Friday night. She also enjoys handing out holiday treats to children and classmates. This year she raised approximately $150 for the Salvation Army.




What holiday traditions do
you do with your family?

Do you incorporate
your active lifestyle

in family traditons??

Friday, December 16, 2011

Running Around.

This weekend is going to be filled with lots of running around (fun, friends, family) ... and hopefully some running around on the pavement outside. Retract that -- I WILL make time for a good run.

Love the run. (or you will not do it)
Love yourself. (or no one else can love you)
Live with passion. (or there is no purpose)

Inview Designs Medal Display Case Winner ....

I was recently given the opportunity to review a "Loved it" medal display case from Inview Designs. You can read all about my fabulous experience HERE.

Please visit Inview Designs online HERE and start shopping.

There were 106 entries in my recent giveaway. One winner was chose at random to receive a "loved it" medal display case from Inview Designs. chose ……..

Catey @
Just Tri Me

Congratulations!!! Please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) with your name, email and mailing address. And, I will get you your prize!

Thank you for following my journey!!

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom, please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dustin Maher Fitness "Fit Moms for Life" Book Review & Giveaway

If you live in the Madison, Wisconsin area, you may have seen the studly Dustin Maher on local news broadcasts talking about how he works with local moms to keep them fit. Or, maybe you've been lucky enough to attend one of his MamaTone classes in the area. I've heard about his classes and DVDs from several friends over the last couple of years and everyone is raving about their experience. Local moms have loved seeing the transformations their bodies have taken from his programs .... and I think they secretly also like the eye candy that's instructing them. It's no wonder Dustin has such a following on his site and his Facebook page!!

Well, I was contact by Dustin Maher Fitness (HERE) recently, to alert me that Dustin would be coming out with his new book, Fit Moms for Life (HERE) in early-December .... just in time for holiday gift-giving and motivation for those New Year's resolutions, ladies!! Learn "how to have endless energy to outplay your kids"!!

The Fit Moms for Life book is a great resource for someone that already partakes in an active and healthy lifestyle, or also someone that is looking to get started with some New Year's resolutions. I, myself, learned a lot of great trips for a total body workout and resistance training, since I tend to do a lot of cardio in my training and have been wanting to branch out to target all areas of my body. It also gave me great tips on eating healthier. And the before and after photos and success stories were super motivational and just what I needed right now to get through the holidays. I've been eating a lot of things that I normally don't touch, due to time constraints and cash funds .... this book reminded me that by planning and quick preparation ... that eating healthy is possible and doesn't have to be costly.

The book is divided into several sections that target different ways to make this a LIFESTYLE change andn not a temporary one. Dustin discusses your mindset and how important it is to make the changes you are making PERMANENT. He also discusses how changing your environment to be "friendly" to an active and healthy lifestyle will only make you more successful. Surround yourself with things ... foods ... and people ... that will motivate you. The book also includes lots of great, easy recipes for moms-on-the-go with limited time on their hands and he discusses what you should eat and drink to keep your body satisfied for your workouts. Dustin also provides a lot of non-cardio workouts and restistance training routines that will get your entire body moving and toned ... something that I really am excited to try out when I'm not running so much this winter. The last section of the book is about giving back (which I really enjoyed). Dustin discusses how you can encourage other women and mothers to partake in the same lifestyle changes you are making.

My favorite parts of the book were the success stories and the before and after photos. They even included a local news anchor's success story (above) and how she transformed her body. The stories varied from all ages, lifestyles, career women, stay-at-home moms. Some lost a few pounds, some lost many pounds ... but all are now Fit Moms for Life!!! ...

About Dustin Maher (HERE):

My name is Dustin Maher and I am a fitness professional living in Madison, WI. I am 28 years old and absolutely love my job as a personal trainer/fitness instructor/writer/motivational speaker/and teacher. I love helping everyone I come in contact with get in better shape. I especially enjoy helping moms to look even better than before having kids.

The first question I get asked a lot is, why a 28 year old single guy loves working with moms. Well the answer to that question goes back many years to when my mom raised my 3 younger siblings and me, along with my dad. She was a stay-at-home mom and did so much for her 4 children. Looking back, I realized that she spent so much time taking care of her kids that she didn’t take time for herself. I also realized that she didn’t have a good support group of other mothers who were motivated to get in shape and lose the baby fat. I was very blessed to have a mom that was health conscious and cooked very healthy. I learned a lot from her as she taught me what it meant to eat well. I have also realized that when I can help a mom change the foods that she buys for her family and begins to exercise, her kids want to do what she is doing! So not only do I get to help the mother out, but I get to help out the kids and maybe the husband (once in awhile) out as well.

When I graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a degree in Kinesiology Exercise Science, I immediately knew what I wanted to do! I created a class called MamaTone Fitness. The mission for MamaTone was to help moms realize that it was important to take care of there physical bodies, and that they could still achieve a great body after kids. The second part of the mission was to connect mothers with each other so they could share life’s experiences with one another.

From MamaTone came Fit Fun Bootcamps, which in 3 years has grown to 10 locations and one of the largest bootcamp programs in the country. Out of the success of the bootcamps, came calls and emails from around the world asking me to train them. So from that, came my 28 DVDs which include: 12 month Fit Moms For Life DVDs, Got Core, Buns Guns Back and Shoulders, Ultimate Buddy Bootcamp, and BabyTone.


One lucky winner will win a copy

of Dustin Maher's Book
Fit Moms for Life


1 – Become a follower of my blog or already are?! LEAVE ME A COMMENT

2 – Follow Running Diva Mom on Facebook HERE. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

3 – Visit the Dustin Maher Fitness website HERE and tell me what you think is fabulous. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

4 – Become a fan of Dustin Maher Fitness Fit Moms for Life on Facebook HERE (and let them know Running Diva Mom sent you!). LEAVE ME A COMMENT

5 – Post about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter account. LEAVE ME A COMMENT FOR EACH.

Enter now though Thursday, December 22.
Winner will be announced on Friday.

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom,
please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]

Monday, December 12, 2011

Leadership Skills.

With nearly a month off of coaching, I'm realizing just how much I enjoyed it. And, how much I miss it.

I've been taking a few weeks to myself; for a much needed break from the hour-by-hour pounding on the pavement, clients/groups rotating at local parks and trails, and an hour-by-hour schedule when I'm not with Little Dude and Little Diva. After I started coaching in April, I really hadn't had a break from the "scheduled lifestyle", which was possibly also a positive distraction from everything else going on in my life. It was a good, therapeutic outlet for me -- while giving me social interaction with others, financial support and the obvious physical benefits as well.

I'm taking this time to focus on the kids and I and those around me. With the kids' birthdays, the holidays, and a very busy time at work, the timing has been been great. I'm looking forward to starting again after the New Year and continuing to workout with many of the ladies that I coached this fall.

I have really enjoyed getting emails or texts from those I've coached with updates on their running and additonal races they've competed in. It makes me feel so great to hear that it really has become apart of their lives. And, they are enjoying it.

Coaching has been one of the most valuable experiences of my life. Other than the joys of motherhood, the pain of childbirth and the experience from my divorce, I can't think of too many things that can compare to being so life-changing for me. I really think being given the opportunity to coach, when I didn't think I could possibly add anything else to my plate, was truly one of the best decisions I could have made. I have always been social, but have also been shy and tended to be a follower. Helping others has truly helped me. It's encouraged me to stand out in the crowd, accept myself and embrace my personality, my skills ... and yes ... my flaws. It's also given me the leadership skills that I think I needed to get through the last year. I've become more assertive and more direct. I really have grown. It's transformed my personality in such a positive way. Confidence is awesome. I've become a stronger woman by leading others to changing themselves. Thank you!!