Saturday, May 14, 2011

NOT putting that run off.

I dropped the kids off this morning and to fill my time, I interviewed for another coaching position, had some chai and ran some errands. I have a million things on my to do list today, that I want to tackle before getting the kids back in a couple of loooong days. So, that I can maximize my time with them. (blogging included) It would have been so easy to put my planned six miler on the back-burner today. To say that I will do a double tomorrow instead. Or to just forget it.

But, before I headed out this morning, I made sure I dressed in my running gear. Remember that girly, yellow technical tee I received at the Lake Monona 20K last week? Well, it turns out I had the perfect Bondi Band to match it. Love it when that happens. So, I sported my fab new running outfit around town today and came home and IMMEDIATELY hopped on the treadmill. I was NOT putting that run off any longer. I was dressed to RUN.


SIX slow and steady miles done.

Then, I felt so great,
that I hopped on and did THREE more!!

What do YOU do to make sure

you don't skip a run?!?!


  1. For my long run I make a commitment to meet up with friends, but I agree dressing the part is a great way too. I mean once your dressed its hard to say no. ;)

  2. It can be tough...but making sure I have everything setup and ready to go and right where I have to see it helps me a lot.

  3. Plan, plan, plan. With four kids, I can't just get out to run any time, so if I've slated out the time I don't miss it because it usually involves other people caring for my kids. I also do a pre-dawn run several days a week, and when other people are involved I don't miss unless I'm dying or the weather is miserable (rare in Western Colorado).

  4. Oh man, I was thrilled with my 6 miler at a 10:10 pace (fastest yet!) but wow! Your pace is awesome! Love the bondi band too :D

  5. Set my clothes out the night before!!! NO EXCUSES!!
    Great job fitting it all in!

  6. Sounds like a really great day! Good job getting that run in! I love the "No excuses" motto.

  7. I need advise on NOT getting shin splints. I have excellent running shoes and stretch before and after... yets still find my shins hurting. Any advise?

  8. I run with a group that I love so it's easy to get up even when we start at 5:30am. This week I missed a run because of a dodgy alarm clock (now replaced) and I was so disappointed.

  9. My only surefire way to not miss a run is to make a date with a friend.
    Problem is that I soooo need more running friends.

  10. You are my inspiration!

    Literally. I need to remember this post someday when I have lil ones.

    I'm already full of excuses and don't even have any kids yet.

    My 5-miler today ended up being 3.3 miles. I tell myself that's still better than not running at all.

  11. Usually, I meet up with my husband to go to the gym or the track, which makes it easy to stick with my running/work out plans.

  12. I usually put out all my running stuff the night before and, when that "meh, I think I'll skip this one" thoughts come, I just remind myself of how extremely crappy I'll feel if I don't go!

  13. I call my running partner and she makes me accountable. Because it is so easy to look the other way and not run for me.

  14. I trail run with a clu on Saturdays. A few runners text me the night before, "Ya' goin'?" If i say yes, come hell or high water i will be there.
    Another great motivator.. a race. If i have an upcoming race, i invision myself bombing because i didn't get that run in."
    Works everytime! :)

  15. Nice work! I have the same struggles, and also do the wearing my clothes trick. :-) I also am a notorious planner. I'm going out of town this weeeknd for a girls trip (for example), and have already planned things out so I can still get in my runs. I leave little to chance. ;-)

  16. I MAY sometimes skip a cross training day but I NEVER skip a run, I love it too much =) though it is QUITE a bit harder to get up on the treadmill then to head out in the fresh air =) Good job getting it done!

  17. Love your post! Love your attitude! I miss a lot of runs....even though I do chase them all day by wearing my running gear!

  18. wow! I find this whole blog so inspiring! I die just doing the stair stepper, or going to power pump class. You are amazing.

    -Heather from
