Friday, May 13, 2011

The Next Chapter Begins ...

Well folks, I believe I set a record for the number of likes on my Facebook status on Tuesday ... 43. Needless to say, I have a lot of friends and family that have been there for me over the most terrible ... and most incredible ... five months of my life. Many of these people came into my life only recently, after realizing that we have unfortunate common circumstances in my life. It's an unfortunate bond that ties us together.

I'm officially a single running mommy of two munchkins and couldn't be more excited about my future with the kids. There may be some debate about how I can be happy about my children coming from a broken home. But, I am happy that they will have two newly happy parents who both still love them very much. I am confident that Little Diva and Little Dude will have TWO homes filled with love. Whether my home is big or small or whether I am with them half of their waking hours or away, they will know that I love them and that I am truly happy.

So last evening, over three fun hours at a local pub, I celebrated with over 50 friends and family members ... and their spouses and children. The place was packed with familiar faces ... old and new ... little kids and baby carriers ...and smiles and hugs all around. This was not a divorce party. It was a celebration of my new beginning. A fresh start. A path to true happiness.

The celebration wouldn't be complete
without an
animal print cake!!
(the entire cake consumed!)

I wasn't sure how I would feel last night. I kept referring to it to a reverse-wedding. So many close family and friends from all areas of my life ... coming together to celebrate me and the next chapter. I thought I would be all emotional and would be sobbing as I hugged and greeted everyone. But, I didn't. I never shed a tear. I was truly just happy to see everyone that I cared for .... that cared for me and the kids. I wore a smile the entire night. It wasn't about the struggle I had. Nor the drama. It was about happiness. :)

I was ecstatic to see Chelsea (HERE) from Early Runner and her husband join me for the evening. Some of the other local bloggers were unable to make it. The blogging community has been a tremendous support system for me. Some people may think that "virtual friends" aren't "true friends". But, I find it extremely amazing that complete strangers can be so supportive to someone that they barely know, other than through their words and photos. Getting my words out there, realizing that they are read, your comments and encouragement have been my therapy. Several of you have joined me for runs, helping me reach my goal of running a half marathon every month. Some of you have sent cards or gifts over the past five months. A quick email or Facebook post to let me know that I was on your mind. It's all meant soooo much. I thank you for helping me move on and push forward and strive to continue to reach my goals.


I also would like to take this post as a public opportunity to thank my immediately family - my mom, dad and sister - for all of their support in every single way you can possibly imagine. They have continued to go above and beyond to help me and the kids out.

Sometimes you don't realize what you have until you are in your most difficult moments. When you need someone to lean on. I've learned that I NEED to lean on someone sometimes. It doesn't make me weak. It's only makes me stronger.

The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance;
the wise grows it under his feet.
~James Openheim

A truly happy person is one who
can enjoy the scenery while on a detour.
~Author Unknown

Some pursue happiness,
others create it.
~Author Unknown


  1. You look so incredibly happy. Isn't that what it is all about?

  2. Congratulations on your new beginning. You have a great attitude that is sure to get you and your kiddos far.

  3. It is so good to see you so incredibly happy! Your outlook is amazing! A true inspiration...YOU! Congrats on your new beginning.

  4. Animal print cake - Now that's the way to celebrate a new beginning!

    Despite it all, you are always so positive and always wearing that pretty smile on your face!

  5. Congrats on your 'reverse wedding', you seem like a very strong person!

    Also, that looks like an amazing cake!

  6. What a way to kick open the next chapter of your life. Looks like a fun gathering full of love and support. Only best wishes to you and the kids!

  7. That is a great idea. Best wishes. I think this is the beginning of something awesome for you!!

  8. You do look truly happy in those pictures! Congratulations again on your new beginning! If you are happy - your kids will be happy too!

  9. Congrats! I am still waiting for my official New Beginning, and I can only hope I can celebrate it just as you did. You are a strong, incredible woman, and an inspiration to single moms everywhere!

  10. Those kind of New Beginnings are bitter sweet... sad for what is lost, but happiness for what is to come. Good for you!!!
    (Divorce is BRUTAL)

    It is the reason I started running :)

    You will ROCK IT!

  11. AWESOME!! Stay as strong and great as you are and you will survive and thrive!! :)

  12. Glad to hear that you're making it through this tough time and are looking forward to a great, happy new start. You have the right attitude for the kids - as long as they have two happy homes, it is way better than one stress filled, resentful, unhappy one.

    Keep smiling and keep running and you'll be fine!

  13. I think that was a wonderful and brave thing to do, nothing is better than being surrounded by friends and family when starting afresh, your kids are lucky to have such a great mum. Nothing to say about that anon comment, some things are not worth wasting ones breathe on!

  14. Awesome way to celebrate the new beginning. My sister has had to go through this as well so I know a little how it feels. Keep your chin and make those kids happy. Be true to yourself and don't let anyone get you down

  15. You are a strong woman! What an inspiration!

  16. Congratulations on the new beginning. I know you've had a hard few months, but you've come through it with a smile on your face. Best of luck to you -- you have a lot of supporters out here and we wish you the best!

  17. So so so happy for you and your family!

  18. It is unfortunate that sometimes we are forced to break the promises we make it life but as sad and difficult as that is the situation is only made harder when others can't simply understand that one knows what it was like to "walk in your shoes" but you. The negative comments simply do not do any good. It is painful to see that people can not just take the positive from the situation and wish you the best.
    I hope the negative influences are few and the positive experiences are many! I agree that two happy homes are better than one home in turmoil.

  19. congrats jamie. sorry i couldn't be there. diva night was on the agenda. =) i just wanna say that your home isn't "broken". my parents were divorced since the time i was 2, so i don't remember the bad, but i can say there was just twice as much good. your kiddos are loved, you are loved, and if everyone is happier, that's what's important!
