Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 2011 Running Ramblings

March was a refreshing month of running for me. Winter in Wisconsin is coming to an end and I was able to enjoy A LOT of running outside. In fact, I haven't even THOUGHT of the treadmill much. I've been packing my gym bag after work and heading out for group runs at the UW Arboretum and solo on the Capital City Trail. I've also found a nice 5K loop near my parents' home, to run on a whim when I don't have the kids. Running outside and with others has motivated me to go longer and put in additional miles on my running shoes. I am back over one hundred miles for the month again, yeah! This month, I finished half marathon #3 of 2011 and it felt great. I just attended the My Run documentary (HERE) with Linda from Mom Running from Cancer (HERE). The documentary was heart-warming and touching, but was not focused on the actually running and training, like I thought it would. March: 107.9 miles February: 71.6 miles January: 110.7 miles Total Miles for 2011: 290.2 Miles Needed to reach 1,500 Mileage Goal: 1,209.8 Longest Runs: 10 and 13.1 miles


  1. Great job getting over a hundred miles again this month - seems like you're back on track and doing great!!!

  2. Way to rock out March girl! Keep it up!!

  3. Wow, you had a great month! Hope April is awesome for you!

  4. Congrats Miss diva!
    AND.. I couldn't agree with you more about the movie. It was inspiring, motivating, and mind boggling, but it didn't go into specifics. Like what was the concoction that got him through those 75 marathons?? It sure wasn't gatorade.

  5. Nice job! And just wanted to say "Thank you!" - I got my bumper sticker today :)
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Going to check out your documentary!

  7. Great job on the mileage! :)

  8. Way to go on all those miles.

  9. Glad the weather is starting to turn around for you. I can't wait to start running outside!

  10. You are amazing! I'm new to running blogs and so motivated to find another mama lacing up her running shoes. And for a lot of miles this year! Can't wait to read more.

  11. Great job! You are awesome!! :0) Glad the weather is improving for more outdoor runs!
