Monday, March 28, 2011

Half Marathon #3 of 2011 Report - March

I'm short on time ... and am supposed to be taking a break from blogging to get my life in order! I simply wanted to report that even with all of the chaos and the busy schedule, that I was able to complete my March half marathon ... #3 for the year ... on Sunday afternoon on the beautiful Capital City Trail in Madison (HERE). The sun was shining, the temps were perfect, and I didn't have to bundle up, as I ran an out and back loop on the trail. It really was quite phenomenal. I felt even better when I was done! :)

I was even able to test out these babies (HERE) on my 13.1 mile journey. Review/Giveaway coming soon!

(I need to find an orange running skirt and Bondi Band!)


  1. That's great! Love your skirt!!!!

  2. Cute shoesies! :)
    Way to keep on with your goal during your move and life changes. You're a great inspiration, Jamie!

  3. Congrats on another half!

  4. Yay Jamie - good luck with the move!

  5. Love the skirt!! Good luck moving!

  6. Really cute! I love the outfit. Can't wait for the shoe review. I saw them in RW this month.

  7. Awesome! Love the orange shoes!

  8. That outfit was crazy cute!! Love the bondi band, skirt, and those running shoes ... love 'em!

  9. Great outfit!

    Congrats on half # 3! Enjoy a little bloggy break. I understand the need to "de-clutter" the life to clear a path forward. We will all be here when you have more time to share with us.

  10. Nice job Jamie! Keep on smilin' girl!

  11. cuuuuute shoes! hope the move is going well.
    (if u come across anything u don't need - donate it to my TNT yardsale!)
    and feel free to call if ya' need help haulin' boxes!

  12. Congrats on the miles...impressive with everything you've got going on!

  13. Just discovered your blog and I love it. Congratulations on your 3rd half of 2011! I am running my very first half on Sunday and I'm so nervous!

    Look forward to reading your future posts! :)

  14. Cute skirt! Love bondi bands :-)
