Friday, September 10, 2010

FuelBelt Giveaway Reminder ...

The folks over at FuelBelt have asked me to remind you about the FuelBelt giveaway I have going on. You can enter now through Sunday, September 12th.

Check out the review and crazy, crazy giveaway (HERE). One lucky winner will win a gift certificate to use on the FuelBelt website!!!

FuelBelt is offering each person that fans their Facebook page (HERE) and posts on my fridge pic (containing FuelBelt bottles, of course!) a 20% off discount (which they will send to you directly via Facebook).


  1. Any clue when we'll get the 20% off? If I don't win your contest (secretly hoping I do though!), I'm going to be ordering something. I left a comment on the picture way back when. :)
