Thursday, June 17, 2010

Three Things Thursday

The weekend is right around the corner ... yeah! It's time for Three Things Thursday!!

1 - I looked online and there are 107 days until my next marathon. I will be running my next 26.2 mile journey at Lakefront Marathon in Milwaukee with hubby (his second marathon). I have looked at my training program and wrote my long runs on my calendar. We have the grandparents lined up to watch the kids next weekend for most of Saturday, so I hope that we can get a nice, long run in together and start our training.

2 - This is embarrassing to admit ... but does anyone else have bunions? (Cute, huh?!?) It's the combination of wearing stylish, pointy high-heels and my running that have brought me to the nasty bumps on the sides of my feet. When I went to the sports medicine doctor two years ago, they said that they will eventually need to be fixed surgically, when I've had enough. I've ignored it. And, my feet are sore all the time because of it. I'm wondering if anyone else has had them surgically removed or just dealt with them in their ugliness?? How long were you off of your feet?? I refuse to give up my patent leather heels or my running.

3 - This weekend, hubby will be competing in a half iron distance triathlon at the High Cliff Triathlon. This should be a fun weekend as we have several friends competing as well, who will be traveling with their families. The forecast looks great and I look forward to playing at the State Park with the kids and soaking up some sun on the beach. Our hotel also has a pretty decent water park. My teenage sister will also be traveling with us and I look forward to working out with her at the hotel gym! I can't think of a better way to bond! Let's hope the hotel treadmill isn't a P.O.C.!


  1. YAY!! Was so happy to read THIS below bunions: I refuse to give up my patent leather heels or my running.

    Are you my long lost sister?! ;)

    So jealous that you & your hubby run together...awesome!!

  2. I love pretty shoes. However, ever since I started running, I find myself grabbing ballet flats or 1- or 2-inch heels instead of my sky-scrapper heels. It gives my knees some trouble. So, I had to sit myself down and ask me this question: "Would I rather wear 3-inch heels or run with no knee pain?" I still wear heels but not as often as I used to.

  3. My mom had hers done last year. Totally off of her feet for 10-14 days I think. Walking with a boot thing for 2-3 weeks, tennis shoes for 2-3 weeks, then regular shoes about 8 weeks after the surgery. No heels until 3 months or so.

  4. Can't wait to see you this weekend!!

  5. man am I glad to be a guy right now... can't they design those things in such a way that they don't destroy your feet but still retain their stylishness?

  6. I have bunions, but I think mine were genetic. I've had them for a long time, and I've never worn heels. It's definitely uncomfortable, but I do NOT want to have surgery, so I am holding out as long as possible.

  7. Good luck to your hubby this weekend!

  8. Good luck to your husband.

    Hockey players get bunions too - and I don't think a lot of the NHL guys are wearing heels. My hockey-playing, non-NHL husband had them and they did go away.

  9. You think bunions are embarrassing ?!!! You should try haemmorrhoids or stress incontinence.

  10. Tell your hubby good luck for me.

  11. Tell the hubby good luck and hopefully we'll be able to meet up!

  12. Bummer on the bunions. I never had to deal much with those (not many heels). I'd say do the surgury. A buddy of mine had a bone spur, put off the surg and was in pain - but then when he had it he was SUPER glad he did.

  13. OK - I am going to sound like a MOM!!!! Take care of you feet - you NEED them to run. And you need them to be feeling good!!!!

    Find reasonable heels - something cute - but NOT so high.

    You will be thankful when you are 50!!!!! OK - I know that is a long time from now - but you WANT to be able to RUN for the rest of your life - right?????

    OK - I am done sounding like a MOM!!!!

  14. OH - I forgot to say . . . HAVE A GREAT TIME THIS WEEKEND. Looks like the humid air might be out of here. YAHOO!!!!!!

  15. Wow, you're almost under 100 days to the next marathon...That's awesome!

    Can't help you with the bunions...I know people that have had them removed, but they aren't runners so I can't comment on the length of recovery.

    Good luck to your hubby - I hope he has a great race. Enjoy that workout with your sister as well!

  16. You are an inspiration!!! I would love one day to run a marathon..well may be we should start with a 5k lol! You have a great blog, thanks for sharing.

  17. You just won my 3Gemz contest...send me your address and contact info when you have a chance to:

  18. Hope the hubby did well this weekend! :) And a girl after my own heart - why give up cute shoes and running for bunions??? :)

  19. I hope your husband had a great Tri! Funny, I have no idea how many days are left before my fall marathon, maybe I should know that.:) Good luck with your marathon training!
