Monday, June 21, 2010

Fun or Run?! There's always tomorrow.

I had eight miles on my schedule for sometime this weekend ... and it didn't happened. Life ... and fun ... got in the way. And, you know what?! I'm not upset about it.
Little Diva Sister was dropped off at our house on Friday morning. My parents are in Las Vegas for a long weekend and she is staying with us while they are having some much needed adult-time. She is seventeen yrs old and thirteen years younger than me and my (other) mini me. We headed out of town Friday afternoon for the High Cliff Triathlon expo, where hubby would be racing in the Half Iron Distance Triathlon on Saturday. We picked up his packet and went to or resort to check in. We had the best "kids suite". The kiddos had their own bedroom, complete with a race car bed and bunk beds. The kids loved having their own space. We also enjoyed the small water park that they had at the hotel.

"Kids Suite" in our hotel room

Little Dude and Little Diva
Enjoying the Hotel's mini-Waterpark

We got up at 4:30 AM for the 7:00 AM race on Saturday. The kids were groggy, but accepted it and know that there is usually a fun park as our final destination! My teenage sister is not use to getting up before 10:00 on the weekends, but was up applying her makeup before our alarm went off! We had a few other friends racing, so there were plenty of friends (and other kids to play with!) to keep us company during the long wait at the park. Hubby was happy with his swim and run, but not happy with his performance on the bike. He still finished within his goal of going sub-6 hours.

Hubby completed his Half Iron-Distance Tri
in sub-6 hours
YES ... That's a BONDI BAND!!!!

We got back to the resort and the kids and hubby vegged out in the hotel room. Little Diva Sister and I went to the hotel gym for a quick thirty minute workout. It felt really good to mix things up a bit and work out in different surroundings and to work out with my sister while watching trashy reality tv. We enjoyed the water park some more and chilled out in the hotel room.

No nap for us ...
We hit the hotel gym

Sisterly after workout glow

We were going to workout again on Sunday, but I got lazy. We enjoyed the hot continental breakfast, packed up and headed home. I unpacked and did laundry. Hubby wanted to see Toy Story 3. Knowing that Little Dude wouldn't last long at the movie, he ended up taking Little Diva. I took Little Diva Sister and Little Dude out for lunch and to the mall. We headed home for some water time in the sprinkler, grilled out and roasted smores over our firepit.

I KNOW that I could have fit in a another run again this weekend. But, I didn't. And, I really didn't want to. So, I'm not beating myself up about it. There is always tomorrow ... and the next day ... and the day after that. I enjoyed myself, my time with my family and I enjoyed not running for the day. Marathon training will be kicking off next weekend and I will have PLENTY of time out on the road.

I still am on target for another 100+ mile month. Not to shabby. I am totally reaching my 1,400 mileage goal for 2010.

How are you doing with your mileage goals this year?


  1. Congrats to your husband on his sub 6 HIM! Hooray for him! It sounds like you had a great time with your fam and sister. In my opinion, that time is way more important than getting in another run. :)

  2. You're doing great! Fun with family is priority! and congrats to your husband on his tri! Amazing!

  3. Oh my goodness-your little sis looks just like you! Sounds like a great weekend-long run or not!

  4. Great perspective you have...we can all use a little chill time now and again! Glad you enjoyed it.

  5. Looking back at things, you will definitely be able to cherish your time w/the kiddos and family this past weekend, and like you said, you can get that run in within the next few days! Enjoy this time before you head back into marathon mode!

  6. Congrats to your husband on his finish, and glad you all had a good weekend. :)

  7. That waterslide picture says it all.

  8. Congrats to your hubbby! That's a great finish time.

    The rest of the weekend sounds like a blast. And yes, there is always tomorrow to run... Just don't keep saying that lol!

  9. Congrats to your husband, sub 6 is IMPRESSIVE

    Having fun will always triumph training

  10. Sounds like a great weekend! The hotel for your kids looked awesome but I am also impressed they viewed a 6 hour event plus waiting time.

  11. You girls are like twins! Fun often gets in the way and sometimes that's what makes us better runners b/c running shouldn't become a chore, right?

  12. Congrats to your hubby on his tri!

    You look like you had so much fun!

    Congrats to the kiddos on patience while Dad raced.

  13. So did hubby borrow the Bondi band or is it his own? The kids' room where you stayed looked fantastic. They must have had a blast.

  14. I LOVE your attitude! You obviously had a really active weekend anyway, and it's okay to take a day off! We need those days to recover and rejuvinate!

    Congrats to your husband on a great finish!

  15. What a fun weekend - I'm pretty sure we've stayed in that same hotel LOL.

    Congrats to your hubby!

    There's no question that you and your sister are related. Glad you had fun.

  16. Congrats to your hubby, he was looking strong in that photo. But I know you can still take him. haha.

  17. you and your sis look exactly alike! And I love the family bondi-band usage :)
