I'm a mom of three from Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. Running has become my "me time" and makes me a better mom. I want to prove to other moms that you, too, can carve out a little time for yourself each day. RRCA certified running coach and ACE certified personal trainer, indoor running studio, running groups for women, weight loss accountability groups
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Running/Marathon Scrapbook Supplies

Ahhh ... Running Outside
Shortly after 3PM, I headed outside for my run around the neighborhood ... and it felt GREAT! I couldn't believe I was outside in running shorts and a long-sleeve t-shirt at the end of November1 I got to my first mile marker and was over 45 seconds ahead of my usual pace. I thoroughly enjoyed being outside today. We were feeling a bit "cooped up" this weekend, not having much planned. And I NEEDED to get out of the house today. I loved seeing how my neighborhood landscape changes through the seasons, with the leaves now fallen off of the trees. Things just look different. It seemed like a whole new route today. I loved smelling people burning firewood in their yards, families preparing early meals for the evening and the lovely smell of laundry tumbling around in my neighbors' homes. I had such a great time, I took a few extra turns on my way home and logged an extra mile.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Five Ways to Make Sure Mommy Gets Her Workout In
1. Change into your workout clothes after work or when you get up in the morning. Don't put on those comfy "after work" sweats. If you don't do your workout, and have to change, you'll feel guilty.
2. Get off the couch BEFORE you workout! Similar to #1, if I sit on the couch and veg in front of the tv after dinner, I tend not to want to get off the couch. I find that if I play with the kids, do family activities, clean up around the house or pay bills, that I have much more energy to do my evening workouts. AND, WE LOVE TV!! The best investment we've made is our DVR. I can set it to record all of my favorite programs and can watch them at my convenience. After dinner, I can play with the family, put the kids to bed, workout, shower and then catch up on my favorite programs while hubby works out. It works out great for watching all of my programming that he doesn't enjoy!
3. Multi-task. Set up a play area in your "home gym" for the kids. Or, take your children with you in the jogging stroller. Drop your child off at sports or class and run around the neighborhood until it's time to pick them up. You'll experience new neighborhood and landscapes in your area and may just discover a new, favorite route!
4. Make an appointment on your daily planner/calendar. Write your workouts down, how long/how far and when you'll do it. Set your alarm to get up early, if you have a busy evening planned.
5. Communicate with your spouse. If your spouse also works out regularly, set some sort of set "schedule". We all thrive off of routine. We put the kids to bed at 8:00 and 8:30. One of us typically works out at 8:00 PM and the other at 9:00 PM. Initially, evening workouts didn't seem appealing, but now it has become very routine and I begin to wonder what everyone else does while their kids are in bed?! If late evening workouts aren't for you, try alternating morning workouts with your spouse, while the other one gets everyone ready for school/daycare.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Marathon Memories 'N More -- Medal Display
Marathon Memories 'N More:

They offer: Natural Oak, Golden Mahogany, and Dark Walnut
Five sizes and affordable prices:
02 pegs, 08" x 3 3/4" -- (13.1 & 26.2 Headings only) $24.95
04 pegs, 13 1/2" x 3 3/4" $34.95
10 pegs, 21 3/4" x 4 1/2" $49.95
21 pegs, 21 3/4" x 5 1/2" $64.95
50 pegs, 26 1/2" x 5 1/2" $79.95
They currently offer 17 headings, or you can get your customized saying for only $10.00!!
Specialized: Mom's and Dad's Medals Running: Marathon, Half-Marathon, 26.2, 13.1, 13.1 26.2, Running, Running America Multi-sports: Triathlon, Duathlon, Swim Bike Run Individual Sports: Bicycling, Gymnastics, Swimming, Running Team Sports: Bicycling, Wrestling, Soccer, Gymnastics, Swimming, Running
Cool Running-Themed Cookie Cutters

I may just have to splurge and get the family some of these!! The kids would have a blast. Can you just imagine how awesome these would be, for gift-giving for your favorite runner? Cookie gift baskets for marathons; JELLO jigglers for the kids; Rice Crispy treats; fun PB&J-shaped sandwiches for race day. I have so many cool ideas right now!!!
Burn the calories; Feel no guilt

Here's what's on tap:
Sunday - 6 mi (check!)
Monday - 7 mi (check!)
Tuesday - 4 mi
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - 6 mi
Friday - 6 mi
Saturday - 6 mi
Total for Turkey week: 35 mi
See Mom Run, by Kara Douglass Thom

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Product Review: Kashi Granola

I was craving Granola the other day and added it to my grocery list. When I got to the store, I had no clue that there were so many granola options out there -- OMG! Since I'm a big Kashi fan, I decided to put a few of their granola products in my cart. And, I'm so glad I did. This stuff is just awesome!
My favorite is the Kashi Cocoa Beach granola. It is a sweet treat that includes seven whole grain clusters infused with natural cocoa and mixed with coconut and crunchy almonds. It's like going on a mini vacation. Yum, yum. I loved it alone or mixed in some fat-free vanilla yogurt.
I also tried the Mountain Medley variety. It's like trail mix, but better! Again, there are toasted seven whole grain clusters, mixed with a bit of honey and maple, yummy plump cranberries and raisins, almonds and pecans, sunflower seeds and yummy coconut flakes. This stuff was awesome in yogurt, but I liked it even better by the spoonful.
With about 220 calories per half of cup and about 7 grams of each fiber and protein. These have been a great way to satisfy my sweet-tooth cravings for an evening snack that will also fill me up. I also don't feel the least bit guilty about it. My only regret is that I didn't try this stuff sooner!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Treadmill Pace -- How Fast?

Thursday, November 19, 2009
I am thankful for running.
Here are the top five reasons I am thankful for running:
1. I run for me. I am teaching my children that it is ok to do something for yourself and that an active and healthy lifestyle. Running has also taught ME that it is ok to do something for myself.
2. Cool couple. It has given my husband and I a common interest. I honestly don't know what we had in common before we took up this hobby/routine? Whether we are running together, in a race together or cheering one another on, I think that it has brought us closer in so many ways. We love sharing our goals, training plans and race reports.
3. We're tourists. It has given our family a reason to travel around the country and in the Midwest. We have given our children so many more experiences than they would have had otherwise. We've scheduled destination races and then found local activities and landmarks, that incorporate the whole family.
4. Bring it on. Running has encouraged me to take on challenges and embrace them. It has made me realize that I really can do almost anything, if put my mind to it. I was always shy as a kid and didn't take on sports or other activies, for fear of embarrassment and failure. I love that when you're running in a 5K, you are surrounded by runners young and old and people of all shapes and sizes and experience. It's so cool to be running in the same event as professionals. Where else can you do that?
5. Social-networking. Running has been a great key in social-networking. I've reconnected with old friends, met new ones, discovered new companies and organizations and have created this lovely, little blog. It has also helped me inspire friends and family in some way.
What are the top five reasons YOU are thankful for running/exercise?
Unique Find for Active Little Girls: Go Go Sports Girls Dolls
There is even a running doll, named Ella. I mean, how cool is this?

Here is Ella's little bio:
Ella lovest to run fast! Before running, she always puts on sunscreen and stretches. Ella drinks plenty of water and between races will have a healthy snack, like a banana. When she is not running, Ella likes riding her bike and writing in her journal. Ella likes to dream big and go for it!
There are also dolls for golf, soccer, tennis, gymnastics, dance, softball, swimming, and basketball. Check out all of the girls at: http://www.gogosportsgirls.com/thegirls.html
The founder also supports the Girls on the Run program ... that I love oh, so very much. She created these dolls, that was positive for girls, were portioned properly, and send a postive message about a healthy and active lifestyle (physically, mentally, emotionally) -- through sports. She also gained inspiration from her young daughter. She also is donating a portion of the proceeds to organizations that share her mission.
Another awesome find for our little active girls !!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Unique Holiday Gifts for Your Little Ones
CoCo Loves To Tri by Michele Bredice Craemer

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sick Mommy + No Running = Ick Mommy

Then on Sunday I woke up sneezing and could NOT stop. Then the body aches started. I basically didn't get off of the couch on Sunday. Both kids were still hacking up a storm and running warm. I had 9 mi planned for Sunday, but decided to take the day off.
Monday, Paige had off of school for Parent/Teacher conferences and we had a doctor's appointment for her. I still felt crummy and decided not to push myself and took another day off of the treadmill. I ended up taking Jackson to the doctor in the evening, too. And, he has a double ear infection and pink eye in both eyes. So, he had to stay home on Tuesday, too.
So, I stayed home with him today and we just cuddled and played on the computer and watched tv and I still didn't run. I still feel crummy and decided that this one time that I'm just going to listen to my body and not push it. I'm still on target for reaching my 1,200 mile year-end goal. But, I'm still feeling guilty.
I'm feeling icky and bloated. Why do you not crave celery and carrots when you're sick? I've purposely not kept junk food in the house lately, so I'm turning to any "comfort food" I can find in the pantry: sugary cereal, leftover Halloween candy (that is stuff I don't even like!), etc.
I'm ready to go back to work tomorrow and get back into routine with life, diet and exercise.
These last few days has made me realize just how much exercise has become apart of our routine and how much I crave the running and the sweating.
Back to the treadmill on Wednesday.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
New 5K PR -- 24:46
24:46 clock time
pace: 7:59 min/mile
43/364 overall
12/255 gender
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Race Report: Dane County Girls on the Run 5K
The week of the race, there was a chance for rain in the forecast. But, on race day, it ended up being perfect. at 10:00 AM it was round 50 degrees and the sun was trying to peek through the clouds. It was a perfect morning for a race. Kelsey and I grabbed our bib numbers, my parents took over watching my children and we snapped a few fun photos pre-race and then headed to the start line.
I set a new PR, by about 2 minutes. 24:52 according to my watch. The race wasn't chip timed, and the results aren't posted yet. But I am setting my new PR according to my watch time (unless, or course, the results posted are in my favor!!). The 5K I ran earlier this year was cut short, since the lead bike took a wrong turn and it had been early in 2008 when I ran my previous 5K. I was super happy with my time. Sub-25:00 was my goal ... and I did it!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
2010 Racing Schedule

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Race Report: Tyranena Beer Run -- Half Marathon

Before the race, I had a breakfast of waffles and yogurt. I also had a banana and a bag of Sports Beans before the race. Unfortunately, I don't think I consumed enough that morning, because I felt famished from mile 1 to mile 13. I just don't think I was ready to race so late in the morning, when I was already for lunch. I really should have planned better.

The pre-race email had said that the course was hilly, but that they didn't have an elevation map. I had no clue what was in store for me. In the first half of the course, there were so many hills, and other points of elevation that seemed like hills/mountains, just because I was sick of hills at that point! The second half of the course was relatively flat, so I really welcomed that. A lot of the second half was on the Glacial Drumlin State Trail, which was nice and scenic, but I think that the crushed gravel made me slip a little and I was constantly adjusting my groove.
I even gave myself a 10 second countdown to walking at the top of the last hill, around mile 11. I have NEVER walked during the race, and gave in on Saturday. Unfortunately, the small break backfired and I felt like my hips locked up when I started again. The last 2 miles were really tough. I was never so happy to hear the even over the horizon, and the music over the loud speakers. I knew I was getting close.
My chip time was 2:04:35.

overall place: 459 out of 865
division place: 47 out of 131 (22-29 F)
gender place: 153 out of 419
time: 2:04:35
pace: 9:31
We stood at the finish line, after we finished, to watch some of our friends to come in. Unfortunately, by the time we got to the event tent, the line was so incredibly long, that we didn't get to redeem our vouchers for free beer or the really yummy looking lasagna.
Despite my time and bad attitude, it was a beautiful day for running and racing and I really am glad I did it. It was nice that many relatives were handy to cheer us on and my grandparents got to see me race for the very first time.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Looking for 26.2 miles to run in the Midwest

The President is in Town!!
Continuous Live Coverage on WKOW:
Goals for Tyranena Beer Run (Half Marathon)
We're both doing the Tyranena Beer Run (half marathon route) in Lake Mills, Wisconsin. Ironically, I don't drink beer (have never even managed to down a can of beer in my lifetime). So, I guess he'll be getting my beer tickets after that race!!

My half marathon PR is 1:55:59. I'm trying not to set high goals for myself, but would at least like to set a new personal record, no matter what that number may be. I would be absolutely ecstactic going sub 1:56 again.
I'm a little nervous, because being the multi-tasking mom that I am ... I have done most of training inside on the treadmill, while I'm home with my kids. I can't even remember the last time I ran outside, or did hills. However, I believe that running 12 miles on the treadmill has really pushed me mentally. And, I believe that I set a much faster pace on the treadmill and manually increase my mileage more-and-more over my training runs.
This is my first time doing this race and November is seasonably chilly here in Wisconsin. I believe it may have even flurried last year for this race?! Surprisingly, Saturday's forcast is now 62 degrees!! I can only pray that the forcast doesn't change, that the sun comes out, and that my entire family is healthy, come Saturday morning!!
The little guy was hit with H1N1 this week, and I'm just hoping that the rest of us don't get it by the weekend. Jackson appears to be on the up-side of things and the fever is already gone today. He is in much better spirits this morning.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Update: Year to Date Mileage