Thursday, November 19, 2009

Unique Find for Active Little Girls: Go Go Sports Girls Dolls

I came across these really cool dolls for active little girls in my new SHAPE magazine. GO GO SPORTS GIRLS. Check out:

There is even a running doll, named Ella. I mean, how cool is this?

Here is Ella's little bio:
Ella lovest to run fast! Before running, she always puts on sunscreen and stretches. Ella drinks plenty of water and between races will have a healthy snack, like a banana. When she is not running, Ella likes riding her bike and writing in her journal. Ella likes to dream big and go for it!

There are also dolls for golf, soccer, tennis, gymnastics, dance, softball, swimming, and basketball. Check out all of the girls at:

The founder also supports the Girls on the Run program ... that I love oh, so very much. She created these dolls, that was positive for girls, were portioned properly, and send a postive message about a healthy and active lifestyle (physically, mentally, emotionally) -- through sports. She also gained inspiration from her young daughter. She also is donating a portion of the proceeds to organizations that share her mission.

Another awesome find for our little active girls !!


  1. Ohhhh, I love these! They are going on my Christmas list. Maybe, maybe I can get a break from American Girl Mania at my house!!!!

  2. Cute! I wish these would have been around when my girls were younger!
