Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Burn the calories; Feel no guilt

Found this on another running blog -- It made me chuckle.

I'm planning on putting in an few extra miles this week on the treadmill, so that I don't have guilt over that extra serving of pie and mashed potatoes on Turkey Day.

Here's what's on tap:

Sunday - 6 mi (check!)
Monday - 7 mi (check!)
Tuesday - 4 mi
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - 6 mi
Friday - 6 mi
Saturday - 6 mi

Total for Turkey week: 35 mi


  1. That's some consistent mileage girl! Love the comic and I wouldn't feel guilty about eating a little extra...you're so active!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. hahaha that's a funny cartoon! posting in on my facebook now :) Happy Thanksgiving!
