Thursday, December 7, 2017

January Women Working on Wellness Accountability Group

Women Working on Wellness | Fitness & Weightloss Accountability Group with Running Diva Mom
Run, Walk and Run/Walk training options available!
January 1-22
Investment in yourself:  

Participants will receive:
- Three week calendar with an introductory running or walking program and wellness challenges to be completed on your own
- Personalized daily step goals
- Weekly private individual weigh-ins virtually with your coach
- Gain additional accountability by sharing your daily step count and food log with the group (optional)
- Daily group fitness check-ins, weightloss & nutrition tips and motivation from your coach
- Private Facebook group for motivation from other participants and your coach

Participant with the highest percentage of weightloss will receive a FREE ENTRY into the February online accountability group.

If you would like to avoid the Eventbrite fee, please email me at to pay by cash or check.

Unlimited Accountability Groups in 2018!!

Looking forward to staying on track in 2018? If you've been a consistent member of my fitness + weightloss accountability groups, you may want to consider the unlimited accountability groups option for 2018. Interested in COMMITTING to a new you and finding consistent routines and healthy habits next year? There are running and walking options available. 

Twelve accountability groups (minimum): only $199 (one time fee). That's a $161 savings!!

Payment may be delayed until after the holidays. Message me or email me at to reserve your spot for 2018!