Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Optimum Nutrition Whey & Oats and Greek Yogurt Protein Smoothie Review

I recently tried two different types of protein powder from Optimum Nutrition.  I first tried the Whey and Oats.  The flavor I tried was Vanilla Almond Pastry and that's exactly what it tasted like.  It tasted like an protein bar or granola bar, but a shake version.  The scoops are large and contain 190 calories per serving, 4 grams dietary fiber, 16 grams carbs and a whopping 27 grams protein.  This is made with premium whey protein and contains complex carbohydrates from whole oats.  I mixed it with unsweetened almond milk and a banana.  It was tasty and frothy and I felt full, using it as a meal replacement for both lunch and breakfast.  My kids liked it, too.  I used the blender and some ice and it all frothed up deliciously.  It was convenient when I was out running around with the kids this past month.  Our life has gotten extremely busy.  I also enjoyed it after a mid-distance run and this powder is great recovery fuel!  You can also mix it with water, but I much prefer mixing with milk or almond milk.  The powder dissolved well, too.
We also tried the Greek Yogurt Protein Smoothie in Blueberry flavor.  It tasted like a liquid blueberry muffin, when mixed with ice and unsweetened almond milk.  I didn't mix this one with a banana. The Protein Smoothie version also comes in Strawberry or Vanilla. I tried this as an after snack and pick-me-up and it was refreshing while sitting out on our deck, watching the little ones play.  It contains 130 calories per scoop, 8 carbs and 20 grams protein. 
Neither powder had any weird clumps or after taste, something I've experienced with some other brands on the market.
I also am a HUGE fan of their Cake Bites.  We've consumed dozens of packages of these tasty protein bites over the past year. 

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

SEPTEMBER Women Working on Wellness | Fitness & Weightloss Accountability Group with Running Diva Mom

Women Working on Wellness | Fitness & Weightloss Accountability Group with Running Diva Mom
September 10-30
Investment in yourself:  $30
Run, Walk and Run/Walk training options available!


- Three week calendar with running or walking program and wellness challenges to be completed on your own
- Personalized daily step goals
- Weekly private individual weigh-ins virtually with your coach
- Gain additional accountability by sharing your daily step count and food log with the group (optional)
- Daily group fitness check-ins, weightloss & nutrition tips and motivation from your coach
- Private Facebook group for motivation

Participant with the highest percentage of weightloss will receive a FREE ENTRY into the October accountability group.
If you would like to avoid the Eventbrite fee, please email me at to pay by cash or check.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Running Diva Mom Featured in The Star

Running Diva Mom recently opened its doors in downtown Sun Prairie.  The studio and I were recently featured in our local newspaper, The Star.  You can read the whole article online.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

A Busy Mom's Guide to Tracking Your Food

Most of my weightloss success can be credited to logging my food. I run marathons and sometimes log 40-50 miles a week.  But I can easily consume many of the calories that I’ve burned if I am not careful.  Logging my food and activity with my monthly online fitness + weightloss accountability groups has really helped me realize what portions are realistic, what foods I enjoy fueling my body with – and also just how active my lifestyle is. I don’t cut anything out permanently – I am just smart about it and look at the big picture.

Tracking my food didn’t come without growing pains.  Like with most things, this doesn’t happen successfully without a plan, streamlining your process and making a habit out of it.  Routine is definitely key.

Here are a few of this busy mom’s quick and easy tips for tracking your food in a nutrition log, like My Fitness Pal.
- Don’t track it twice.  Don’t write it down and later log it into your device.  Log it once and get it done.  Otherwise, you are just causing more work for yourself.

- Take advantage of the bar code scanner.  With one quick scan, the app will quickly insert all of the nutritional information.

- Use the frequent meals feature to routinely add the same meals.  If you’re a creature of habit like me, you probably eat similar foods before your long run or pack the same things for work every day.

- Just like meal planning for your evening meals, you should also get into the habit of meal planning for your day.  Empty your sack lunch when you get to work in the morning (or as you pack it) and log your foods for the whole day.  This will also help you stay on track with portions and avoid adding in extra snacks throughout the day.

- Fill up a glass of water and log it immediately.  Use the same glass or tumbler, and the specified number of ounces will be one, easy click away.

- Log your workouts before you actually work out.  You will be less inclined to cut your workout short, because you won’t want to edit the duration or intensity (unless you decide to go longer!).

- Take advantage of the syncing feature.  Sync your smart scale or activity tracker for the most accurate success and gain a few minutes back in your day.

- Weigh in only once a week versus once a day.  This is good from a time-management standpoint, as well as a mental standpoint.  Scales can vary and your body can fluctuate immensely over the period of twenty-four hours.  Give yourself a break – and a chance to see some real changes.

- So, now that your tracking is done - don’t forget to reflect on calories in versus calories out and see how your day ended up.  Truly touch base with yourself on how you are feeling emotionally, what your body is craving (specific foods or a rest day, perhaps?), and any stressors that perhaps came into play.

Halloween Fun Run with Running Diva Mom - October 25

Halloween Fun Run/Walk with Running Diva Mom
Wednesday, October 25, 6:30-7:30 pm
Running Diva Mom Studio | 105 N Bristol Street | Sun Prairie
Investment in yourself: $10
Join Running Diva Mom for a Halloween themed fun run/walk through downtown Sun Prairie.  Participants are encouraged to wear their favorite Halloween costume!  Please bring headlamps, flashlights and blinky lights.  Glow bracelets and spooky tunes will be provided.  This is not a timed event.  We will run/walk an out and back route for 45 mins in downtown Sun Prairie and finish with group stretching and spooky music.

Ladies Couch to 5K - Starts Aug 23

Fall Ladies Couch to 5K | Run/Walk Group
Starts Aug 23rd
Wednesdays, 6:00-6:45 pm, nine weeks
First class at Sun Prairie West Side Community Building, rotates Sun Prairie Parks

NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! We will start with alternating one minute of running and one minute of walking.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Just be-YOU-tiful.

In the world of social media, I find women doing more and more of the comparison game.

Women have often compared themselves to one another. Who has better legs. More defined arms. A flatter tummy. Embarrased of stretch marks. Cellulite. Muffin tops.

But with social media, it's like an edited magazine cover being flashed in front of your face over and over ... and over again. Scroll through your newsfeed and you'll see women taking a dozen selfies until they get the best angle. Friends editing photos with filters before posting. I admit that I am guilty of this too.

We get sucked in. And we think that everyone is better. Prettier. Smarter. Thinner. Flawless.
Not true.

Take this for example. I have lost fifty pounds (slowly over the past eighteen months) and I feel awesome. I feel comfortable in shorts and tank tops. I don't feel like I have to suck it in. I walk around my neighborhood without makeup at times now. I feel better than I ever have.
You'd think that my life would be perfect now that I've reached my goal weight. That my journey is over.
Not true.

I still have insecurities. I have belly fat. It's there. Sometimes I hide it with the right top. But I'm no longer embarrassed of it.
I know that my body is beautiful and strong. I know that my husband feels the same way about it. I know that I'm setting a good example for my three children. If I was sitting on my butt all day complaining about it and not doing anything about it, then that would be a problem. But I workout almost every day, fuel it right and do what I love.
Lets be done with the comparison game. We are all beautiful. If there is something you don't like about your body, work through it. Work on it. Make a change. But don't compare yourself to others. They probably have things that they don't like about themselves, too. It's sad, but true.

Filters and camera angles won't make you better than the other person -- or them better than you. Just be-YOU-tiful.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Running Diva Mom Studio Open House - September 12

Running Diva Mom Studio Open House
Tuesday, September 12, 6:30 pm
105 North Bristol Street . Sun Prairie

Join Running Diva Mom for a FREE 30 minute outdoor run and refreshments, to celebrate the new studio location in downtown Sun Prairie. We will run and walk at our own pace on an out and back route to Carriage Hills Estates Park.

FREE kids yoga will be offered next door at Baby Flexible at 6:30 pm. Space is limited!!