Wednesday, October 18, 2017

I'll be watching Daniel Tiger.

Sometimes, life really has a way of telling all of us to slow down. Even when we don't want to listen. You are constantly on the go, moving, laughing and playing. Until you need a break. Like naptime. To get a reboot on your day and on life. To get ourselves better, healthier and stronger.

Today, I removed my activity tracker and adjusted my fitness and nutrition goals in My Fitness Pal. Life is just different right now and I don't need constant reminders that I should be doing more. Or that I'm "any less" than I once was.

It's obvious from the response that I've received that I will still be able to hold my clients accountable and motivated - just in other ways - at least temporarily. And maybe it will show some that they can do things on their own and that they have all the tools that they need.

I look forward to ringing that cowbell from the sidelines on Saturday and Sunday and seeing two dozen women complete their first 5K and half marathon.

In the meantime, I will be cuddling up with these sick, blue eyes and watching countless episodes of Daniel Tiger, doing accountability check-ins from my couch and writing custom training programs to help these awesome women achieve their fitness and weightloss goals.

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