Friday, September 1, 2017

Be stronger than your excuses.

Not feeling it today?
Something else you’d rather do?
Too many things on your to do list?
Mom guilt?

Me too.

You’ll get more enjoyment out of the run and nature and the scenery than you will out of sleeping in.

Your body will loosen up and move more freely during the rest of your day than it will if you sit on the couch and stiffen up.

You’ll get more satisfaction out of your workout, than you will out of watching that Grey’s Anatomy episode.

You’ll be more productive to tackle that to do list later today.

Your kids and your spouse will thank you for the more pleasant and positive mom that returns after her workout.

I get it. We all have excuses. You’re stronger than your excuses. Now … GO GET IT …


  1. You are so very inspirational, I love it. i get the same feeling after my dreading exercise. Although a good diet plan like mine is also very helpful in weight loss

  2. Great motivational post! It is definitely up to people to do it that's for sure! If needing an all natural energy and motivator, I would encourage to visit

    With inspiration and some organic help - anything is possible. :)
