Saturday, September 30, 2017

Same girl ... smaller jeans.

Every fall, I dread (DREAD!) putting on my jeans.  All summer I wore athleisure wear, shorts and dresses.  Then in September or October, I'd jump up and down, pull and tug and shimmy into my skinny jeans.  I'd take a deep breath, zip-up and close the top button.  And then upon exhaling, I'd feel uncomfortable, bloated and sad - down on myself. 

Not this year.

This year they were baggy in the butt.  I didn't even have to unbutton them to get them on.  They just slid on up -- and then proceeded to fall down. So, I treated myself to a few pairs of size five skinny jeans.  Size 5/6.  SIZE FIVE/FRIGGING SIX!

I'm not motivated by being "thin".  I'm motivated by these feel-good-feelings. By feeling fit.  Healthy.  Accomplished.  Feeling comfortable in my own skin.  And feeling comfortable in those new skinny jeans, too. I am not a different person since I reached my goal weigh. I am the same girl ... in smaller jeans.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

RISE EARLY! 15 minutes a day = 450 mins per month

I'm a morning person. I haven't always been. But running long distances and a busy schedule have caused me to find my productive hours - when I function best. And it's first thing in the morning, with my cup (or two or three) of coffee in hand when I find I'm getting the most done. I'm rising between 4:30-5:30 to work on training programs, check in with accountability groups, respond to emails or coach or run for myself. It starts my day off right.  
And I'm getting SO much done before the rest of my family starts their day. It's been the most productive - and most successful - two years of my life.
Not a morning person? Just try getting up 15 mins earlier. Think that won't make a difference?? In one month that is 450 minutes. Think about that! If you even tackled 1-2 extra items each morning, that would be 30-60 things off of your list. Or give yourself 30 opportunities to write a to do list, go for a walk, meditate, read and focus on yourself.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Women Working on Wellness | Fitness & Weightloss Accountability Group with Running Diva Mom

Women Working on Wellness | Fitness & Weightloss Accountability Group with Running Diva Mom
October 1-22
Investment in yourself:  $30
Run, Walk and Run/Walk training options available!


- Three week calendar with running or walking program and wellness challenges to be completed on your own
- Personalized daily step goals
- Weekly private individual weigh-ins virtually with your coach 
- Gain additional accountability by sharing your daily step count and food log with the group (optional)
- Daily group fitness check-ins, weightloss & nutrition tips and motivation from your coach
- Private Facebook group for motivation

Participant with the highest percentage of weightloss will receive a FREE ENTRY into the November accountability group.

If you would like to avoid the Eventbrite fee, please email me at to pay by cash or check.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

UPDATED Sun Prairie & Madison Area Running Routes

Sun Prairie:

Running Diva Mom Studio:  105 N Bristol Street

Orfan Park:  2050 St. Albert the Great Drive

Sheehan Park (West):  1115 Linnerud Drive (across from the Sun Prairie Public Library)

Stoneridge Estates Park:  300 Stonehaven Drive

Wyndham Hills Park:  675 N Heatherstone Drive (shares lot with Horizon Elementary)

Carriage Hills Estates Park:  901 Woodview Drive

Madison Area:

Upper Yahara River Trail:  West of Windsor Rd/River Rd Intersection, Deforest/Windsor

Lower Yahara River Trail: 4081 McDaniel Ln, McFarland

Glacial Drumlin State Trail: Park at Cottage Grove Trail Head, 220 S. Main St, Cottage Grove

Pheasant Branch Conservancy: Middleton

UW Arboretum:  Park at Zoo or Arboretum Visitor’s Center on Arboretum Drive, Madison

Capitol City State Trail:  Park at Olin-Turville parking lot near Sheraton, 1156 Olin-Turville Court, Madison

Machinery Row (near Monona Terrace):  Park at surface lot at
601 Williamson Street, Madison

Badger State Trail: Madison

Military Ridge State Trail: Fitchburg/Verona

Token Creek County Park:  Park at first surface lot, 6200 US Hwy 51, Deforest

Olbrich Botanical Gardens:  Park at Gardens and run along commuter path, 3330 Atwood Ave, Madison

American Family Trails:  Park anywhere along the American Family Parkway complex and enjoy several 1-2 mile loops.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Be stronger than your excuses.

Not feeling it today?
Something else you’d rather do?
Too many things on your to do list?
Mom guilt?

Me too.

You’ll get more enjoyment out of the run and nature and the scenery than you will out of sleeping in.

Your body will loosen up and move more freely during the rest of your day than it will if you sit on the couch and stiffen up.

You’ll get more satisfaction out of your workout, than you will out of watching that Grey’s Anatomy episode.

You’ll be more productive to tackle that to do list later today.

Your kids and your spouse will thank you for the more pleasant and positive mom that returns after her workout.

I get it. We all have excuses. You’re stronger than your excuses. Now … GO GET IT …

Setbacks; Comebacks

I’ve been nursing an injury since last fall.  Yikes, it’s almost been a year.  In October I ran a marathon, followed by a half marathon that I coached two weeks later, followed by a weekend of a half marathon on Saturday and a full marathon on Sunday.  Yeah, I guess that’s a lot of running.  Makes sense why my body was hating me, didn’t want to cooperate and was screaming NO while my mind said YES.  I did really well at my races and was really happy with my finishing times – and my medals.  But my right hamstring was telling me that I did too much. 
I then opened the doors of my indoor running studio the following week and began coaching 12-15 sessions a week.  All of that pounding really took a toll on my body.  Once I started running outdoors with clients in the spring, I was still running about 15 times a week, plus running on my own.  My hamstring communicated with my sciatic nerve, which then spoke with my shin and calf.  They all were telling me to shut up and slow down. 
In my world, rest isn’t really an option.  This is the part where I say, “Listen to what I say.  Not what I do.”.  Oh yeah, so I signed up for another marathon, which I ran in June.  I don’t even want to know what my stride looked like during that race.  But, I was elated with my run and I finished in good time.
Then I stepped back …. Ok, just a little.
I seriously feared that I wouldn’t be able to run for myself any longer.  That I wouldn’t be able to coach any longer.  I don’t know which I feared more.  It was a scary feeling.  I was feeling lost.  I crave the run and the feeling it gives me.  I also love the feeling of helping others achieve their goals and watching them blossom as runners.  I was worried that all of that would be taken away from me.

I’ve used this summer to get really in tune with my body.  Running has taught me to appreciate my body.  Not just pound the pavement (or the treadmill for that matter).  But this injury (err, injuries) have taught me to REALLY appreciate it.  Appreciate what it does for me.  What it allows me to do.  It’s a privilege.  I’ve rolled out my muscles, iced when needed and tried to embrace some rest – and lots of walking.  I’ve also done lots of reading up on this sport that I love so much and researching injury prevention. 
I focused on tightening up my diet and embracing my accountability groups.  This allowed me to hit my goal weight earlier this summer.  It made me lighter and leaner and even more appreciative of my body and what women are physically capable of.  We are beautiful, amazing, strong creatures.
I’m really good at taking care of myself and exercising.  But I’m not very good at self-care.  So, I finally booked a massage and she worked her magic.  She focused on all of my problem areas and really got to the core of it.  It has seriously - changed … my … world. 
Right now, my coaching schedule is still really intense.  But I’ve made a conscious decision to scale back and focus on my clients’ goals – but also focus on myself and my well-being – and my family.
And the injuries?? …. My body is feeling so strong and healthy right now.  I’m ready to tackle my upcoming marathons in October.  My injuries are pretty much nonexistent.  And my long runs have felt really great.  I’m a different runner right now.
Being injured is no joke.  It changes you as a runner.  As an athlete.  As a person.  And it has changed me as a coach, too.