Thursday, June 22, 2017

TheraBand Foot Roller Review

I've been having a number of foot and shin problems, various aches and pains the past several weeks.  I have been looking for something to easy the discomfort.  I've been rolling out my legs and feet and icing a lot of my problem areas.  And I have also been taking my own personal advice of ..... resting.  Interesting concept, huh??!!  The kids also treated me to their own version of a sports massage recently.  It hurt so bad, but left me feeling better than I have in a really long time.  I think they liked torturing me!  But, the way it made me feel afterward, made me realize that I really need to schedule regular massages for my well-being -- or more than once every couple of years.

I also tried this small foot roller from TheraBand.  I've had it in my box of goodies for some time and was excited to finally give it a try.  I know that I have been struggling with plantar fasciitis for some time and just continue to work through it.  I was hoping that this would help.

This roller retails for less than $10 and provides great relief from pain and discomfort, just like your foam roller.  This is a small investment for what you can gain from it.  This affordable tool is very effective and provides temporary relief.  The really cool thing is - it can also be chilled or frozen to help reduce inflammation or pain.  I loved it.  And of course, my kids wanted to try it too.  It was soft and formed to the shape of my feet.

I also used the instructions that were included with the roller to perform a self rolling massage and various toe stretches.  It did provide temporary relief.

It is super small and portable and perfect for your gym bag or luggage if you are traveling to races.  You could even use it under your desk at work to temporarily ease discomfort.

No one said that my husband married me for my beautiful marathon feet, blisters and bunions.  They aren't pretty, but they carry me mile after mile.  And I'm determined to keep going and stay injury-free.

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