Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Step it Up Fitness & Weightloss Accountability Group with Running Diva Mom

Step it Up Fitness & Weightloss Accountability Group with Running Diva Mom
June 4-18, 2017
Investment in yourself:  $25
Run, Walk and Run/Walk training options available!


- Fifteen day calendar with running or walking program and wellness challenges to be completed on your own
- Fitness videos/classes incorporated into new session format
- Progressive step goals each day (8,000 to 15,000 steps)
- Weekly private individual weigh-ins virtually with your coach
- Gain additional accountability by sharing your daily step count and food log with the group
- Daily group fitness check-ins, weightloss tips and motivation from your coach
- Private Facebook group for motivation

Participant with the highest percentage of weightloss will receive a FREE ENTRY into the July accountability group.

If you would like to avoid the Eventbrite fee, please email me at runningdivamom@yahoo.com to pay by cash or check.

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