Friday, February 3, 2017

Unstoppable Women.

I have witnessed a whole other side of my clients over the past few months. I sometimes dislike calling them “clients”, because these dreamers and doers are also my friends.

Opening up the Running Diva Mom Studio in November was a dream come true for me.  I initially saw it as an opportunity to expand my business and offer safe year-rounds services to my customers.  But, running side-by-side on treadmills has offered so much more – to all of us.  Including me.
Having individual time together has allowed me to get to know many of them on a more personal basis.  Some I had only trained in a group setting.  And this intimate setting has allowed them to open-up even further to me. In the group setting, I usually get a few minutes alone with each client, to figure out what motivates them and check in on life events.  But having a whole hour to ourselves has been incredibly rewarding for me.
Large groups are fun, but it’s easy to get lost in the crowd and blend in.  These individual runs together have helped hold them even more accountable this winter.  It’s not as easy to skip a workout when you know that your coach (and cheerleader!) is there waiting to run with you – just you.
Music has moved them and pushed them to new limits.  I’m seeing a whole different side of people when I decide to crank up the volume – and the speed.

I’ve enjoyed opening up their eyes to new ideas.  To break up the monotony, we often run intervals.  Many have really enjoyed this.  After intervals became comfortable, I then introduced speedwork.  Speedwork can sometimes seem daunting – or even scary.  But I’ve gently worked it into their fitness routine – and I often get a huge sweaty thank you when we are done.  As we increase the speed, our conversations become quieter.  I then know that my clients are really pushing themselves at this point.  And I find it really rewarding.

Many walk in tired or unmotivated.  Most feeling guilty for taking an hour out of their day for themselves.  But they leave feeling energized, accomplished – and sweaty.  I witness different women heading back out the door and home to their families.  I see not only a stronger runner; but also an unstoppable woman, supportive spouse and more patient parent.

Unstoppable Women.

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