Friday, September 2, 2016

Early mornings.

I haven't always been an early-morning person.  It was running - and three kids - that changed me.  I'm not saying it's always easy to hop out of bed to log some miles or get things done at home.  But, I always know that it will set a better tone for my day.  Our little one has never really woke us up in the night.  She's eight months old and I thinks she's only woke up twice on her own.  I CHOOSE to set the alarm one or two hours before she rises for her day.  Yes, you read that right.  I do that so I have some time for myself.  And have the rest of the day to focus on getting other things done at home; focus on my family; and focus on my business.
This morning, the alarm went off at 5am.  It was dark.  I didn't really have anything planned.  A few miles maybe.  When the alarm went off, I didn't want to get up at first.  And then I remembered that the forecast was going to be amazing for today; and that these beautiful days are limited.  That was enough for me to get out of bed and put on my running clothes and have my morning cup of coffee before heading out the door.  There are going to be so many days during the cold, Wisconsin winter where I will be stuck running downstairs on my treadmill or running in place at the gym or dressed in layers-upon-layers outdoors on snow and ice.  Every run is a blessing.  Every opportunity is a blessing.  Every day is a blessing.  And today is going to be great, because I got up and ran this morning. 
I ran four miles with the dog.  I followed that with five miles by myself.  Nine miles.  I met my step goal - 17,000+ steps - all before 7:30 am this morning.
Now go tackle YOUR day.  You will get a lot more compliments for getting up and getting your workout in; than you will for sleeping in.

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