Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sunday Runday

Today was definitely Sunday Runday.  Some people may rest on the weekend; take a couple days away from the gym.  But I use the extra time to consume a lot of mileage.  Especially the weekends when I don't have my older two children.  Friday, I logged fourteen miles between my long run and a stroller class.  Saturday consisted of coaching 5K and 1 mile events at a local race.  And this morning consisted of coaching two morning classes, followed by my own personal miles with my tunes.
Half Marathon training started this morning for seven lucky women.  We didn't have our full group this morning, due to summer travel plans.  But we had our eye on the prize and big hearts out on the running path this morning.  Class started at 7:00 am.  We logged about four miles by 8:00.
I followed that up with the 10K running group at 8:15.  Two of the women are participating in both groups (some of my craziness may have rubbed off on them!?) and they logged the second run with us, too.  Five more miles done for the morning with a fabulous group of women.  It's so much fun watching runners conquer a distance they didn't know they were capable of.
After that, I followed with two more loops around the park and trail - for an additional eleven miles on my own.  I finally returned home around 11:45 full of sweat and a salty smile.  Twenty miles conquered this morning.  Thirty-nine for the weekend.
While I was gone, hubby ran seven miles with Baby Diva in the jogging stroller.  They ran to and from a friend's home for coffee this morning.  See - I'm not the only one planning my day and my miles.  It takes a whole lot of planning, understanding, conversations at home and a desire to stick to the plan.  Miles don't just happen.  You need to make them happen.

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