Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Took the stroller for a spin ...

This afternoon, in between coaching classes and picking up the older siblings from school, Baby Girl and I took our new jogging stroller for a spin.  I've been waiting for this moment!!  We ran six miles around town and she really enjoyed it.  She just took in the scenery, nodded off a few times and took some deep breathes as we turned into a strong head wind.  Neither of us had any complaints this afternoon.  The stroller was really easy to push and maneuver.  I was surprised at how light it was, too.  I can't wait to log more miles with her, as it seems that we finally have some nice weather to enjoy.  I couldn't help but smile internally while I pushed her block after block in the sunshine.  Sometimes, moments seem like the biggest blessing.  And everything else just fades away.  And she faded away to sleep - until I stopped - then, she woke up and gave me the happiest grin.

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