Friday, March 18, 2016

Simple Wishes Hands Free Breast Pump Bra Review

A few months ago, I entered this whole new world of breastfeeding and pumping.   It is something that I didn't try with my older two children.  The process can be very frustrating and time-consuming.  It requires a lot of planning and a lot of patience.  But it is so rewarding for yourself and your child.  While trying to fit pumping 5-6 times per day into my already busy schedule, I often struggled with needing to do one or two more things while I pumped.  Interact with my baby.  Respond to a message on my phone.  Make a to do list (I LOVE lists!!).  Grab my glass of water or my cup of coffee before it gets cold.  Sometimes when the house was quiet, I just wanted to read a book.  But my hands were busy holding my breast pump.
A few weeks into my maternity leave, I was so excited to receive an email, with a request that I review a Simple Wishes Hands Free Breast Pump Bra.  Simple Wishes offers several different tank and bra options.  I received the Signature Hands Free Pumping Bra in pink.
About the hands free breast pump bra:
This innovative bra gives moms the valuable gift of time by freeing up their hands for other tasks or allowing them to simply relax while using their breastpump. The patented design is adjustable in size, using high quality Velcro, to sustain a perfect fit over time as a nursing mother’s size changes. Straps and 1” Zip In Center Panel included to help achieve the perfect fit!
I found that this bra offered the same suction with the machine that I offer, just by holding the bottles.  Sometimes even more.  I was pleasantly surprised.  I also thought that once I let go of the bottles that I would find spillage, but that has never happened.  The bras is comfortable.  And, I can't say enough about the so soft fabric. 
The bra covers so many sizes and is totally adjustable - up and down.  This will fit every shape and body type.  It will "grow" with you as you slim down and lose that body weight.
I don't wear the hands free breast pump bra every time I pump.  But when I do, it is a moment when I need to be supermom and juggle multiple tasks.  When I return to work in a couple of weeks, I'm looking forward to using it so that I can check my personal email on my break or read a book if the mood strikes me.
Straps and the 1" zip in center panel are also included to make sure that you are comfortable and that it fits correctly.  I haven't had to use these.  It works really well when wearing a sports bra.  I just flip up my sports bra and strap this on below it.
Did I forget to mention that this bra works with ALL ELECTRIC PUMPS??  I keep it in my nursing bag, so that I always will have it with me when I need it.
The bra retails for only $39 online, which is only a little bit more than I purchased for my nursing bras at the maternity store.  I know many women and mothers have spent way more than that on regular bras at Victoria's Secret.  This bra is WELL WORTH THE INVESTMENT and the convenience you will receive from wearing it.  Consider it an investment in your sanity!  And, to top that - they offer an 100% money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.  Definitely try this out.

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