Sunday, December 6, 2015

Books 18-19 of 2015

I've been really busy with my reading this past month.  I've really enjoyed going to bed early and cuddling up with my flannel sheets and a good book.  I flew through the 400-odd pages in Nicholas Sparks', The Longest Ride last month.  I watched the movie with hubby earlier this fall and we both (yes both!) really enjoyed the storylines in the movie.  I quickly added this book to my Christmas wish list.  However, I found the book at Goodwill for $2 and gladly picked it up.  The book and the movie were slightly different, but I enjoyed them both equally.  They both followed the love story of a young couple on a ranch, experiencing early love and struggles during their relationship.  They both also follow an older couple that experience a lifetime of happiness and challenges during their marriage.  The book drew my right in ad I read chapter after chapter by the light on my beside table.
The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks
When I was browsing the aisles of Barnes and Noble for Christmas gifts, I came across Maternity Leave by Julie Halpern.  I also wanted to add this one to my Christmas wish list, but found that this new novel was available at my local public library.  And, it didn't have a long wait list.  A week later, the book arrived.  After I finished The Longest Ride, I started flipping through the pages of Maternity Leave and laughed hysterically with each page.  It was so funny and I related to her experiences so much, regarding child-bearing, childbirth and post-partum experiences while on maternity leave.  The book reminded me of some experiences from my time with Little Diva and Little Dude as infants, that I forgot I will experiencing all over again in a couple of weeks.  I had to recite several of the paragraphs aloud to hubby, because I found them so hilarious.  I loved that instead of chapters, this book divided each section into day-by-date occurrences with each day of the infant's new life with his mother.  I also loved her random, hysterical Facebook statuses scattered throughout the book.  I would highly recommend this book to any mother, expecting mother, or new mother.  You will relate to the experience and feelings so much and I loved how she said things that I may have thought, but wouldn't dare vocalize or share with anyone.
Maternity Leave by Julie Halpern

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