Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Congratulations on your Half Marathon, Nicky!

I met Nicky and her daughter earlier this year, as they both participated in a nine-week Running Diva Mom mom-and-me couch to 5K class in Sun Prairie.  Sometimes you just bond with people; and I connected with both of them.  Nicky was outgoing and very personable; her daughter was outgoing and always made me laugh - especially her excitement when she showed me all of her new running gear.  Nicky and I kept in touch and she reached out to me earlier this summer regarding training for her first half marathon.  She had tried to train for a half marathon on her own previously, but had gotten injured, and was unable to run her race. 
I worked with Nicky to develop a custom training program around her schedule as a busy mom (with a busy girl!) who also had other interests and activities on her agenda.  So we worked running into her routine, including some long runs.  Nicky ran her first 5K in August and she was a natural.  She ramped up her mileage and completed her first 10K in September.  And, then the grand finale was the Haunted Hustle Half Marathon at the end of October.  I checked in with her weekly this summer and fall to see how her training was going, answer her questions and to make suggestions/modifications.  And, Nicky stayed injury free!
We met for coffee on a Friday afternoon before the race and talked about her training up until that point.  "I feel ready!", she said.  And with that, I knew that this natural runner had all of the experience and training necessary to have a good race - and enjoy herself.  She had run the practice course with a group of runners, which was a little outside of her comfort zone.  Other than our couch to 5K group, Nicky enjoyed all of her solo runs on her own.  But she was very happy to have stepped outside of her comfort zone, met some other runners and familiarized herself with the course (and the hills!).
Later that weekend, Nicky had beautiful weather for her first half marathon.  And she completed her first 13.1 mile journey in style and with a smile on her face.  I had no doubt that she would.  I love that her husband spectated along the course by bike and that her parents pitched in to help out with their busy daughter's schedule, to get her to practice on one side of town, and then rushed to the finish line to cheer her mom on.  It just proves that anything is possible and that if you really want to commit to doing something, that you will find a way.  It's good to have goals.  And it's good to have a plan to help you get there.

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