Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Fit Snack Review & Giveaway

Fit Snack (HERE) contacted me to review their monthly shipment of healthy snacks.  I received my March shipment and have been enjoying goodies for the past couple of weeks.  The pretty box showed up at my door, filled with nutritious, portion-controlled snacks.  Fit Snack offers monthly and annual memberships - starting at $15 per month.
My box arrived, filled to the brim with healthy goodies.  There were so many great choices for my morning breakfast protein shakes, brownbag lunches at work, and on-the-go afternoon snacks.  I received a variation of full-size and sample size snacks.

Fit Snack also included a workout to try out.  This would be an easy way to try out some new moves or workouts each month, and incorporate them into your daily fitness routine.
I really enjoyed the Sea Salt Quinoa Chips.  They were a healthy option, when I was craving salt at lunch time.  The Lentil Chips came in a close second. 
I had never tried sun butter before, and these portion-control packages were perfect for lunches and snacks on the go.  I enjoyed them with triscuits for an easy, portable option. I'm a huge peanut butter fan, so these were a big hit with me.  They were also easy-to-squeeze packages.

I received a pancake mix, which my family hasn't had the opportunity to try yet.  I really enjoyed the almond and pumpkin seed mix for a protein-packed lunch with my greek yogurt.  That was all I needed to fill me up and keep my tummy satisfied at lunch and all afternoon long.  I had never thought of mixing in pumpkin seeds with my yogurt, but it was tasty.  Unfortunately, I did not enjoy the Veggie Chips.  I tried them for an afternoon snack, and had to toss them, because I couldn't eat them.  They weren't like the typical veggie chips that I purchased.  These looked at tasted like hard veggies and I honestly just couldn't eat them.

I love my morning protein shakes - usually mixed with almond milk and a banana.  I love trying new brands and varieties.  They Nogii brand was great and super sweet.  I preferred Vanilla Bean over the Chocolate flavor.  These are also gluten-free.
I tried the Compete Energy Bites before I had to coach one night.  They were easy to snack on during my commute from work to the park.  The pack had six individually wrapped bites.  The chocolate was a little bitter, but they were still taste and chewy.  The Complete cookie was also a nice afternoon snack at work.  It was super dense and satisfied my sweet tooth.  I enjoyed the Level protein bar with coffee for breakfast one morning.  It was chewy and I would buy these protein bars again.  All of these snack options were just enough to tie me over from lunch to my workout, but didn't weigh me down.  They were a no-brainer, since they were super portable.  I could just toss them in my bag.
One lucky winner will win a
Fit Snack Prize Pack
1 – Become a follower of my blog or already are?!  LEAVE ME A COMMENT
2 – Follow Running Diva Mom on Facebook HERE.  LEAVE ME A COMMENT
3 – Visit the Fit Snack website HERE and tell me what you think is fabulous.  LEAVE ME A COMMENT
4 – Become a fan of Fit Snack on Facebook HERE (and let them know Running Diva Mom sent you!).  LEAVE ME A COMMENT
5 – Post about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter (@RunningDivaMom @FitSnack #RunningDivaMom) account. LEAVE ME A COMMENT FOR EACH.
Enter now though April 16.

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom, please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]
[I frequently review products for active families and am not paid for my reviews.  I do receive free products to review.]


  1. Already follow your blog :)

  2. Following you on facebook!

  3. It's great that they are partnering with Feeding America to buy a meal for every box purchased! Great company :)

  4. I love their pay it forward program!

  5. Went to their site and I love that each product must meet at least 2 requirements such as non GMO, etc.

  6. I follow your blog on Feedly.

  7. Also, I'm a Running Diva Mom facebook fan.

    Amy Lauren

  8. I think the coolest thing on the site is that you can try products without having to buy a large quantity. I'd want to try that Complete cookie.

    Amy Lauren

  9. Also I'm a fan of Fit Snack on Facebook and commented.


    Amy Lauren

  10. LOVE that they are a company that gives back!!! Would love to win! annsterwolfe at comcast dot net

  11. I love that Fitsnack is non GMO

  12. I think the nut mixes look great to add to my plain greek yogurt!

  13. I like your facebook page already :)

  14. I love the whole concept of the Fit Snack service! Healthy versions of my favorite treats like chips, shake mix samples, and workout challenges? Count me in!

  15. I like Fit Snack and commented on their FB page: https://www.facebook.com/fitsnackbox/posts/1617829055121276

  16. Went to their website and their monthly prices seem really reasonable!

  17. I follow your blog on feedly.

  18. I like Running Diva Mom on Facebook.

  19. I think it's fabulous that when I buy 1 box, they buy one meal through Feeding America.

  20. I liked Fit Snack on facebook and told them you sent me there! https://www.facebook.com/fitsnackbox/posts/10104895907034870

  21. I tweeted about the giveaway! https://twitter.com/carrotrunr/status/586341972522176513

  22. whey and quinoa protein sounds yummy on their website!
