Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Details of a 40 mile weekend

This past weekend was an amazing opportunity to run - and run for myself.  On Friday, I started leading a new couch to 5K class for mothers.  In between that session, raindrops, sunshine and hail - I ended up running four times.  I found it to be a really productive day at home, with my business and pounding out miles on the pavement.  I coached one class, ran twice by myself and ran once with my husband before dinner - logging a total of twelve miles on Friday.  It was nice to get a few projects in here and there and then follow the tasks up with a few miles.  I didn't feel like I was devoting two hours to running, but I surely had. 
Saturday, hubby and I headed out for a sunny eight miler in the morning.  The sun felt warm and it felt great to sweat again.  I did start to over heat, as I over dressed.  I even filled back up on water before we headed home.  It was a great way to start our day.  We followed it up with a trip to Wisconsin Dells for people watching, shopping, mini golf and treating ourselves to dinner.

Sunday, we slept in (kid-free weekend), enjoyed coffee hour at home and then headed out for a late-morning run.  We were hoping for fifteen miles.  The first half felt pretty good and I felt in the groove of things.  At mile twelve, we were headed home for the last three miles and the wind was horrendous.  I don't know if I have run in such miserable wind before.  I ran ahead and then came back to my husband several times, before he admitted that he had just had enough.  I told him I was going to refuel at home and then head back out.  That's exactly what I did.  Thank goodness the wind was better during my last five miles.  I wanted to conquer the twenty mile distance because I was still feeling pretty good.  I put on my "easy listening" play list, so that I could just enjoy the next 50+ minutes (as much as one can!) and set a nice, slow pace. 
I ended up back at home after a total of 3:28:50 and twenty more miles to my belt.

This may have been my highest mileage ever in one weekend.  I did a good amount of stretching afterwards and hubby and I enjoyed a nice evening walk around our neighborhood, to keep our legs moving.  I always crave citrus at the end of my long runs.  So, I enjoyed fresh pineapple and some tasty oranges when I returned home.  I followed that up with a vanilla protein shake with a filling banana for extra froth. 
I thought I would be sore come Monday morning, but legs felt great.  I even got out with Little Dude for 1.5 miles on Monday evening.

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