Thursday, January 29, 2015

Fifteen Ways to Consume More Water

Many of you may have set a new year’s resolution to drink more water or give up soda.  I gave up soda in November and am nearly three months of being soda-free.  Being a Diet Mountain Dew addict, I admit that it was difficult at first.  I especially struggled when eating out, but it’s totally been worth it.  Water keeps you hydrated, makes you feel less bloated and you consume less calories.  Water also makes your skin clearer and more hydrated, which is especially important this time of year.  Choosing water when dining out is also a money saver.

I have been playing a lot of tricks with myself to consumer more water.  Here are fifteen ways to consume more water throughout your day.

1.    Start your day off right.  Drink a large class of water first thing in the morning after you brush your teeth.  This works well when taking your daily vitamins and prescriptions.

2.    Refrigerate a day’s supply of water the night before.  Ice cold water is much more refreshing to drink.

3.    Keep ice on hand.

4.    Keep a to-go cup with you at all times while running errands.  This is especially helpful when grocery shopping while hungry!

5.    Store a supply of pretty tumblers at home and at work.  You will be more inclined to reach for something that makes you happy.

6.    Drink a glass of water after your last cup of coffee.  This will also help keep your teeth clean.

7.    Keep fresh lemons and fruit on hand to sweeten up your water.

8.    Drink with a straw and consume more throughout the day.

9.    Drink water with your meals instead of soda, juice or milk.

10.  Take a water bottle with you while you exercise.  Invest in a handheld water bottle for mobility.

11.  Invest in a large jug of water and fill it in the morning.  Mark the jug with a half way goal and try to reach it by Noon.

12.  When going out, alternate each alcoholic beverage with a glass of ice water.  This will help keep you in check and you will consume less calories, too.

13.  After you complete each project during the day, enjoy a glass of water.  You will consume more water and feel accomplished in more ways than one!

14.  Use sugar-free flavor packets to sweeten up your cup.

15.  Drink a glass of water before each meal.  This will also prevent you from eating more.

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