Wednesday, November 12, 2014

2014 Womens Running Retreat - Madison, Wisconsin

The 2014 Womens Running Retreat was held at the Goodman Community Center in Madison, Wisconsin on Saturday, November 1.  Participation doubled from the first annual event in 2013.  The event was also shortened to take place during the morning only, so that participants could still enjoy the afternoon with their families.

The day started off with registration and shopping at the mini expo, with tables from Catalyst Activewear and various home-based business owned by local women and mothers.

After an introduction from myself, we started the day with our keynote speaker, Krissy Schintgen from Not Fast Just Fabulous.  She is a two time stroke survivor who started running recently after her daughter completed the local Girls on the Run Program.  Krissy recently completed her first full marathon this past weekend.

The morning went on to include a fun session on balancing  your personal energy, from Dusty Rogers, a Madison-area blogger from All Things G&D.

The program also included a session on nutrition and weightloss for runners, given by Jean Reiche, a dietitian from UW Hospitals and Clinics.  This was a topic that 2013 participants requested.

And, why not follow up a discussion on nutrition with a cupcake party!  The cupcake party also featured light refreshments and healthy snacks.  During the cupcake party, each participant each one a giveaway prize.  Prizes included free race entries, headbands, running apparel and gear, gift certificates and much more.  Participants had another chance to shop the mini expo and enter to win prizes that the business were raffling off.  This hour also gave ladies the chance to mingle with friends and meet other active women from the Madison-area.  I'm told that several new friendships and running buddies were formed during this time.

We ended the morning with an introductory yoga for runner's class, given by Gail Konop.  Gail and I have led classes together previously and she was the perfect addition to the morning's agenda - since many of the runners don't regularly practice yoga and were a little intimidated.  Gail made this class fun and provided several modifications.

And what Running Retreat would be complete without a group run on the bike path.  This was my favorite part of the day.  I was not only in my element - I was able to get to know the other women while we put in a few miles.

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