Friday, October 17, 2014

RDM Client Feature - Kally M

Name: Kally M

City: Sun Prairie, Wisconsin

Age: 35
When/why I started running:  I started running with regularity in the fall of 2011 in an effort to expel negative energy in my life and to do something good for myself. I did the Couch to 5K program on my own at the gym; running brought a new joy to my life and renewed pride in myself. Running makes me feel whole! First 5K: 3/12; first 10K: 5/13; first half marathon: 9/14. 
One thing that I discovered from running:  I discovered that I am far, far stronger and am capable of more than I ever believed. I learned that there is nothing that you can't do if you're willing to work for it! I am a happier person when I'm running--and also a better wife and mom. 

What I am currently training for:  I'm seriously eyeing the Cellcom Green Bay Marathon in May!  
Favorite song to run to:  Right now I love running to Jay-Z and Kanye West. However, I do love a good 80's power ballad or old school Metallica. 
My running motto:  One of my favs is from Coach Jamie: "Run your race; run your pace." I repeat this in my head (or even out loud) near the end of a long run when I worry about slowing down too much. It's okay to slow down, just don't quit! 

1 comment:

  1. I lived in Sun Prairie until I was 8 years old!! What do you do during the winter months for running?? Great story.. Good luck in future races!!
